I have a products table. Each row in that table corresponds to a single product and it's identified by a unique Id. Now each product can have multiple "codes" associated with that product. For example:
Id | Code ---------------------- 0001 | IN,ON,ME,OH 0002 | ON,VI,AC,ZO 0003 | QA,PS,OO,ME
What I'm trying to do is create a stored procedure so that I can pass in a codes like "ON,ME" and have it return every product that contains the "ON" or "ME" code. Since the codes are comma separated, I don't know how I can split those and search them. Is this possible using only TSQL?
Edit: It's a mission critical table. I don't have the authority to change it.
Upvotes: 6
Views: 33495
Reputation: 1754
1st Step : Code to create function
<font face="Courier New" size="2">
<font color = "blue">CREATE</font> <font color = "blue">FUNCTION</font> <font color = "maroon">[dbo]</font><font color = "silver">.</font><font color = "#FF0080"><b>[Udflistofids]</b></font> <font color = "maroon">(</font>
<br/><font color = "green"><i>-- Add the parameters for the function here</i></font>
<br/><font color = "#8000FF">@ListOfIDs</font> <font color = "blue">AS</font> <font color = "black"><i>VARCHAR</i></font><font color = "maroon">(</font><font color = "maroon">max</font><font color = "maroon">)</font>
<br/><font color = "green"><i>--, @IDsSeperationChar as varchar(5) = ','</i></font>
<br/><font color = "silver">,</font>
<br/><font color = "#8000FF">@UniqueID1</font> <font color = "black"><i>VARCHAR</i></font><font color = "maroon">(</font><font color = "black">250</font><font color = "maroon">)</font><font color = "silver">,</font>
<br/><font color = "#8000FF">@UniqueID2</font> <font color = "black"><i>VARCHAR</i></font><font color = "maroon">(</font><font color = "black">250</font><font color = "maroon">)</font><font color = "silver">,</font>
<br/><font color = "#8000FF">@UniqueID3</font> <font color = "black"><i>VARCHAR</i></font><font color = "maroon">(</font><font color = "black">250</font><font color = "maroon">)</font><font color = "silver">,</font>
<br/><font color = "#8000FF">@UniqueID4</font> <font color = "black"><i>VARCHAR</i></font><font color = "maroon">(</font><font color = "black">250</font><font color = "maroon">)</font><font color = "silver">,</font>
<br/><font color = "#8000FF">@UniqueID5</font> <font color = "black"><i>VARCHAR</i></font><font color = "maroon">(</font><font color = "black">250</font><font color = "maroon">)</font><font color = "maroon">)</font>
<br/><font color = "maroon">returns</font> <font color = "#8000FF">@TabListOfIDs</font> <font color = "blue">TABLE</font> <font color = "maroon">(</font>
<br/> <font color = "green"><i>-- Add the column definitions for the TABLE variable here</i></font>
<br/> <font color = "maroon">id</font> <font color = "black"><i>VARCHAR</i></font><font color = "maroon">(</font><font color = "black">50</font><font color = "maroon">)</font><font color = "silver">,</font>
<br/> <font color = "maroon">uniqueid1</font> <font color = "black"><i>VARCHAR</i></font><font color = "maroon">(</font><font color = "black">250</font><font color = "maroon">)</font><font color = "silver">,</font>
<br/> <font color = "maroon">uniqueid2</font> <font color = "black"><i>VARCHAR</i></font><font color = "maroon">(</font><font color = "black">250</font><font color = "maroon">)</font><font color = "silver">,</font>
<br/> <font color = "maroon">uniqueid3</font> <font color = "black"><i>VARCHAR</i></font><font color = "maroon">(</font><font color = "black">250</font><font color = "maroon">)</font><font color = "silver">,</font>
<br/> <font color = "maroon">uniqueid4</font> <font color = "black"><i>VARCHAR</i></font><font color = "maroon">(</font><font color = "black">250</font><font color = "maroon">)</font><font color = "silver">,</font>
