Reputation: 45
i have the following problem:
I have several values like ABD and then at the end i have (0-9; A-Z) defining the range. So if you write it out it's ABD0; ABD1;... ABDY; ABDZ.
How can i write out the ranges for both table structures (view them as separate) with formula or VBA code? SO that i have all the ranges written out like ABD0; ABD1;... ABDY; ABDZ.
Thanks in advance.
Update 3:
Upvotes: 1
Views: 116
Reputation: 9948
Disposing of Excel/MS 365 and the new TextSplit()
function you might profit from
the following blockwise calculation of array results.
Note that I assumed the entire code inputs in column A
only - it would be relatively easy, however to change the procedure also for the case of code inputs in two separate columns A:B
as mentioned by Dani as further possible input option.
Sub TxtSplit()
Const colOffset As Long = 3 ' column offset for target
Const colCount As Long = 36 ' 10 nums + 26 chars = 36
With Sheet1 ' << change to wanted Project's sheet Code(Name)
'1. define data range containing codes ' e.g. "ABD(0-3;M-N)", etc.
Dim lastrow As Long
lastrow = .Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = .Range("A2:A" & lastrow) ' << define start row as needed
'2. get codes
Dim codes: codes = rng.Value ' variant 1-based 2-dim datafield array
'3. clear target (e.g. 3 columns to the right)
rng.Offset(, colOffset).Resize(, colCount) = vbNullString
'4. calculate results and write them to range offset
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To UBound(codes) ' << Loop
'a) get definitions elements
Dim defs ' 1 2 3 4 5
defs = getDefs(codes(i, 1)) ' ABD|0|3|M|N|
'b) get array elements with numeric and character suffixes
Dim num: num = getNum(defs)
Dim char: char = getChars(defs)
'c) write results to target (e.g. 3 columns to the right)
With rng.Cells(1, 1).Offset(i - 1, colOffset)
.Resize(1, UBound(num)) = num
.Offset(, UBound(num)).Resize(1, UBound(char)) = char
End With
Next i
End With
End Sub
Help functions
... calculating the items with numeric suffixes using a Sequence()
.. calculating the items with character suffixes using a Sequence()
... tokenizing the code inputs via a TextSplit()
evaluation (based on an array of delimiters)col()
....... getting column numbers out of character inputsFunction getNum(x, Optional ByVal myFormula As String = "")
myFormula = _
"""" & x(1) & """ &" & _
"Sequence(" & Join(Array(1, x(3) - x(2) + 1, x(2)), ",") & ")"
getNum = Evaluate(myFormula)
End Function
Function getChars(x, Optional ByVal myFormula As String = "")
myFormula = _
"""" & x(1) & """ & " & _
"Char(" & "Sequence(" & Join(Array(1, x(5) - x(4) + 1, x(4)), ",") & ")" & "+64)"
getChars = Evaluate(myFormula)
End Function
Function getDefs(ByVal code As String, Optional ByVal myFormula As String = "")
'Purp: tokenize code string, e.g. ABD(0-3;M-N) ~~> ABD|0|3|M|N|
'a) split code into tokens (via array of delimiters)
myFormula = "=TEXTSplit(""" & code & """,{""("","";"",""-"","")""})"
Dim tmp: tmp = Evaluate(myFormula) ' e.g. ABD|0|3|M|N|
'b) change column characters into numeric values
Dim i As Long
For i = 4 To 5: tmp(i) = col(tmp(i)): Next ' col chars to nums
'c) return definitions
getDefs = tmp
End Function
Function col(ByVal colChar As String) As Long
'Purp: change column character to number
col = Range(colChar & 1).Column
End Function
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 507
Try this:
Change A2
with your cell reference
edit modified to include more than 1 digit and more than 1 alphabetic char
I've seen your new request and this is to expand horizontally from two cells
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 42256
Please, try the next VBA code:
Sub WriteRangeSeries()
Dim x As String, strPref As String, strCond As String, arrCond, strRow As String, strCol As String
