Reputation: 233
I want to estimate the Power spectral density using Continuous wavelet transform and a Morlet Wavelet. Bellow you can find the function I am using. Any comments or suggestions on whether or not the following code is correct?
import pycwt as wavelet
mother_wave_dict = {
'gaussian': wavelet.DOG(),
'paul': wavelet.Paul(),
'mexican_hat': wavelet.MexicanHat()
def trace_PSD_wavelet(x, dt, dj, mother_wave='morlet'):
Method to calculate the power spectral density using wavelet method.
x : array-like
the components of the field to apply wavelet tranform
dt: int
the sampling time of the timeseries
dj: determines how many scales are used to estimate wavelet coeff
(e.g., for dj=1 -> 2**numb_scales
mother_wave: str
db_x,db_y,db_zz: array-like
component coeficients of th wavelet tranform
freq : list
Frequency of the corresponding psd points.
psd : list
Power Spectral Density of the signal.
psd : list
The scales at which wavelet was estimated
if mother_wave in mother_wave_dict.keys():
mother_morlet = mother_wave_dict[mother_wave]
mother_morlet = wavelet.Morlet()
N = len(x)
db_x, _, freqs, _, _, _ = wavelet.cwt(x, dt, dj, wavelet=mother_morlet)
# Estimate trace powerspectral density
PSD = (np.nanmean(np.abs(db_x)**2, axis=1))*( 2*dt)
# Also estimate the scales to use later
scales = ((1/freqs)/dt)#.astype(int)
return db_x, freqs, PSD, scales
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Views: 1290
Reputation: 4653
It is hard to answer this question without knowing what you mean by "correct".
As far as I understand, your code allows to:
I was able to run your code against an electrogram data example from the scipy
library and it ran as expected:
from scipy.misc import electrocardiogram
ecg = electrocardiogram()
Since these data are sampled at 360Hz, I use dt=1/360:
db_x, freqs, PSD, scales = trace_PSD_wavelet(ecg, 1/360, 1/24, 'morlet')
Plotting the output db_x
fig = plt.imshow(np.abs(db_x), extent=[db_x.shape[1],db_x.shape[0],scales[-1],scales[]], aspect='auto')
Plotting the corresponding "PSD":
What you call "PSD" measures the energy contained in the CWT-transformed data at each scale, averaged over the entire recording, 5 minutes of data in this example. I am not sure how you plan to use this information but be careful that this is not the PSD of the original input time domain data.
Finally, concerning the Python implementation, you may simplify the way you call the default wavelet. Simply add the Morlet wavelet to your dictionary:
mother_wave_dict = {
'gaussian': wavelet.DOG(),
'paul': wavelet.Paul(),
'mexican_hat': wavelet.MexicanHat()
'morlet': wavelet.Morlet()
Then you can avoid the if
statement in your function and simply call:
mother_morlet = mother_wave_dict[mother_wave]
Upvotes: 2