Reputation: 13
I am making a Dollar Cost Average code where I want to choose between 2 equations. I made an excel spreadsheet that I'm trying to portover to python. I've gotten pretty far except for the last step. The last step has had me searching for a solution for 3 weeks now. The errors happen when I try a for loop in a df when looping through. I would like to check a column with an if the statement. If is true then do an equation if false do another equation. I can get the for loop to work and I can the if statements to work, but not combined. See all commented out code for whats been tried. I have tried np.where instead of the if statements as well. I have tried .loc. I have tried lamda. I have tried list comp. Nothing is working please help. FYI the code referring is ['trend bal'] column. ***see end with correct code.
What the df looks like:
Index timestamp Open High Low ... rate account bal invested ST_10_1.0 if trend
0 0 8/16/2021 4382.439941 4444.350098 4367.729980 ... 1.000000 $10,000.00 10000 1 0
1 1 8/23/2021 4450.290039 4513.330078 4450.290039 ... 0.015242 $10,252.42 10100 1 0
2 2 8/30/2021 4513.759766 4545.850098 4513.759766 ... 0.005779 $10,411.67 10200 1 0
3 3 9/6/2021 4535.379883 4535.379883 4457.660156 ... -0.016944 $10,335.25 10300 1 0
4 4 9/13/2021 4474.810059 4492.990234 4427.759766 ... -0.005739 $10,375.93 10400 1 0
5 5 9/20/2021 4402.950195 4465.399902 4305.910156 ... 0.005073 $10,528.57 10500 1 0
6 6 9/27/2021 4442.120117 4457.299805 4288.520020 ... -0.022094 $10,395.95 10600 1 0
7 7 10/4/2021 4348.839844 4429.970215 4278.939941 ... 0.007872 $10,577.79 10700 1 0
8 8 10/11/2021 4385.439941 4475.819824 4329.919922 ... 0.018225 $10,870.57 10800 1 0
9 9 10/18/2021 4463.720215 4559.669922 4447.470215 ... 0.016445 $11,149.33 10900 1 0
10 10 10/25/2021 4553.689941 4608.080078 4537.359863 ... 0.013307 $11,397.70 11000 1 0
11 11 11/1/2021 4610.620117 4718.500000 4595.060059 ... 0.020009 $11,725.75 11100 1 0
12 12 11/8/2021 4701.479980 4714.919922 4630.859863 ... -0.003125 $11,789.11 11200 1 0
13 13 11/15/2021 4689.299805 4717.750000 4672.779785 ... 0.003227 $11,927.15 11300 1 0
14 14 11/22/2021 4712.000000 4743.830078 4585.430176 ... -0.021997 $11,764.79 11400 1 0
15 15 11/29/2021 4628.750000 4672.950195 4495.120117 ... -0.012230 $11,720.92 11500 -1 100
16 16 12/6/2021 4548.370117 4713.569824 4540.509766 ... 0.038249 $12,269.23 11600 -1 100
17 17 12/13/2021 4710.299805 4731.990234 4600.220215 ... -0.019393 $12,131.29 11700 1 0
18 18 12/20/2021 4587.899902 4740.740234 4531.100098 ... 0.022757 $12,507.36 11800 1 0
19 19 12/27/2021 4733.990234 4808.930176 4733.990234 ... 0.008547 $12,714.25 11900 1 0
20 20 1/3/2022 4778.140137 4818.620117 4662.740234 ... -0.018705 $12,576.44 12000 1 0
21 21 1/10/2022 4655.339844 4748.830078 4582.240234 ... -0.003032 $12,638.31 12100 1 0
22 22 1/17/2022 4632.240234 4632.240234 4395.339844 ... -0.056813 $12,020.29 12200 1 0
23 23 1/24/2022 4356.319824 4453.229980 4222.620117 ... 0.007710 $12,212.97 12300 -1 100