<br/> <font color = "maroon">uniqueid5</font> <font color = "black"><i>VARCHAR</i></font><font color = "maroon">(</font><font color = "black">250</font><font color = "maroon">)</font><font color = "maroon">)</font>
<br/><font color = "blue">AS</font>
<br/> <font color = "blue">BEGIN</font>
<br/> <font color = "green"><i>-- Fill the table variable with the rows for your result set</i></font>
<br/> <font color = "blue">DECLARE</font> <font color = "#8000FF">@Pos</font> <font color = "blue">AS</font> <font color = "black"><i>INT</i></font>
<br/> <font color = "blue">DECLARE</font> <font color = "#8000FF">@ID</font> <font color = "blue">AS</font> <font color = "black"><i>VARCHAR</i></font><font color = "maroon">(</font><font color = "black">50</font><font color = "maroon">)</font><font color = "silver">,</font>
<br/> <font color = "#8000FF">@IDsSeperationChar</font> <font color = "blue">AS</font> <font color = "black"><i>VARCHAR</i></font><font color = "maroon">(</font><font color = "black">5</font><font color = "maroon">)</font> <font color = "silver">=</font> <font color = "red">','</font>
<br/> <font color = "green"><i>--SET @ListOfIDs = REPLACE( @ListOfIDs, @IDsSeperationChar, ',')</i></font>
<br/> <font color = "blue">SET</font> <font color = "#8000FF">@ListOfIDs</font> <font color = "silver">=</font> <font color = "fuchsia"><i>Ltrim</i></font><font color = "maroon">(</font><font color = "fuchsia"><i>Rtrim</i></font><font color = "maroon">(</font><font color = "#8000FF">@ListOfIDs</font><font color = "maroon">)</font><font color = "maroon">)</font>
<br/> <font color = "silver">+</font> <font color = "#8000FF">@IDsSeperationChar</font>
<br/> <font color = "blue">SET</font> <font color = "#8000FF">@Pos</font> <font color = "silver">=</font> <font color = "fuchsia"><i>Patindex</i></font><font color = "maroon">(</font><font color = "red">'%'</font> <font color = "silver">+</font> <font color = "#8000FF">@IDsSeperationChar</font> <font color = "silver">+</font> <font color = "red">'%'</font><font color = "silver">,</font> <font color = "#8000FF">@ListOfIDs</font><font color = "maroon">)</font>
<br/> <font color = "green"><i>--SET @Pos = CHARINDEX(@IDsSeperationChar, @ListOfIDs, 1)</i></font>
<br/> <font color = "blue">IF</font> <font color = "fuchsia"><i>Replace</i></font><font color = "maroon">(</font><font color = "#8000FF">@ListOfIDs</font><font color = "silver">,</font> <font color = "#8000FF">@IDsSeperationChar</font><font color = "silver">,</font> <font color = "red">''</font><font color = "maroon">)</font> <font color = "silver"><></font> <font color = "red">''</font>
<br/> <font color = "blue">BEGIN</font>
<br/> <font color = "blue">WHILE</font> <font color = "#8000FF">@Pos</font> <font color = "silver">></font> <font color = "black">0</font>
<br/> <font color = "blue">BEGIN</font>
<br/> <font color = "blue">SET</font> <font color = "#8000FF">@ID</font> <font color = "silver">=</font> <font color = "fuchsia"><i>Ltrim</i></font><font color = "maroon">(</font><font color = "fuchsia"><i>Rtrim</i></font><font color = "maroon">(</font><font color = "fuchsia"><i>LEFT</i></font><font color = "maroon">(</font><font color = "#8000FF">@ListOfIDs</font><font color = "silver">,</font> <font color = "#8000FF">@Pos</font> <font color = "silver">-</font> <font color = "black">1</font><font color = "maroon">)</font><font color = "maroon">)</font><font color = "maroon">)</font>
<br/> <font color = "blue">IF</font> <font color = "#8000FF">@ID</font> <font color = "silver"><></font> <font color = "red">''</font>
<br/> <font color = "blue">BEGIN</font>
<br/> <font color = "blue">INSERT</font> <font color = "blue">INTO</font> <font color = "#8000FF">@TabListOfIDs</font>
<br/> <font color = "maroon">(</font><font color = "maroon">id</font><font color = "silver">,</font>
