Reputation: 81
I am trying to add data to subplots with plotly and I keep running into a Value Error:
Invalid element(s) received for the 'data' property of
Invalid elements include: [Figure({
'data': [{'hovertemplate': 'year=%{x}<br>value_sum=%{y}<extra></extra>',
'legendgroup': '',
'line': {'color': '#636efa', 'dash': 'solid'},
'marker': {'symbol': 'circle'},
'mode': 'lines',
'name': '',
'orientation': 'v',
'showlegend': False,
'type': 'scatter',
'x': array(['2018', '2018', '2018', '2019', '2019', '2019', '2020', '2020', '2020',
'2021', '2021', '2021'], dtype=object),
'xaxis': 'x',
'y': array([1280, 1280, 1280, 747, 747, 747, 2596, 2596, 2596, 689, 689, 689],
'yaxis': 'y'}],
'layout': {'legend': {'tracegroupgap': 0},
'margin': {'t': 60},
'template': '...',
'xaxis': {'anchor': 'y', 'domain': [0.0, 1.0], 'title': {'text': 'year'}},
'yaxis': {'anchor': 'x', 'domain': [0.0, 1.0], 'title': {'text': 'value_sum'}}}
The 'data' property is a tuple of trace instances
that may be specified as:
- A list or tuple of trace instances
(e.g. [Scatter(...), Bar(...)])
- A single trace instance
(e.g. Scatter(...), Bar(...), etc.)
- A list or tuple of dicts of string/value properties where:
- The 'type' property specifies the trace type
One of: ['bar', 'barpolar', 'box', 'candlestick',
'carpet', 'choropleth', 'choroplethmapbox',
'cone', 'contour', 'contourcarpet',
'densitymapbox', 'funnel', 'funnelarea',
'heatmap', 'heatmapgl', 'histogram',
'histogram2d', 'histogram2dcontour', 'icicle',
'image', 'indicator', 'isosurface', 'mesh3d',
'ohlc', 'parcats', 'parcoords', 'pie',
'pointcloud', 'sankey', 'scatter',
'scatter3d', 'scattercarpet', 'scattergeo',
'scattergl', 'scattermapbox', 'scatterpolar',
'scatterpolargl', 'scattersmith',
'scatterternary', 'splom', 'streamtube',
'sunburst', 'surface', 'table', 'treemap',
'violin', 'volume', 'waterfall']
- All remaining properties are passed to the constructor of
the specified trace type
(e.g. [{'type': 'scatter', ...}, {'type': 'bar, ...}])
I have tried to convert the data to lists and tuples, but I still get this error. Further, when I simply plot the line without subplots, it works. I also tried switching to plotly.graph_objects, but it gave me some type of module error. The code is shown below:
from io import StringIO
import pandas as pd
import as px
Use-Cases 2018 2019 2020 2021
0 Consumer 50 251 2123 210
1 Education 541 52 32 23
2 Government 689 444 441 456
df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(data), sep='\s+')
# Go from a wide to long dataframe using melt
df = pd.melt(df, id_vars=[ 'Use-Cases'], value_vars=['2018', '2019', '2020', '2021'])
df = df.rename(columns={ 'variable': 'year'})
# get totals for each year so the percent calculation can be done
aggregated_df = df[[ 'value', 'year']].groupby(['year']).agg(['sum']).reset_index()
aggregated_df.columns = ['year', 'value_sum']
df = pd.merge(df, aggregated_df, on=['year'], how='left')
# Caclulate percents and format the column
df['percent'] = (df['value']/df['value_sum']*100).round(1).astype(str) + "%"
fig = make_subplots(rows=1, cols=2)
Upvotes: 0
Views: 787
Reputation: 31226
The last line should be:
adds a trace not a figure. px.line()
returns a
is a list of traces, so [0]
select first traceUpvotes: 1