24 24 1/31/2022 4431.790039 4595.310059 4414.020020 ... 0.015497 $12,502.23 12400 -1 100
25 25 2/7/2022 4505.750000 4590.029785 4401.410156 ... -0.018196 $12,374.75 12500 1 0
26 26 2/14/2022 4412.609863 4489.549805 4327.220215 ... -0.015790 $12,279.35 12600 1 0
27 27 2/21/2022 4332.740234 4385.339844 4114.649902 ... 0.008227 $12,480.38 12700 1 0
28 28 2/28/2022 4354.169922 4416.779785 4279.540039 ... -0.012722 $12,421.61 12800 1 0
29 29 3/7/2022 4327.009766 4327.009766 4157.870117 ... -0.028774 $12,164.19 12900 -1 100
30 30 3/14/2022 4202.750000 4465.399902 4161.720215 ... 0.061558 $13,012.99 13000 -1 100
31 31 3/21/2022 4462.399902 4546.029785 4424.299805 ... 0.017911 $13,346.07 13100 1 0
32 32 3/28/2022 4541.089844 4637.299805 4507.569824 ... 0.000616 $13,454.30 13200 1 0
33 33 4/4/2022 4547.970215 4593.450195 4450.040039 ... -0.012666 $13,383.88 13300 1 0
34 34 4/11/2022 4462.640137 4471.000000 4381.339844 ... -0.021320 $13,198.53 13400 1 0
35 35 4/18/2022 4385.629883 4512.939941 4267.620117 ... -0.027503 $12,935.53 13500 -1 100
36 36 4/25/2022 4255.339844 4308.450195 4124.279785 ... -0.032738 $12,612.05 13600 -1 100
37 37 5/2/2022 4130.609863 4307.660156 4062.510010 ... -0.002079 $12,685.83 13700 -1 100
38 38 5/9/2022 4081.270020 4081.270020 3858.870117 ... -0.024119 $12,479.86 13800 -1 100
39 39 5/16/2022 4013.020020 4090.719971 3810.320068 ... -0.030451 $12,199.84 13900 -1 100
40 40 5/23/2022 3919.419922 4158.490234 3875.129883 ... 0.065844 $13,103.12 14000 -1 100
41 41 5/30/2022 4151.089844 4177.509766 4073.850098 ... -0.011952 $13,046.51 14100 1 0
42 42 6/6/2022 4134.720215 4168.779785 3900.159912 ... -0.050548 $12,487.03 14200 1 0
43 43 6/13/2022 3838.149902 3838.149902 3636.870117 ... -0.057941 $11,863.52 14300 -1 100
44 44 6/20/2022 3715.310059 3913.649902 3715.310059 ... 0.064465 $12,728.31 14400 -1 100
45 45 6/27/2022 3920.760010 3945.860107 3738.669922 ... -0.022090 $12,547.14 14500 -1 100
46 46 7/4/2022 3792.610107 3918.500000 3742.060059 ... 0.019358 $12,890.03 14600 -1 100
47 47 7/11/2022 3880.939941 3880.939941 3721.560059 ... -0.009289 $12,870.29 14700 -1 100
48 48 7/18/2022 3883.790039 4012.439941 3818.629883 ... 0.025489 $13,298.35 14800 -1 100
49 49 7/25/2022 3965.719971 4140.149902 3910.739990 ... 0.042573 $13,964.51 14900 1 0
50 50 8/1/2022 4112.379883 4167.660156 4079.810059 ... 0.003607 $14,114.88 15000 1 0
51 51 8/8/2022 4155.930176 4280.470215 4112.089844 ... 0.032558 $14,674.44 15100 1 0
52 52 8/15/2022 4269.370117 4325.279785 4253.080078 ... 0.000839 $14,786.75 15200 1 0
53 53 8/19/2022 4266.310059 4266.310059 4218.700195 ... -0.012900 $14,696.00 15300 1 0
What it should look like:
Index timestamp Open High Low ... account bal invested ST_10_1.0 if trend trend bal
0 0 8/16/2021 4382.439941 4444.350098 4367.729980 ... $10,000.00 10000 1 0 $10,000.00
1 1 8/23/2021 4450.290039 4513.330078 4450.290039 ... $10,252.42 10100 1 0 $10,252.42
2 2 8/30/2021 4513.759766 4545.850098 4513.759766 ... $10,411.67 10200 1 0 $10,411.67