<br/> <font color = "maroon">uniqueid1</font><font color = "silver">,</font>
<br/> <font color = "maroon">uniqueid2</font><font color = "silver">,</font>
<br/> <font color = "maroon">uniqueid3</font><font color = "silver">,</font>
<br/> <font color = "maroon">uniqueid4</font><font color = "silver">,</font>
<br/> <font color = "maroon">uniqueid5</font><font color = "maroon">)</font>
<br/> <font color = "blue">VALUES</font> <font color = "maroon">(</font><font color = "#8000FF">@ID</font><font color = "silver">,</font>
<br/> <font color = "#8000FF">@UniqueID1</font><font color = "silver">,</font>
<br/> <font color = "#8000FF">@UniqueID2</font><font color = "silver">,</font>
<br/> <font color = "#8000FF">@UniqueID3</font><font color = "silver">,</font>
<br/> <font color = "#8000FF">@UniqueID4</font><font color = "silver">,</font>
<br/> <font color = "#8000FF">@UniqueID5</font><font color = "maroon">)</font> <font color = "green"><i>--Use Appropriate conversion</i></font>
<br/> <font color = "blue">END</font>
<br/> <font color = "blue">SET</font> <font color = "#8000FF">@ListOfIDs</font> <font color = "silver">=</font> <font color = "fuchsia"><i>RIGHT</i></font><font color = "maroon">(</font><font color = "#8000FF">@ListOfIDs</font><font color = "silver">,</font> <font color = "fuchsia"><i>Len</i></font><font color = "maroon">(</font><font color = "#8000FF">@ListOfIDs</font><font color = "maroon">)</font> <font color = "silver">-</font>
<br/> <font color = "fuchsia"><i>Len</i></font><font color = "maroon">(</font><font color = "#8000FF">@ID</font> <font color = "silver">+</font> <font color = "#8000FF">@IDsSeperationChar</font><font color = "maroon">)</font>
<br/> <font color = "maroon">)</font>
<br/> <font color = "blue">SET</font> <font color = "#8000FF">@Pos</font> <font color = "silver">=</font> <font color = "fuchsia"><i>Patindex</i></font><font color = "maroon">(</font><font color = "red">'%'</font> <font color = "silver">+</font> <font color = "#8000FF">@IDsSeperationChar</font> <font color = "silver">+</font> <font color = "red">'%'</font><font color = "silver">,</font> <font color = "#8000FF">@ListOfIDs</font>
<br/> <font color = "maroon">)</font>
<br/> <font color = "green"><i>--SET @Pos = CHARINDEX(@IDsSeperationChar, @ListOfIDs, 1)</i></font>
<br/> <font color = "blue">END</font>
<br/> <font color = "blue">END</font>
<br/> <font color = "blue">RETURN</font>
<br/> <font color = "blue">END</font>
<br/><font color = "maroon">go</font>
**2nd Step : Code to get the result**
<font face="Courier New" size="2">
<font color = "blue">DECLARE</font> <font color = "#8000FF">@udvMax</font> <font color = "black"><i>NVARCHAR</i></font><font color = "maroon">(</font><font color = "maroon">max</font><font color = "maroon">)</font>
<br/><font color = "blue">SELECT</font> <font color = "#8000FF">@udvMax</font> <font color = "silver">=</font> <font color = "red">''</font> <font color = "silver">+</font> <font color = "fuchsia"><i>Substring</i></font><font color = "maroon">(</font> <font color = "maroon">(</font> <font color = "blue">SELECT</font> <font color = "red">' Union '</font> <font color = "silver">+</font>
<br/> <font color = "red">'Select * from dbo.udfListOfIDs('''</font> <font color = "silver">+</font>
<br/> <font color = "maroon">tmpu</font><font color = "silver">.</font><font color = "maroon">code</font> <font color = "silver">+</font> <font color = "red">''', '''</font> <font color = "silver">+</font> <font color = "maroon">tmpu</font><font color = "silver">.</font><font color = "maroon">id</font> <font color = "silver">+</font> <font color = "red">''', '''</font> <font color = "silver">+</font> <font color = "maroon">tmpu</font><font color = "silver">.</font><font color = "maroon">code</font> <font color = "silver">+</font>
