Reputation: 35
I wanted to make a table that sanity checked record integrity for any duplications among my db.
I have a table currently with object names (tables) and their primary keys:
I want to create a procedure that loops through those objects with their keys, and inserts into a separate table the count of duplicates:
below is my code, but I've never done anything like this before and am new to postgres. What I have is from hours of googling/researching but every time I get closer I get a new error and am quite stuck :( Any insights would be greatly appreciated.
My newest error is I believe from my quote_ident(object_names). I don't want to query the column as postgres is reading it, I'd want that to be a raw string:
do $$
object_names varchar;
keys varchar;
rec record;
for rec in select object_name, key from mfr_incentives.public.t_jh_dup_check
object_names = rec.object_name;
keys = rec.key;
execute 'insert into mfr_incentives.public.t_jh_dup_check_final_output
select * from
(select ' || quote_ident(object_names) || ', ' || quote_ident(keys) || ', ' || ' count(*), current_date from
( select ' || keys || ', count(*)
from ' || object_names ||
' group by ' || keys || ' having count(*) > 1
) a
) a';
end loop;
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Views: 48
Reputation: 35
Found out my problem!
Being unfamiliar with the topic I finally found that I wanted quote_literal() instead of quote_ident().
The below works:
create or replace procedure public.proc_jh_dup_check()
language plpgsql
as $$
rec record;
for rec in select object_name, key from mfr_incentives.public.t_jh_dup_check
execute 'insert into mfr_incentives.public.t_jh_dup_check_final_output
select * from
(select ' || quote_literal(rec.object_name) || ', ' || quote_literal(rec.key) || ', ' || ' count(*), current_date from
( select ' || rec.key || ', count(*)
from ' || rec.object_name ||
' group by ' || rec.key || ' having count(*) > 1
) a
) a';
end loop;
Upvotes: 1