3 3 9/6/2021 4535.379883 4535.379883 4457.660156 ... $10,335.25 10300 1 0 $10,335.25
4 4 9/13/2021 4474.810059 4492.990234 4427.759766 ... $10,375.93 10400 1 0 $10,375.93
5 5 9/20/2021 4402.950195 4465.399902 4305.910156 ... $10,528.57 10500 1 0 $10,528.57
6 6 9/27/2021 4442.120117 4457.299805 4288.520020 ... $10,395.95 10600 1 0 $10,395.95
7 7 10/4/2021 4348.839844 4429.970215 4278.939941 ... $10,577.79 10700 1 0 $10,577.79
8 8 10/11/2021 4385.439941 4475.819824 4329.919922 ... $10,870.57 10800 1 0 $10,870.57
9 9 10/18/2021 4463.720215 4559.669922 4447.470215 ... $11,149.33 10900 1 0 $11,149.33
10 10 10/25/2021 4553.689941 4608.080078 4537.359863 ... $11,397.70 11000 1 0 $11,397.70
11 11 11/1/2021 4610.620117 4718.500000 4595.060059 ... $11,725.75 11100 1 0 $11,725.75
12 12 11/8/2021 4701.479980 4714.919922 4630.859863 ... $11,789.11 11200 1 0 $11,789.11
13 13 11/15/2021 4689.299805 4717.750000 4672.779785 ... $11,927.15 11300 1 0 $11,927.15
14 14 11/22/2021 4712.000000 4743.830078 4585.430176 ... $11,764.79 11400 1 0 $11,764.79
15 15 11/29/2021 4628.750000 4672.950195 4495.120117 ... $11,720.92 11500 -1 100 $11,720.92
16 16 12/6/2021 4548.370117 4713.569824 4540.509766 ... $12,269.23 11600 -1 100 $11,820.92
17 17 12/13/2021 4710.299805 4731.990234 4600.220215 ... $12,131.29 11700 1 0 $11,920.92
18 18 12/20/2021 4587.899902 4740.740234 4531.100098 ... $12,507.36 11800 1 0 $12,292.19
19 19 12/27/2021 4733.990234 4808.930176 4733.990234 ... $12,714.25 11900 1 0 $12,497.25
20 20 1/3/2022 4778.140137 4818.620117 4662.740234 ... $12,576.44 12000 1 0 $12,363.49
21 21 1/10/2022 4655.339844 4748.830078 4582.240234 ... $12,638.31 12100 1 0 $12,426.01
22 22 1/17/2022 4632.240234 4632.240234 4395.339844 ... $12,020.29 12200 1 0 $11,820.05
23 23 1/24/2022 4356.319824 4453.229980 4222.620117 ... $12,212.97 12300 -1 100 $12,011.19
24 24 1/31/2022 4431.790039 4595.310059 4414.020020 ... $12,502.23 12400 -1 100 $12,111.19
25 25 2/7/2022 4505.750000 4590.029785 4401.410156 ... $12,374.75 12500 1 0 $12,211.19
26 26 2/14/2022 4412.609863 4489.549805 4327.220215 ... $12,279.35 12600 1 0 $12,118.38
27 27 2/21/2022 4332.740234 4385.339844 4114.649902 ... $12,480.38 12700 1 0 $12,318.08
28 28 2/28/2022 4354.169922 4416.779785 4279.540039 ... $12,421.61 12800 1 0 $12,261.37
29 29 3/7/2022 4327.009766 4327.009766 4157.870117 ... $12,164.19 12900 -1 100 $12,008.56
30 30 3/14/2022 4202.750000 4465.399902 4161.720215 ... $13,012.99 13000 -1 100 $12,108.56
31 31 3/21/2022 4462.399902 4546.029785 4424.299805 ... $13,346.07 13100 1 0 $12,208.56
32 32 3/28/2022 4541.089844 4637.299805 4507.569824 ... $13,454.30 13200 1 0 $12,316.09
33 33 4/4/2022 4547.970215 4593.450195 4450.040039 ... $13,383.88 13300 1 0 $12,260.08
34 34 4/11/2022 4462.640137 4471.000000 4381.339844 ... $13,198.53 13400 1 0 $12,098.70
35 35 4/18/2022 4385.629883 4512.939941 4267.620117 ... $12,935.53 13500 -1 100 $11,865.95
36 36 4/25/2022 4255.339844 4308.450195 4124.279785 ... $12,612.05 13600 -1 100 $11,965.95