<br/> <font color = "red">''', null,null,null )'</font> <font color = "blue">FROM</font> <font color = "maroon">tmpu</font> <font color = "blue">FOR</font> <font color = "maroon">xml</font> <font color = "maroon">path</font><font color = "maroon">(</font><font color = "red">''</font><font color = "maroon">)</font><font color = "maroon">)</font><font color = "silver">,</font> <font color = "black">7</font><font color = "silver">,</font>
<br/> <font color = "black">200000</font><font color = "maroon">)</font>
<br/> <font color = "silver">+</font>
<br/> <font color = "red">' Order by UniqueID1, UniqueID2, UniqueID3, UniqueID4, UniqueID5, ID'</font>
<br/><font color = "green"><i>--Select @udvMax</i></font>
<br/><font color = "blue">EXECUTE</font> <font color = "#FF0080"><b>Sp_executesql</b></font>
<br/> <font color = "#8000FF">@udvMax</font>
****May be u may need to add your criteria in select statement in 2nd step.**
Hope this will help you.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 354
if you want to do it with php and mysql it can be any number of keyword no restriction
$var = explode(',',"ahmad,sayeed,asmal,babu");
$query = "SELECT * FROM post WHERE post_tags LIKE '%a%' ";
foreach($var as $value)
$query1.= " OR post_tags LIKE '%$value%' ";
echo "$query $query1";
SELECT * FROM post WHERE post_tags LIKE '%a%' OR post_tags LIKE '%ahmad%' OR post_tags LIKE '%sayeed%' OR post_tags LIKE '%asmal%' OR post_tags LIKE '%babu%'
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 78467
Although in your case simple LIKE
will work, here is the solution how to parse comma separated strings Table Normalization (Parse comma separated fields into individual records).
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 343
More than 1 year old question, but still thought it will be useful. You can use the FIND_IN_SET function of MySql. I am not sure whether other DBMSs support it or not.
You can use this function as follows:
SELECT * FROM `table_name` WHERE FIND_IN_SET('AC', `Code`) > 0
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 17142
I agree with other posters here that you should look carefully into schema normalization, but I also know that shortcuts are part of life.
Here's a sample function written in Sybase dialect that does what you do:
ALTER FUNCTION "DBA"."f_IsInStringList"( IN @thisItem char(2), IN @thisList varchar(4000) )
DECLARE is_member bit;
DECLARE LOCAL TEMPORARY TABLE tmp (thisItem char(2)) ;
DECLARE @tempstring varchar(10);
DECLARE @count integer;
IF LENGTH(TRIM(@thisList)) > 0 THEN
-- loop over comma-separated list and stuff members into temp table
IF LOCATE ( @thisList, ',' , 1) > 0 THEN
SET @count = LOCATE ( @thisList, ',' , 1);
SET @tempstring = SUBSTRING ( @thisList, 1,@count-1 );
INSERT INTO tmp ( thisItem ) VALUES ( @tempstring );
SET @thisList = STUFF ( @thisList, 1, @count, '' )
INSERT INTO tmp ( thisItem ) VALUES ( @thisList );
SET @thisList = NULL;
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tmp WHERE thisItem = @thisItem ) THEN
SET is_member = 1;
SET is_member = 0 ;
RETURN is_member;
You can then build a simple query to check whether a value occurs in your comma-separated string:
select * from some_table t
WHERE f_IsInStringList('OR', t.your_comma_separated_column) = 1 OR
f_IsInStringList('ME', t.your_comma_separated_column) = 1
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1325
First, let's make the original table to become like this:
Id | Value
0001 | IN
0001 | ME
0001 | OH
0001 | ON
0002 | AC
0002 | ON
0002 | VI
0002 | ZO
0003 | ME
0003 | OO
0003 | PS
0003 | QA
It is accomplished by parsing the comma separated values into rows. Then use the powerful CROSS APPLY keyword to join with the original table to retrieve it's Id. Next step is simply to query this CTE.
