Reputation: 475
I'm attempting to solve the following convex optimization problem in python, using (ideally) only the scipy package. The goal is to recover the matrix 𝐺. The matrices 𝒥ₘ, 𝒥ₖ, 𝒯, and the integers ℳ,𝓂,𝓀, and 𝓃 are known and fixed.
I'm given some matlab code that accomplishes this task, using CVXR
J_M = eye(M) - 1/M*ones(M);
J_K = eye(K) - 1/K*ones(K);
S_row = [eye(M) zeros(M, K)];
S_col = [zeros(M, K); eye(K)];
cvx_begin sdp quiet
cvx_precision low
cvx_solver sedumi
variable G(N, N) symmetric;
variable B(M, K);
DofG = diag(G)*ones(N, 1)' - 2*G + ones(N, 1)*diag(G)';
LofG = S_row*DofG*S_col;
G >= 0;
G*ones(N, 1) == 0;
L = cell(M, K);
for m = 1:M
for k = 1:K
L{m, k} = [LofG(m, k) B(m, k); B(m, k) 1];
L{m, k} >= 0;
B(:) >= 0;
minimize square_pos(norm(J_M*(B - T)*J_K, 'fro'))
Unfortunately, my knowledge of complex optimization techniques is limited (although the problem itself is, in principle, fairly straightforward), and I have no matlab experience. Some pieces of the translation are straightforward, while others I struggle with.
I've written an (admittedly very sparse) skeleton of an attempt to recreate some pieces of the matlab code.
from scipy.optimize import minimize
import numpy as np
def loss(...):
# M and K are given by size of T
J_M = eye(M) - 1/M * ones(M)
J_K = eye(K) - 1/K * ones(K)
DofG = diag(G) @ ones(N, 1) - 2 * G + ones(N, 1) @ diag(G)
LofG = S_row @ DofG @ S_col
return np.linalg.norm(J_M @ (B - T) @ J_K, 'fro')**2
res = minimize(loss, ...)
I'm not sure what G(N, N); symmetric
and B(M, K)
do, nor how be replicated in the python code. I can't seem to find a simple explanation in the CVXR
I'm also unsure how to replicate the constraints on B
and G
, and I'm unsure how to replicate the "iterated constraint":
for m = 1:M
for k = 1:K
L{m, k} = [LofG(m, k) B(m, k); B(m, k) 1];
L{m, k} >= 0;
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Views: 728
Reputation: 14654
Direct translation using cvxpy
import cvxpy as cp
import numpy as np
def solve(T, verbose=True):
M,K = T.shape
N = M + K
J_M = np.eye(M) - np.ones((M,M))/M
J_K = np.eye(K) - np.ones((K,K))/K
S_row = np.eye(M, M+K)
S_col = np.roll(np.eye(M+K,K), M, axis=0)
G = cp.Variable((N,N), symmetric=True)
B = cp.Variable((M,K))
# Here I am assuming that the product of diag(G)*ones(N,1) is broadcasting
Gd = cp.reshape(cp.diag(G), (N, 1))
DofG = Gd + Gd.T - 2*G
# Imposes N = M + K
LofG = S_row @ DofG @ S_col
constraints = [G >> 0, cp.sum(G, axis=1) == 0]
for m in range(M):
for k in range(K):
L = cp.bmat([[LofG[m,k], B[m,k]], [B[m,k],1]])
constraints.append(L >> 0)
constraints.append(B >= 0)
obj = cp.norm(J_M @ (B - T) @ J_K, 'fro')
prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(obj), constraints)
return G.value, B.value, obj.value
If you are familiar with numpy the above code should be easy to follow. The only difference is that instead of using numpy functions I use the corresponding cvxpy functions that can manipulate variables. The objects store variables and relations between them, when prob.solve
is called it will cast the problem to a standard form and submit to some solver.
solve(np.eye(3, 2) + 1)
(array([[ 0.68113622, -0.22048912, -0.10273289, -0.55665717, 0.19874296],
[-0.22048912, 0.68113622, -0.10273289, 0.19874296, -0.55665717],
[-0.10273289, -0.10273289, 0.08445099, 0.0605074 , 0.0605074 ],
[-0.55665717, 0.19874296, 0.0605074 , 0.48298721, -0.1855804 ],
[ 0.19874296, -0.55665717, 0.0605074 , -0.1855804 , 0.48298721]]),
array([[ 1.17174172e+00, 1.71742424e-01],
[ 1.71742424e-01, 1.17174172e+00],
[ 1.50334549e-15, -1.47036515e-16]]),
Upvotes: 1