37 37 5/2/2022 4130.609863 4307.660156 4062.510010 ... $12,685.83 13700 -1 100 $12,065.95
38 38 5/9/2022 4081.270020 4081.270020 3858.870117 ... $12,479.86 13800 -1 100 $12,165.95
39 39 5/16/2022 4013.020020 4090.719971 3810.320068 ... $12,199.84 13900 -1 100 $12,265.95
40 40 5/23/2022 3919.419922 4158.490234 3875.129883 ... $13,103.12 14000 -1 100 $12,365.95
41 41 5/30/2022 4151.089844 4177.509766 4073.850098 ... $13,046.51 14100 1 0 $12,465.95
42 42 6/6/2022 4134.720215 4168.779785 3900.159912 ... $12,487.03 14200 1 0 $11,935.81
43 43 6/13/2022 3838.149902 3838.149902 3636.870117 ... $11,863.52 14300 -1 100 $11,344.24
44 44 6/20/2022 3715.310059 3913.649902 3715.310059 ... $12,728.31 14400 -1 100 $11,444.24
45 45 6/27/2022 3920.760010 3945.860107 3738.669922 ... $12,547.14 14500 -1 100 $11,544.24
46 46 7/4/2022 3792.610107 3918.500000 3742.060059 ... $12,890.03 14600 -1 100 $11,644.24
47 47 7/11/2022 3880.939941 3880.939941 3721.560059 ... $12,870.29 14700 -1 100 $11,744.24
48 48 7/18/2022 3883.790039 4012.439941 3818.629883 ... $13,298.35 14800 -1 100 $11,844.24
49 49 7/25/2022 3965.719971 4140.149902 3910.739990 ... $13,964.51 14900 1 0 $11,944.24
50 50 8/1/2022 4112.379883 4167.660156 4079.810059 ... $14,114.88 15000 1 0 $12,087.33
51 51 8/8/2022 4155.930176 4280.470215 4112.089844 ... $14,674.44 15100 1 0 $12,580.87
52 52 8/15/2022 4269.370117 4325.279785 4253.080078 ... $14,786.75 15200 1 0 $12,691.42
53 53 8/19/2022 4266.310059 4266.310059 4218.700195 ... $14,696.00 15300 1 0 $12,627.70
Python Code:
from ctypes.wintypes import VARIANT_BOOL
from xml.dom.expatbuilder import FilterVisibilityController
import ccxt
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import config
import schedule
import pandas as pd
import pandas_ta as ta
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None)
#pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
import warnings
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime
import time
import yfinance as yf
ticker = yf.Ticker('^GSPC')
df = ticker.history(period="1y", interval="1wk")
df.rename(columns = {'Date':'timestamp'}, inplace = True)
#df.drop(columns ={'Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Volume'}, inplace=True, axis=1)
df.drop(columns ={'Dividends', 'Stock Splits'}, inplace=True, axis=1)
# df['Close'].ffill(axis = 0, inplace = True)
invest = 10000
weekly = 100
fee = .15/100
fees = 1-fee
df.loc[df.index == 0, 'rate'] = 1
df.loc[df.index > 0, 'rate'] = (df['Close'] / df['Close'].shift(1))-1
df.loc[df.index == 0, 'account bal'] = invest
for i in range(1, len(df)):
df.loc[i, 'account bal'] = (df.loc[i-1, 'account bal'] * (1 + df.loc[i, 'rate'])) + weekly
df['invested'] = (df.index*weekly)+invest
ATR = 10
Mult = 1.0
ST = ta.supertrend(df['High'], df['Low'], df['Close'], ATR, Mult)
df[f'ST_{ATR}_{Mult}'] = ST[f'SUPERTd_{ATR}_{Mult}']
df[f'ST_{ATR}_{Mult}'] = df[f'ST_{ATR}_{Mult}'].shift(1).fillna(1)
df.loc[df[f'ST_{ATR}_{Mult}'] == 1, 'if trend'] = 0
df.loc[df[f'ST_{ATR}_{Mult}'] == -1, 'if trend'] = weekly
