Matching the Scale and Entry in tkinter

I am going to match an Entry widget with a slider (Scale) in the tkinter. using the below code, when you change the slider, the Entry widget will change correctly. but, when I change the value in the Entry, it can not be changed, because the value is less than the from_ value given in the Scale. Is there anyone to know how I can solve this problem?

from tkinter import *

C1 = IntVar()
en1 = Entry(win, textvariable = C1, width=10), y=60)
sc1 = Scale(win,from_=100, to=530, length=200, variable = C1, resolution = 1, orient = 'horizontal'), y=40)

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Answers (1)


Reputation: 299

I have a little bit of longer approach to this problem but this should work. Basically you bind the entry and the scale widget with individual methods. You should also use an if statement to change the from_ and to values in the slide function so the max and min values of the scale will be changed

So your code should look like this:

from tkinter import *

def slide(event):
    num = en1.get() # Get whatever is entered in the entry
    if num.isdigit(): # Checks if it is an integer
        num = int(num) # Convert string to integer
        # Change the values on the scale
        C1.set(num) # Why no if statement?? Automatically snaps to the max or min value
        # Optional at the bottom if you also want the value in the entry changed:
        # on_change(None)

def on_change(event): # Change the value of entry
    en1.delete(0, END)
    en1.insert(0, C1.get())


C1 = IntVar()
C1.set(250) # Sets the value of the scale
en1 = Entry(win, width=10), y=60)
en1.insert(0, "250") # Setting the value of the entry
sc1 = Scale(win, from_=100, to=530, length=200, variable = C1, resolution = 1, orient = 'horizontal'), y=40)

# Use bindings individually
en1.bind("<KeyRelease>", slide) # This sends an event to the slide function whenever you type something in the entry
sc1.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", on_change) # This sends an event to the on_change function whenever you change the value on the scale


Hope this helps

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