Reputation: 18691
I have two sets of points (actually I have many hundreds of pairs of two sets but for example, here's one) that look like this...
What I want to do is create a linestring or multilinestring that, when drawn, looks loosely like this...
The data looks like
onecons<- st_read("")
mapdeck(style=mapdeck_style("light")) %>%
add_scatterplot(onecons, radius_min_pixels=5,
tooltip='nodename', fill_colour = "pos", layer_id = 'nodes')
I think I'm close.
I did
polys<-onecons %>% group_by(pos) %>% summarise() %>% st_convex_hull()
mapdeck(style=mapdeck_style("light")) %>%
add_polygon(st_as_sf(st_difference(st_geometry(polys[1,]), st_geometry(polys[2,]))), fill_opacity=.5) %>%
add_scatterplot(onecons, radius_min_pixels=5,
tooltip='nodeest', fill_colour = "pos", layer_id = 'nodes')
which gives me:
A couple issues, if I flip the row reference in st_difference
then what I get doesn't make sense ...
mapdeck(style=mapdeck_style("light")) %>%
add_polygon(st_as_sf(st_difference(st_geometry(polys[2,]), st_geometry(polys[1,]))), fill_opacity=.5) %>%
add_scatterplot(onecons, radius_min_pixels=5,
tooltip='nodeest', fill_colour = "pos", layer_id = 'nodes')
Aside from that, I want the line I generate to be in between the points, not on them. I can live with it if it does land on the points but I'd rather it be in between.
Lastly, I don't know how to get the relevant border of the polygon to represent my new line. I can use st_boundary
to get the full boundary but I don't know how to just get the part that is in between.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 269
Reputation: 94277
First, define three useful functions. One computes voronoi polygons for a set of points and re-matches them to the points because the order of returned voronoi polygons doesn't match the point order you started with - this mostly taken from ?st_voronoi
st_pvoronoi <- function(pts){
## compute voronoi polys and match back to points
pols = st_collection_extract(st_voronoi(, st_geometry(pts))))
st_crs(pols) = st_crs(pts)
st_geometry(pts) = pols[unlist(st_intersects(pts, pols))]
Then a function to dissolve polygons grouped by some variable. This is an alternative to using group_by
without the unnecessary complication of having to handle non-standard evaluation of passing a value for splitting:
st_dissolve <- function(polys, v){
## dissolve polygons with common value `v`
splits = split(polys, v)
dissol = lapply(splits, st_union)
ID = names(dissol),
geometry =, dissol)
And thirdly a function that returns only lines that exist more than once in a geometry set:
st_common <- function(x){
## convert polys to boundary lines, intersect, st_boundary(x)$geometry)
Now how to use these. I've roughly digitised your blue and yellow example points:
pts = st_read("pts.gpkg")
plot(st_geometry(pts), col=pts$type+1, pch=19)
## pts = st_read("pts.gpkg")
Reading layer `pts' from data source
`/nobackup/rowlings/Downloads/SO/bord/pts.gpkg' using driver `GPKG'
Simple feature collection with 120 features and 1 field
Geometry type: POINT
Dimension: XY
Bounding box: xmin: -11576280 ymin: 2996930 xmax: -10502040 ymax: 4110600
Projected CRS: WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator
## summary(pts$type)
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.475 1.000 1.000
Then I construct the voronoi polygons, dissolve them on the type
, then find the common boundary:
pols = st_pvoronoi(pts)
pp = st_dissolve(pols, pols$type)
pps = st_common(pp)
plot(pps, add=TRUE)
You can see what each of those stages do by inspecting the object at each stage, or plotting. The final plot looks like this:
Note that if you have isolated points within a region of different type then those points will get "pinched off" and a ring line will be returned.
You should put this into a function:
st_borderline <- function(pts, v){
pols = st_pvoronoi(pts)
pp = st_dissolve(pols, v)
pps = st_common(pp)
Then all you need do is:
pts = st_read("pts.gpkg")
my_borderline = st_borderline(pts, pts$type)
Upvotes: 2