Reputation: 1
I need help with my code, when I run it I get the error 'attempt to call global 'localPlayer' (a nil value)' I want to make a hunger system in sandbox in my own hud. I found an addon with food there I took models and scripts and instead of getting hp, I need the variable with food to change, but there is a lot of food and a separate script is allocated for each food
here my code
AddCSLuaFile( "shared.lua" )
include( 'shared.lua' )
function ENT:SpawnFunction( ply, tr )
if !tr.Hit then return end
local SpawnPos = tr.HitPos + tr.HitNormal * 1
local ent = ents.Create( "AppleJuice" )
ent:SetPos( SpawnPos )
return ent
function ENT:Initialize()
self.Entity:PhysicsInit( SOLID_VPHYSICS )
self.Entity:SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS )
self.Entity:SetSolid( SOLID_VPHYSICS )
self.Index = self.Entity:EntIndex()
local phys = self.Entity:GetPhysicsObject()
if phys:IsValid() then
function ENT:Use()
local ply = LocalPlayer()
--local currentHungerLevel = ply:GetNWInt('foodSostoyanie') or 100
--ply:SetNWInt('foodSostoyanie', math.Clamp(currentHungerLevel - 10, 0, 100))
--local foodSostoyaniee = require "clientloa.lua"
--foodSostoyaniee = foodSostoyanie
--local food = foodSostoyanie - 5
local currentHungerLevel = ply:GetNWInt('hunger_level') or 100
--ply:SetNWInt('hunger_level', math.Clamp(currentHungerLevel + 10, 0, 100))
activator:EmitSound("eating_and_drinking/drinking.wav", 50, 100)
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Views: 1549
Reputation: 131
LocalPlayer() is a global function accessible only on client. The ENT:Use hook is accessible only on server, so you are trying to access a clientside only function on a server. Think about it - local player does not make a sense on the server, it only makes sense on the client - it represents a player entity. If you want to access the player that have used the entity - use a ENT:Use parameters:
function ENT:Use(activator, caller, useType, value)
//Heal the user
activator:SetHealth(activator:Health() + 10)
Refer to this page on garry's mod wiki:
Upvotes: 1