Reputation: 31
I have a requirement to loop through the particular files in a folder and merge those into one file and want it to achieve using a Batch file. My files look like below.
meanining, ILCY_NEW_timestamp
. The folder will have other files as well but I only need ones with today's timestamp. So I have written the following code to loop through all the files and combining the names into variable CL
set tt=%yyyy%%mm%%dd%
for %%f in (ILCY_NEW_%tt%* . *) do set cl=%cl%+%%f
set cl=%cl:~1%
echo %cl%
copy %cl% ILCY_NEW_CQ.csv
But, only the last file gets selected with this and it only gets copied into ILCY_NEW_CQ.csv
ignoring all previous files, even though they have today's timestamp in the name. Can anyone help me here please?
Upvotes: 3
Views: 1540
Reputation: 15899
If you need the time stamp for today automatically, use this little for loop with serg's copy command:
FOR /F "USEBACKQ tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%A IN (`date /t`) DO (
SET tt=%%C%%A%%B & copy /y "ILCY_NEW_%tt%*.*" "ILCY_NEW_CQ.csv"
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 7189
Copy command can handle wildcards by itself:
set tt=%yyyy%%mm%%dd%
copy ILCY_NEW_%tt%*.* ILCY_NEW_CQ.csv
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 5747
I can't get your date logic to work on my machine, but assuming that your for loop is correctly getting the right filenames, you can do something like this:
set tt=%yyyy%%mm%%dd%
for %%f in (ILCY_NEW_%tt%*.*) do type "%%f" >> ILCY_NEW_CQ.csv
The '>>' will append to the file (as opposed to '>', which would overwrite it). See this page for reference.
Upvotes: 1