
Reputation: 2235

How to create and emit custom event with Combine and Swift?

I have a class that I want subscribe by multiple subscribers. How can I achieve something like this (consider as pseudo code)? Does it possible to implement such events easily without implementing manually Subscription, Publisher with lots of code?

In short, it should be upgraded Delegate pattern. And it could handle Void events potentially. Just creating a Published property of type ([Item], [Item]) is not the case because event with the same repeated data can be sent one by one.

class SomeObservedClass: ObservableObject {

//We will have multiple listeners like this
class SomeListener1 {
    @Published var observedClass: SomeObservedClass
    init() {
        observedClass = .init()
        //Maybe something like this
            .publisher(for: .listChanged)
            .sink { (addingItems: [Item], removingItems: [Item]) in
                //Processing data
            .store(in: &cancellable)
        //Or something like this maybe
            .onReceive(.listChanged) { (addingItems: [Item], removingItems: [Item]) in
                //Processing data

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Views: 1541

Answers (1)


Reputation: 2235

Here is the solution utilising PassthroughSubject. For now the shortest and cleanest one I could produce. Tested with multiple subscribers, works like expected.

class MainClass {
    private let sequenceManager: SequenceManager = .init()
    private var bucket: Set<AnyCancellable> = []
    func subscribeMe() {
        //Here is how we use our publisher
            .publisher(for: .onSequenceUpdate)
            .receive(on: DispatchQueue.main) //Optionally
            .sink { (addingItems, removingItems) in
                //Handle new data here
            .store(in: &bucket)

//Object we want to publish its changes
class SequenceManager {
    private let sequencePublisher = UpdatedSequencePublisher()
    private func didUpdate(addingItems: [String], removingItems: [String]) {
        //Here we publish changes
        sequencePublisher.publish(adding: addingItems, removing: removingItems)

//Our publisher stuff
extension SequenceManager {
    struct UpdatedSequencePublisher: Publisher {
        typealias Output = (adding: [String], removing: [String])
        typealias Failure = Never
        private let passThroughSubject = PassthroughSubject<Output, Failure>()
        func receive<S>(subscriber: S) where S : Subscriber, Failure == S.Failure, Output == S.Input {
            passThroughSubject.receive(subscriber: subscriber)
        func publish(adding: [String], removing: [String]) {
            passThroughSubject.send((adding, removing))
    func publisher(for event: Event) -> UpdatedSequencePublisher {
        switch event {
        case .onSequenceUpdate:
            return sequencePublisher
    enum Event {
        case onSequenceUpdate

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