Dim arrRow, arrCol, arrNumb() As String, arrLetters() As String, arrRng() As String, bool0 As Boolean
x = "ABD(0-11;A-Z)"
strPref = left(x, InStr(x, "(") - 1) 'extract prefix before "(" - ABD, in this case
strCond = Mid(x, Len(strPref) + 2)
strCond = left(strCond, Len(strCond) - 1) 'extract conditions to be processed (numbers and letters ranges)
arrCond = Split(Replace(strCond, " ", ""), ";") 'just for the case of spaces existing as: 0 - 11;A-Z, 0-11; A-Z, 0-11;A- Z
arrRow = Split(arrCond(0), "-"): If arrRow(0) = "0" Then arrRow(0) = "1": bool0 = True 'replace 0 with 1 in case of its existing as the first digit
strRow = Join(arrRow, ":") 'create the string to be evaluated as transposed rows
arrCol = Split(arrCond(1), "-"): arrCol(0) = Asc(arrCol(0)): arrCol(1) = Asc(arrCol(1))
strCol = Join(arrCol, ":")
arrNumb = Split(strPref & Join(Evaluate("TRANSPOSE(ROW(" & strRow & ")-" & IIf(bool0, 1, 0) & ")"), "|" & strPref), "|")
Debug.Print Join(arrNumb, "|") 'just to visually see the joined created array
arrLetters = Split(strPref & Join(Evaluate("CHAR(TRANSPOSE(ROW(" & strCol & ")))"), "|" & strPref), "|")
Debug.Print Join(arrLetters, "|") 'just to visually see the joined created array
arrRng = Split(Join(arrNumb, "|") & "|" & Join(arrLetters, "|"), "|")
'drop the built array content, starting from "A2". You can choose this cell as you need/wont:
Range("A2").Resize(1, UBound(arrRng) + 1).Value2 = arrRng
End Sub
Dis is the didactic approach, a little easier to be understood...
You can use it as a function:
Function createRangeArr(x As String) As String()
Dim strPref As String, strCond As String, arrCond, strRow As String, strCol As String
Dim arrRow, arrCol, arrNumb() As String, arrLetters() As String, arrRng() As String, bool0 As Boolean
strPref = left(x, InStr(x, "(") - 1) 'extract prefix before "(" - ABD, in this case
strCond = Mid(x, Len(strPref) + 2)
strCond = left(strCond, Len(strCond) - 1) 'extract conditions to be processed (numbers and letters ranges)
arrCond = Split(Replace(strCond, " ", ""), ";") 'just for the case of spaces existing as: 0 - 11;A-Z, 0-11; A-Z, 0-11;A- Z
arrRow = Split(arrCond(0), "-"): If arrRow(0) = "0" Then arrRow(0) = "1": bool0 = True 'replace 0 with 1 in case of its existing as the first digit
strRow = Join(arrRow, ":") 'create the string to be evaluated as transposed rows
arrCol = Split(arrCond(1), "-"): arrCol(0) = Asc(arrCol(0)): arrCol(1) = Asc(arrCol(1)) 'replace the letters with their ASCII value
strCol = Join(arrCol, ":") 'create the string to be evaluated
'create the array involving numbers:
arrNumb = Split(strPref & Join(Evaluate("TRANSPOSE(ROW(" & strRow & ")-" & IIf(bool0, 1, 0) & ")"), "|" & strPref), "|")
'create the array involving letters:
arrLetters = Split(strPref & Join(Evaluate("CHAR(TRANSPOSE(ROW(" & strCol & ")))"), "|" & strPref), "|")
createRangeArr = Split(Join(arrNumb, "|") & "|" & Join(arrLetters, "|"), "|") 'make the array by splitting the above joined arrays
End Function
And can be used in the next way:
Sub testCreateRange()
Dim x As String, arrRng() As String, rngFirstCell As Range
x = "ABD(0-11;A-Z)"
Set rngFirstCell = Range("A2")
arrRng = createRangeArr(x)
rngFirstCell.Resize(1, UBound(arrRng) + 1).Value2 = arrRng
End Sub
Or using it as UDF, placing the next formula in a cell:
Of course, in A1 (or somewhere else) must be the string to be evaluated (ABD(0-11;A-Z))...
In order to build the string to be evaluated from two cells value, you can simple use (as UDF) formula:
Of course, A1 and A2 will keep partial strings to build the necesssary one...
And in case of calling the function from VBA, you can use:
arrRng = createRangeArr(Range("A1").value & Range("A2").value)
Upvotes: 2