Reputation: 1
I'm trying to send personalized, individual emails to a list of people on a CSV file using an AppleScript + Apple Mail. Everything's working great, except that the sent messages are displaying with the first quote level on iOS (and in other mail clients).
Photo of indented quote level on iOS
Any ideas how to fix this?
set {lastname, eAddress} to getData()
repeat with i from 1 to count lastname
tell application "Mail"
set mymail to make new outgoing message at the beginning of outgoing messages with properties {subject:"subject"}
tell mymail
make new to recipient at beginning of to recipients with properties {address:item i of eAddress}
delay 0
set content to "Hi Dr. " & lastname & "," & return & "Email Body"
end tell
--show message window (otherwise it's hidden)
set visible of mymail to true
--bring Mail to front
send mymail
end tell
end repeat
on getData()
set colA to {}
set colB to {}
tell application "Microsoft Excel"
tell active sheet
set lastRow to first row index of (get end (last cell of column 1) direction toward the top)
repeat with i from 3 to lastRow
set end of colA to (value of range ("A" & i))
set end of colB to (value of range ("B" & i))
end repeat
end tell
end tell
return {colA, colB}
end getData
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