Reputation: 1
this batch job does not work coz it does not update the record. As i am new to apex coding can anyone help me to add the update logic of the records? I am not sure where and how to add the update logic
global class BatchLeaseRenewalSubstatusUpdate implements Database.Batchable<sObject>, Schedulable{
private ApplicationLogger logger = ApplicationLogger.getInstance();
global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC) {
Id leaseRenewalRecTypeId =
String statusVal = LeaseRenewals_Library.LR_STATUS_OPEN;
string query = 'SELECT Id, Lease_Signed__c, Offer_Expiration__c, Yardi_Tenant_Status__c, Approved_Rent__c,'+
+'Lease_to_Date__c, Renewal_Letter_Sent__c, Resident_Response__c,Made_Contact_With_Resident__c,'+
+'Lease_Sent__c, Month_to_Month__c, Substatus__c, RecordTypeId, Status__c, On_MTM__c FROM Lease_Renewal__c '+
+'where Status__c =: statusVal and RecordTypeId =: leaseRenewalRecTypeId';
return Database.getQueryLocator(query);
global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<Lease_Renewal__c> lrList) {
global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC) {
System.debug(LoggingLevel.INFO, '==Batch Job Complete==');
global void execute(SchedulableContext SC){ }
this is the method where the logic is--
public static void updateLeaseRenewalStatus(List<Lease_Renewal__c> lstLeaseRenewals){
for(Lease_Renewal__c objLeaseRenewal : lstLeaseRenewals){
if(objLeaseRenewal.RecordTypeId == leaseRenewalRecTypeId){
objLeaseRenewal.Substatus__c = 'Renewed';
}else if(objLeaseRenewal.Yardi_Tenant_Status__c=='Past'){
objLeaseRenewal.Substatus__c = 'Moved Out';
}else if(objLeaseRenewal.Yardi_Tenant_Status__c=='Notice'){
objLeaseRenewal.Substatus__c = 'Notice';
objLeaseRenewal.Substatus__c = 'Status Error';
Upvotes: -1
Views: 830
Reputation: 19637
you just set the field values in memory but you don't actually save them to database.
update lrList;
Upvotes: 0