# df.loc[df.index == 0, 'trend bal'] = invest
# for i in range(1, len(df)):
# np.where(df.loc[df[f'ST_{ATR}_{Mult}'] == 1, 'trend bal'], (df.loc[i-1, 'trend bal'] * (1 + df.loc[i, 'rate'])) + weekly, df.loc[i-i, 'trend bal'] + df['if trend'])
# df.loc[df.index == 0, 'trend bal'] = invest
# for i in range(1, len(df)):
# if df[f'ST_{ATR}_{Mult}'] == 1:
# df.loc[i, 'trend bal'] = (df.loc[i-1, 'trend bal'] * (1 + df.loc[i, 'rate'])) + weekly
# else:
# df.loc[i, 'trend bal'] = df.loc[i-i, 'trend bal'] + df['if trend']
# for i in range(1, len(df)):
# df.loc[df[f'ST_{ATR}_{Mult}'].shift(1) == 1, 'trend bal'] = (df.loc[i-1, 'trend bal'] * (1 + df.loc[i, 'rate'])) + weekly
# df.loc[df[f'ST_{ATR}_{Mult}'].shift(1) == -1, 'trend bal'] = df.loc[i-i, 'trend bal'] + df['if trend']
# plt.plot(df['timestamp'], df['account bal'])
# plt.plot(df['timestamp'], df['invested'])
# plt.plot(df['timestamp'], df['close'])
What some errors looks like:
np.where(df.loc[df[f'ST_{ATR}_{Mult}'] == 1, 'trend bal'], (df.loc[i-1, 'trend bal'] * (1 + df.loc[i, 'rate'])) + weekly, df.loc[i-i, 'trend bal'] + df['if trend'])
File "<__array_function__ internals>", line 180, in where
ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (36,) () (54,)
Another error:
line 1535, in __nonzero__
raise ValueError(
ValueError: The truth value of a Series is ambiguous. Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all().
No error but not the correct amounts:
df['trend bal'] = 0
for i in range(1, len(df)):
df.loc[df[f'ST_{ATR}_{Mult}'].shift(1) == 1, 'trend bal'] = (df.loc[i-1, 'trend bal'] * (1 + df.loc[i, 'rate'])) + weekly
df.loc[df[f'ST_{ATR}_{Mult}'].shift(1) == -1, 'trend bal'] = df.loc[i-i, 'trend bal'] + df['if trend']
See photo of screenshot of excel formula: excel spreadsheet
*** Made correct calculations thanks to Ingwersen_erik:
from re import X
import pandas as pd
import pandas_ta as ta
import numpy as np
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None)
df = pd.read_csv('etcusd.csv')
invest = 10000
weekly = 100
fee = .15/100
fees = 1-fee
df.loc[df.index == 0, 'rate'] = 1
df.loc[df.index > 0, 'rate'] = (df['Close'] / df['Close'].shift(1))-1
df.loc[df.index == 0, 'account bal'] = invest
for i in range(1, len(df)):
df.loc[i, 'account bal'] = (df.loc[i-1, 'account bal'] * (1 + df.loc[i, 'rate'])) + weekly
df['invested'] = (df.index*weekly)+invest
MDD = ((df['account bal']-df['account bal'].max()) / df['account bal'].max()).min()
ATR = 10
Mult = 1.0
ST = ta.supertrend(df['High'], df['Low'], df['Close'], ATR, Mult)
df[f'ST_{ATR}_{Mult}'] = ST[f'SUPERTd_{ATR}_{Mult}']
df[f'ST_{ATR}_{Mult}'] = df[f'ST_{ATR}_{Mult}'].shift(1).fillna(1)
df.loc[df.index == 0, "trend bal"] = invest
for index, row in df.iloc[1:].iterrows():
row['trend bal'] = np.where(
df.loc[index - 1, f'ST_{ATR}_{Mult}'] == 1,
(df.loc[index - 1, 'trend bal'] * (1 + row['rate'])) + weekly,
df.loc[index - 1, 'trend bal'] + weekly,
df.loc[df.index == index, 'trend bal'] = row['trend bal']
Upvotes: 1
Views: 119
Reputation: 2263
Does this solve your problem?
