Reputation: 2272
When I dispatch an action, service is called more than one time inside effect and I have to use "exhaustMap" instead of "concatMap" or "mergeMap" in all effects every time, and I do not know how it happened suddenly because it was OK before. And I know that I do not dispatch one action before one time but it calls the service more than one time (in this case two times).
I imported effect in contact module like this:
StoreModule.forFeature(personalContactFeatureKey, personalContactReducer)
and the Effect is:
loadPersonalContacts$ = createEffect(
() => this.actions$.pipe(
tap(action => console.log("before service call", action)),
concatMap(action => this.contactService.getList(action.query)),
map(personalContactList => personalContactActions.personalContactsListLoaded({ personalContactList })),
catchError(() => of(personalContactActions.setLoading({ loading: false })))
and I dispatch this action like this:{ query }));
Beside above issue, I've got noticed that every Reducer is called twice every time an action is dispatched. And all these issues happen from the time when I imported "StoreModule.forFeature" to other lazy loaded modules.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1414
Reputation: 2932
For me the issue was with defining
private state: State<AppState>
instead of private state: Store<AppState>
when using the following configuration
// Configure global states
const globalStates = [
provideState(authFeatureKey, authReducer),
// Register additional states here
export const appConfig: ApplicationConfig = {
providers: [
provideZoneChangeDetection({ eventCoalescing: true }),
// NGRX Configuration
// Only for development
maxAge: 25,
logOnly: false,
Angular: 18 and Ngrx: 18
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 2272
Finally I could find the answer, and this is because of
in appModule, and I commented it, so it does not call services twice inside effects and also does not call reducers twice. As mentioned in below links in github:
Upvotes: 1