create function FnSplitToTable
@param nvarchar(4000)
returns table as
Num(Pos) as -- list of positions, numbered from 1 to 4000, largest nvarchar
select cast(1 as int)
union all
select cast(Pos + 1 as int) from Num where Pos < 4000
select substring(@Param, Pos,
charindex(',', @Param + ',', Pos) - Pos) as Value
from Num where Pos <= convert(int, len(@Param))
and substring(',' + @Param, Pos, 1) = ','
create proc ProcGetProductId
@Codes nvarchar(4000)
select '0001', 'IN,ON,ME,OH'
union all
select '0002', 'ON,VI,AC,ZO'
union all
select '0003', 'QA,PS,OO,ME'
Parse as
Src as s
cross apply
FnSplitToTable(s.Code) as f
select distinct
Parse as p
FnSplitToTable(@Codes) as f
p.Value = f.Value
option (maxrecursion 4000)
exec ProcGetProductId 'IN,ME' -- returns 0001 & 0003
Upvotes: 8
Reputation: 6636
You should be storing the codes in a separate table, since you have a many to many relationship. If you separate them, then you will easily be able to check.
It would be possible to do in the type of system you have now, but would require text searching of the columns, with multiple searches per row to work, which will have huge performance problems as your data grows.
If you try to go down you current path : You will have to break apart your input string, because nothing guarantees the codes on each record are in the same order (or contiguous) as the input parameter. Then you would have to do a
Code LIKE '%IN%'
AND Code Like '%QA%'
query with an additional statement for every code you are checking for. Very inefficient.
The UDF idea below is also a good idea. However, depending on the size of your data and the frequency of queries and updates, you may have issues there as well.
would it be possible to create an additional table that is normalized that is synchronized on a scheduled basis (or based on a trigger) for you to query against?
Upvotes: 11
Reputation: 391396
Everybody else seems very eager to tell you that you should not do this, although I don't see any explicit explanation for why not.
Apart from breaking the normalization rules, the reason is that you'll do a table-scan through all rows, since you can't have an index on the individual "values" in that column.
Simply put, there's no way for the database engine to keep some kind of quick-list of which rows contains the code 'AC', unless you either break it up into a separate table, or put it in a column by itself.
Now, if you have other criteria in your SELECT statements that will limit the number of rows down to some manageable number, then perhaps this will be ok, but otherwise I would, if you can, try to avoid this solution and do what others have already told you, split it up into a separate table.
Now, if you're stuck with this design, you can do a search using the following type of query:
WHERE ',' + Code + ',' LIKE '%,AC,%'
This will:
I don't know if the last one is a viable option in your case, if you only have 2-letter codes, then you can use just this:
But again, this will perform horribly unless you limit the number of rows using other criteria.
Upvotes: 7
Reputation: 146499
Although all the previous posters are correct about the normalization of your db schema, you can do what you want using a "Table-Valued UDF" that takes a delimited string and returns a Table, with one row per value in the string... You can use this table as you would any other table in your stored proc , joining to it, etc... this will solve your immediate issue...
Here's a link to such a UDF: FN_Split UDF
Although the article talks about using it to pass a delimited list of data values in to a stored proc, you can use the same UDF to operate on a delimited string stored in a column of an existing table....
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 88365
This might not be possible if you're stuck with that database design, but it would be a lot easier to put the codes into separate records in another table:
ProductID (FK to Product.ID)
Code (varchar)
The table might look like this:
ProductID Code
0001 IN
0001 ON
0001 ME
The query would look something like this (you'd have to pass in the Codes somehow - either as separate variables, or maybe a comma-separated string that you split in the proc):
select ProductID
from ProductCode
where Code in ('ON', 'ME')
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 422026
The way you are storing data breaks normalization rules. Only a single atomic value should be stored in each field. You should store each item in a single row.
Upvotes: 4