import time
import ccxt
import warnings
import pandas as pd
import pandas_ta as ta
import yfinance as yf
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from datetime import datetime
from ctypes.wintypes import VARIANT_BOOL
from xml.dom.expatbuilder import FilterVisibilityController
pd.set_option("display.max_rows", None)
pd.set_option("display.max_columns", None)
invest = 10_000
weekly = 100
fee = 0.15 / 100
fees = 1 - fee
ATR = 10
Mult = 1.0
ticker = yf.Ticker("^GSPC")
df = (
ticker.history(period="1y", interval="1wk")
.rename(columns={"Date": "timestamp"})
.drop(columns={"Dividends", "Stock Splits"}, errors="ignore")
df.loc[df.index == 0, "rate"] = 1
df.loc[df.index > 0, "rate"] = (df["Close"] / df["Close"].shift(1)) - 1
df.loc[df.index == 0, "account bal"] = invest
df.loc[df.index == 0, "account bal"] = invest
for i in range(1, len(df)):
df.loc[i, "account bal"] = (
df.loc[i - 1, "account bal"] * (1 + df.loc[i, "rate"])
) + weekly
df["invested"] = (df.index * weekly) + invest
# Super-trend
ST = ta.supertrend(df["High"], df["Low"], df["Close"], ATR, Mult)
df[f"ST_{ATR}_{Mult}"] = ST[f"SUPERTd_{ATR}_{Mult}"]
df[f"ST_{ATR}_{Mult}"] = df[f"ST_{ATR}_{Mult}"].shift(1).fillna(1)
df.loc[df[f"ST_{ATR}_{Mult}"] == 1, "if trend"] = 0
df.loc[df[f"ST_{ATR}_{Mult}"] == -1, "if trend"] = weekly
df.loc[df.index == 0, "trend bal"] = invest
# === Potential correction to the np.where ==============================
for index, row in df.iloc[1:].iterrows():
row["trend bal"] = np.where(
row[f"ST_{ATR}_{Mult}"] == 1,
(df.loc[index - 1, "trend bal"] * (1 + row["rate"])) + weekly,
df.loc[index - 1, "trend bal"] + row["if trend"],
# NOTE: The original "otherwise" clause from `np.where` had the
# following value: `df.loc[index - index, "trend bal"] + ...`
# I assumed you meant `index -1`, instead of `index - index`,
# therefore the above code uses `index -1`. If you really meant
# `index - index`, please change the code accordingly.
df.loc[df.index == index, "trend bal"] = row["trend bal"]
timestamp | Open | High | Low | Close | Volume | rate | account bal | invested | ST_10_1.0 | if trend | trend bal |
2021-08-16 | 4382.44 | 4444.35 | 4367.73 | 4441.67 | 5988610000 | 1 | 10000 | 10000 | 1 | 0 | 10000 |
2021-08-23 | 4450.29 | 4513.33 | 4450.29 | 4509.37 | 14124930000 | 0.0152421 | 10252.4 | 10100 | 1 | 0 | 10252.4 |
2021-08-30 | 4513.76 | 4545.85 | 4513.76 | 4535.43 | 14256180000 | 0.00577909 | 10411.7 | 10200 | 1 | 0 | 10411.7 |
2021-09-06 | 4535.38 | 4535.38 | 4457.66 | 4458.58 | 11793790000 | -0.0169444 | 10335.3 | 10300 | 1 | 0 | 10335.3 |
2021-09-13 | 4474.81 | 4492.99 | 4427.76 | 4432.99 | 17763120000 | -0.00573946 | 10375.9 | 10400 | 1 | 0 | 10375.9 |
2021-09-20 | 4402.95 | 4465.4 | 4305.91 | 4455.48 | 15697030000 | 0.00507327 | 10528.6 | 10500 | 1 | 0 | 10528.6 |
