Reputation: 543
I use blue-imp jquery.fileupload basic plug int to build my own multiple file upload UI in web site. There is an issue with internet explorer. I does not fire Done event in fileupload plug in.
The code is :
function setFotoUpload() {
add:function(e,data) {
if(data.files.length + $('#fotoContainer .satir').length > 10 ) {
data.uyarildi = true;
alert("10 resime kadar ekleyebilirsiniz.");
return ;
$.each(data.files, function(index, file) {
data.satir = $('<div class="satir"><span class="imgW"><img src="/Content/style/image/loading.gif" /></span><span class="isimW">' +'"','').replace('','') + '</span><span class="tamamlanan"></span></div>').appendTo($('#fotoContainer'));
send:function(e,data) {
progress:function(e, data) {
data.satir.find('.tamamlanan').html('Yükleniyor : '+ parseInt(data.loaded / * 100, 10)+' %');
done:function(e,data) {
data.satir.append('<span class="sil ico-button">Sil</span>');
data.satir.append('<span class="vitrinFotoYap ico-button">Vitrin Fotoğrafı Yap</span>');
data.satir.append('<span class="yukariTasi ico-button">▲</span>');
data.satir.append('<span class="asagiTasi ico-button">▼</span>');
$('#fotoContainer .satir .sil').live('click', function () {
And My Html Code is like
<div id="fotolar">
<span id="val-error61" class="val-error" style="display: none;">Lütfen vitrin fotoğrafınızı
<img class="fotoLogo" src="/Content/style/image/ilan/ekle/ilanDetay/fb.png" />
<div class="fotoIslem">
<span class="ico-button btnResimEkle" style="position:relative;">
<form id="fotoUploadContainer" action="/ilan/resimkaydet" class="ico-button" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="file" id="fotoUploader" name="inputFile" multiple="true" style="position: absolute;
top: 0;
right: 0;
border: solid transparent;
opacity: 0;
filter: alpha(opacity=0);
-o-transform: translate(250px,-50px) scale(1);
-moz-transform: translate(-300px,0) scale(4);
direction: ltr;
cursor: pointer;
margin: 0;
border-width: 0 0 100px 200px;" />
</form>Resim Ekle</span>
<span class="ico-button btnHepsiniSil">Hepsini Sil</span>
<div id="fotoContainer">
@if (Model.tIlanResim != null)
foreach (var item in Model.tIlanResim)
<div class="satir">
<span class="imgW">s
<img src="@(item.Yol.Replace("Foto/", "Foto/th"))" /></span><span class="isimW">İlan
Resmi</span><span class="sil ico-button">Sil</span><span class="vitrinFotoYap ico-button">Vitrin
Fotoğrafı Yap</span><span class="yukariTasi ico-button">▲</span><span class="asagiTasi ico-button">▼</span></div>
Mvc3 Action is :
[KayitliKullanici, HttpPost]
public ActionResult ResimKaydet(HttpPostedFileBase inputFile)
string str = DateTime.Now.ToFileTime().ToString();
string extension = Path.GetExtension(inputFile.FileName);
if ((extension != ".jpg" && extension != ".jpeg") && ((extension != ".png" && extension != ".gif") && extension != ".bmp"))
return null;
var saveName = str + extension;
string path = GlobalPaths.TempFolder + saveName;
var fileName = Server.MapPath(path);
new IlanIslem().ResimKaydet(Server.MapPath(path), Server.MapPath(GlobalPaths.TempFolder));
return Json(new
inputFileName = inputFile.FileName,
Name = GlobalPaths.TempFolder + "th" + saveName,
Length = inputFile.ContentLength,
Type = inputFile.ContentType
return new EmptyResult();
//return new ContentResult { Content = GlobalPaths.TempFolder + "pre" + str + extension };
I've googled around but could not find an answer.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 4552
Reputation: 1560
According to this example here you should set the Content-Type response header to "text/plain" and the event should start firing.
Upvotes: 1