Reputation: 13
I am trying to find out if its possible to apply multiple tags to all of the resources under a specific Resource Group in Azure. I don't know if this is possible because right now I am doing it manually via the Azure Portal but since our resources exploded I can't do it manually any more.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 2966
Reputation: 8254
One of the workaround is that you can add multiple tags to all the resources in you Resource Group through Powershell using New-AzTag. Below is the command that worked for me.
$tags = @{"<Tag1Name>"="<Value1>"; "<Tag2Name>"="<Value2>"}
$rs = get-azresource -ResourceGroup <Your_Resource_Group>
foreach($r in $rs){
New-AzTag -ResourceId $r.ResourceId -Tag $tags
In case if you are updating the Tag you can follow the answer suggested by Stanley Gong - Update Azure resource tags for multiple resources - Stack Overflow
$rs = get-azresource -TagName Environment foreach($r in $rs){ if($r.Tags.Environment -eq 'Non-Prodd'){ $r.Tags.Environment = "Non-Prod" Set-AzResource -ResourceId $r.ResourceId -Tag $r.Tags -Force } }
This can be also done in Azure CLI using az tag create apart from using Azure portal and powershell.
REFERENCES: Tag resources - Microsoft Docs
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