2021-09-27 | 4442.12 | 4457.3 | 4288.52 | 4357.04 | 15555390000 | -0.0220941 | 10396 | 10600 | 1 | 0 | 10396 |
2021-10-04 | 4348.84 | 4429.97 | 4278.94 | 4391.34 | 14795520000 | 0.00787227 | 10577.8 | 10700 | 1 | 0 | 10577.8 |
2021-10-11 | 4385.44 | 4475.82 | 4329.92 | 4471.37 | 13758090000 | 0.0182246 | 10870.6 | 10800 | 1 | 0 | 10870.6 |
2021-10-18 | 4463.72 | 4559.67 | 4447.47 | 4544.9 | 13966070000 | 0.0164446 | 11149.3 | 10900 | 1 | 0 | 11149.3 |
2021-10-25 | 4553.69 | 4608.08 | 4537.36 | 4605.38 | 16206040000 | 0.0133072 | 11397.7 | 11000 | 1 | 0 | 11397.7 |
2021-11-01 | 4610.62 | 4718.5 | 4595.06 | 4697.53 | 16397220000 | 0.0200092 | 11725.8 | 11100 | 1 | 0 | 11725.8 |
2021-11-08 | 4701.48 | 4714.92 | 4630.86 | 4682.85 | 15646510000 | -0.00312498 | 11789.1 | 11200 | 1 | 0 | 11789.1 |
2021-11-15 | 4689.3 | 4717.75 | 4672.78 | 4697.96 | 15279660000 | 0.00322664 | 11927.2 | 11300 | 1 | 0 | 11927.2 |
2021-11-22 | 4712 | 4743.83 | 4585.43 | 4594.62 | 11775840000 | -0.0219967 | 11764.8 | 11400 | 1 | 0 | 11764.8 |
2021-11-29 | 4628.75 | 4672.95 | 4495.12 | 4538.43 | 20242840000 | -0.0122295 | 11720.9 | 11500 | -1 | 100 | 11864.8 |
2021-12-06 | 4548.37 | 4713.57 | 4540.51 | 4712.02 | 15411530000 | 0.0382489 | 12269.2 | 11600 | -1 | 100 | 11964.8 |
2021-12-13 | 4710.3 | 4731.99 | 4600.22 | 4620.64 | 19184960000 | -0.0193929 | 12131.3 | 11700 | 1 | 0 | 11832.8 |
2021-12-20 | 4587.9 | 4740.74 | 4531.1 | 4725.79 | 10594350000 | 0.0227566 | 12507.4 | 11800 | 1 | 0 | 12202 |
2021-12-27 | 4733.99 | 4808.93 | 4733.99 | 4766.18 | 11687720000 | 0.00854675 | 12714.3 | 11900 | 1 | 0 | 12406.3 |
2022-01-03 | 4778.14 | 4818.62 | 4662.74 | 4677.03 | 16800900000 | -0.0187048 | 12576.4 | 12000 | 1 | 0 | 12274.3 |
2022-01-10 | 4655.34 | 4748.83 | 4582.24 | 4662.85 | 17126800000 | -0.00303177 | 12638.3 | 12100 | 1 | 0 | 12337.1 |
2022-01-17 | 4632.24 | 4632.24 | 4395.34 | 4397.94 | 14131200000 | -0.0568129 | 12020.3 | 12200 | 1 | 0 | 11736.1 |
2022-01-24 | 4356.32 | 4453.23 | 4222.62 | 4431.85 | 21218590000 | 0.00771046 | 12213 | 12300 | -1 | 100 | 11836.1 |
2022-01-31 | 4431.79 | 4595.31 | 4414.02 | 4500.53 | 18846100000 | 0.0154968 | 12502.2 | 12400 | -1 | 100 | 11936.1 |
2022-02-07 | 4505.75 | 4590.03 | 4401.41 | 4418.64 | 19119200000 | -0.0181956 | 12374.7 | 12500 | 1 | 0 | 11819 |
2022-02-14 | 4412.61 | 4489.55 | 4327.22 | 4348.87 | 17775970000 | -0.0157899 | 12279.4 | 12600 | 1 | 0 | 11732.3 |
2022-02-21 | 4332.74 | 4385.34 | 4114.65 | 4384.65 | 16834460000 | 0.00822737 | 12480.4 | 12700 | 1 | 0 | 11928.9 |
2022-02-28 | 4354.17 | 4416.78 | 4279.54 | 4328.87 | 22302830000 | -0.0127216 | 12421.6 | 12800 | 1 | 0 | 11877.1 |
2022-03-07 | 4327.01 | 4327.01 | 4157.87 | 4204.31 | 23849630000 | -0.0287743 | 12164.2 | 12900 | -1 | 100 | 11977.1 |
