Reputation: 196
actually I am posting this question again due to some disturbance and miss communication with other developer. actually I am using http_interceptor package where I want to retry the request upon 401 response using this package but when I am retrying I am facing following exception because I am retrying multipart/request from previous answer I got to know that it is a Stream/MultipartFile I can use it only once therefore I want to create new MultipartFile each time when I retry.
following is my interceptor where I am updating headers on retry
class AuthorizationInterceptor extends InterceptorContract {
Future<BaseRequest> interceptRequest({required BaseRequest request}) async {
final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
final extractData =
json.decode(prefs.getString('userData')!) as Map<String, dynamic>;
final Map<String, String> headers = Map.from(request.headers);
headers['Authorization'] = await extractData['accessToken'];
'this is from AuthorizationInterceptor: ${extractData['accessToken']}');
// TODO: implement interceptRequest
return request.copyWith(
headers: headers,
following is my ExpiredTokenRetryPolicy where I am restoring access token on 401 response
class ExpiredTokenRetryPolicy extends RetryPolicy {
BuildContext context;
// TODO: implement maxRetryAttempts
int get maxRetryAttempts => 2;
Future<bool> shouldAttemptRetryOnResponse(BaseResponse response) async {
if (response.statusCode == 401) {
print('retry token started');
//perform token refresh,get the new token and update it in the secure storage
await Provider.of<Auth>(context, listen: false).restoreAccessToken();
return true;
return false;
following is my client where I am using this 2 classes
ApiCalls repository = ApiCalls(
retryPolicy: ExpiredTokenRetryPolicy(context),
interceptors: [
in the above code ExpiredTokenRetryPolicy will retry on response 401 help is appreciated thank you in advance
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Views: 363
Reputation: 196
I had found solution....I found a bug in this package after a long research so I had shifted my package to http following is my code its works perfect
first import 'package:http/retry.dart'; from http package
var response = http.MultipartRequest("POST", Uri.parse(url))
..files.add(await http.MultipartFile.fromPath(
"imagefile", flutterFunctions.imageFile!.path,
contentType: MediaType("image", "jpg")))
..headers['Authorization'] = token!
final client = RetryClient(
retries: 1,
when: (response) {
return response.statusCode == 401 ? true : false;
onRetry: (req, res, retryCount) {
if (retryCount == 0 && res?.statusCode == 401) {
// Only this block can run (once) until done
Provider.of<Auth>(context, listen: false).restoreAccessToken();
req.headers['Authorization'] = token!;
final send = await client.send(response);
final res = await http.Response.fromStream(send);
Upvotes: 1