Reputation: 21
I am facing issue while pulling image from artifact registry to kubernetes pod.
I have created repository in artifact registry and i have pushed docker image with tag.
While i am trying to deploy images in kubernetes i am facing issue ErrImagePull issue.
I have tried to execute command below
gcloud describe pod {podname}
In events i am seeing below issue
Failed to pull image: rpc error: failed to resolve image: unexpected status: 403 Forbidden
Cluster pod using default service account. And i tried to provide artifact reader permission to default service account in gcp console.
But not working. Can anyone help me ?
Thanks in advance.
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Views: 1323
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First setup gcloud CLI in your machine and authenticate to your project in GCP using gcloud.
gcloud auth login
gcloud auth activate-service-account ACCOUNT --key-file=KEY-FILE
gcloud auth activate-service-account <svc-accnt-email> --key-file=serviceaccount.json
gcloud auth configure-docker
When you are trying to configure a private repository, you need to configure an imagePullSecret in your pod/deployment. GKE doesnot directly authenticate to GCR using service account, you need to configure a imagePullSecret
kubectl create secret docker-registry gcr-auth-secret --docker-server= --docker-username=oauth2accesstoken --docker-password=$(gcloud auth configure-docker) --docker-email=<service-account-email>
This will create a secret in default namespace. Based your namepsace, you can add -n <namespace>
to create secret in your namespace. You can get the value of secret using below command
kubectl get secret gcr-auth-secret -n <namespace> -o yaml
Now, you need to configure your pod/deployment to use this secret to authenticate to GCE. You can do this by adding the below in your yaml
- name: <cont_name>
image: <image>:<tag>
- name: gcr-auth-secret
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Reputation: 460
the first step is to validate the Service Account attached to the node pool of the GKE -->
That service account needs this role --> Artifact Registry Reader roles/artifactregistry.reader.
Lastly, validate the url of the image in the deployment.yaml -->
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