2022-03-14 | 4202.75 | 4465.4 | 4161.72 | 4463.12 | 24946690000 | 0.0615583 | 13013 | 13000 | -1 | 100 | 12077.1 |
2022-03-21 | 4462.4 | 4546.03 | 4424.3 | 4543.06 | 19089240000 | 0.0179112 | 13346.1 | 13100 | 1 | 0 | 12393.4 |
2022-03-28 | 4541.09 | 4637.3 | 4507.57 | 4545.86 | 19212230000 | 0.000616282 | 13454.3 | 13200 | 1 | 0 | 12501.1 |
2022-04-04 | 4547.97 | 4593.45 | 4450.04 | 4488.28 | 19383860000 | -0.0126665 | 13383.9 | 13300 | 1 | 0 | 12442.7 |
2022-04-11 | 4462.64 | 4471 | 4381.34 | 4392.59 | 13812410000 | -0.02132 | 13198.5 | 13400 | 1 | 0 | 12277.4 |
2022-04-18 | 4385.63 | 4512.94 | 4267.62 | 4271.78 | 18149540000 | -0.0275032 | 12935.5 | 13500 | -1 | 100 | 12377.4 |
2022-04-25 | 4255.34 | 4308.45 | 4124.28 | 4131.93 | 19610750000 | -0.032738 | 12612 | 13600 | -1 | 100 | 12477.4 |
2022-05-02 | 4130.61 | 4307.66 | 4062.51 | 4123.34 | 21039720000 | -0.00207901 | 12685.8 | 13700 | -1 | 100 | 12577.4 |
2022-05-09 | 4081.27 | 4081.27 | 3858.87 | 4023.89 | 23166570000 | -0.0241188 | 12479.9 | 13800 | -1 | 100 | 12677.4 |
2022-05-16 | 4013.02 | 4090.72 | 3810.32 | 3901.36 | 20590520000 | -0.0304506 | 12199.8 | 13900 | -1 | 100 | 12777.4 |
2022-05-23 | 3919.42 | 4158.49 | 3875.13 | 4158.24 | 19139100000 | 0.0658437 | 13103.1 | 14000 | -1 | 100 | 12877.4 |
2022-05-30 | 4151.09 | 4177.51 | 4073.85 | 4108.54 | 16049940000 | -0.0119522 | 13046.5 | 14100 | 1 | 0 | 12823.5 |
2022-06-06 | 4134.72 | 4168.78 | 3900.16 | 3900.86 | 17547150000 | -0.0505484 | 12487 | 14200 | 1 | 0 | 12275.3 |
2022-06-13 | 3838.15 | 3838.15 | 3636.87 | 3674.84 | 24639140000 | -0.0579411 | 11863.5 | 14300 | -1 | 100 | 12375.3 |
2022-06-20 | 3715.31 | 3913.65 | 3715.31 | 3911.74 | 19287840000 | 0.0644654 | 12728.3 | 14400 | -1 | 100 | 12475.3 |
2022-06-27 | 3920.76 | 3945.86 | 3738.67 | 3825.33 | 17735450000 | -0.0220899 | 12547.1 | 14500 | -1 | 100 | 12575.3 |
2022-07-04 | 3792.61 | 3918.5 | 3742.06 | 3899.38 | 14223350000 | 0.0193578 | 12890 | 14600 | -1 | 100 | 12675.3 |
2022-07-11 | 3880.94 | 3880.94 | 3721.56 | 3863.16 | 16313500000 | -0.00928865 | 12870.3 | 14700 | -1 | 100 | 12775.3 |
2022-07-18 | 3883.79 | 4012.44 | 3818.63 | 3961.63 | 16859220000 | 0.0254895 | 13298.4 | 14800 | -1 | 100 | 12875.3 |
2022-07-25 | 3965.72 | 4140.15 | 3910.74 | 4130.29 | 17356830000 | 0.0425734 | 13964.5 | 14900 | 1 | 0 | 13523.5 |
2022-08-01 | 4112.38 | 4167.66 | 4079.81 | 4145.19 | 18072230000 | 0.00360747 | 14114.9 | 15000 | 1 | 0 | 13672.3 |
2022-08-08 | 4155.93 | 4280.47 | 4112.09 | 4280.15 | 18117740000 | 0.0325582 | 14674.4 | 15100 | 1 | 0 | 14217.4 |
2022-08-15 | 4269.37 | 4325.28 | 4218.7 | 4228.48 | 16255850000 | -0.012072 | 14597.3 | 15200 | 1 | 0 | 14145.8 |
2022-08-19 | 4266.31 | 4266.31 | 4218.7 | 4228.48 | 2045645000 | 0 | 14697.3 | 15300 | 1 | 0 | 14245.8 |
Upvotes: 1