Larissa Cury
Larissa Cury

Reputation: 868

Pivoting wider one column to multiple columns

I'm trying to pivot multiple values at a time.

I have this:

>  head(data)
# A tibble: 6 x 3
  variable       `Mean (SD)`    `Median (IQR)`
  <chr>          <glue>         <glue>        
1 VarA_VVV_Cond1 268.59 (80.6)  276 (86)      
2 VarA_WWW_Cond1 149.07 (39.79) 155 (40.5)    
3 VarA_XXX_Cond1 147.71 (39.65) 155 (41)      
4 VarA_YYY_Cond1 18.85 (10.76)  18 (15.5)     
5 VarA_ZZZ_Cond1 20.98 (11.34)  20 (14)       
6 VarA_VVV_Cond2 228.49 (83.77) 241 (116)  

The desired output is this:

          VVV(Mean/SD) VVV(Median/IQR) XXX(Mean/SD) XXX(Median/IQR)... 

This is my dataset:

>  dput(data)
structure(list(variable = c("VarA_VVV_Cond1", "VarA_WWW_Cond1", 
"VarA_XXX_Cond1", "VarA_YYY_Cond1", "VarA_ZZZ_Cond1", "VarA_VVV_Cond2", 
"VarA_WWW_Cond2", "VarA_XXX_Cond2", "VarA_YYY_Cond2", "VarA_ZZZ_Cond2", 
"VarB_VVV_Cond1", "VarB_WWW_Cond1", "VarB_XXX_Cond1", "VarB_YYY_Cond1", 
"VarB_ZZZ_Cond1", "VarB_VVV_Cond2", "VarB_WWW_Cond2", "VarB_XXX_Cond2", 
"VarB_YYY_Cond2", "VarB_ZZZ_Cond2"), `Mean (SD)` = structure(c("268.59 (80.6)", 
"149.07 (39.79)", "147.71 (39.65)", "18.85 (10.76)", "20.98 (11.34)", 
"228.49 (83.77)", "113.66 (35.91)", "112.64 (35.75)", "24.07 (15.79)", 
"26.36 (16.51)", "250.72 (61.53)", "140.71 (30.52)", "138.93 (30.37)", 
"21.02 (10.46)", "22.72 (11.05)", "225.98 (81.32)", "112.43 (36.09)", 
"111.1 (36.41)", "24.71 (16.77)", "26.59 (17.49)"), class = c("glue", 
"character")), `Median (IQR)` = structure(c("276 (86)", "155 (40.5)", 
"155 (41)", "18 (15.5)", "20 (14)", "241 (116)", "116 (51)", 
"116 (48)", "23 (21.5)", "24 (22.5)", "259 (60)", "142 (36)", 
"142 (34)", "21 (15)", "21 (15)", "244.5 (93.5)", "107.5 (51.5)", 
"107 (50.75)", "24 (20.75)", "24.5 (21.75)"), class = c("glue", 
"character"))), row.names = c(NA, -20L), class = c("tbl_df", 
"tbl", "data.frame"))

I've tried many things, but nothing had solved the issue:

Like this:

data1 <- data %>% 
                      names_from = "variable",
                      values_from = c("Mean (SD)", "Median (IQR)")) %>% 
   pivot_longer(cols = 1:40,
   names_to = c("Names"),
   values_to = c("Mean_SD", "Median_IQR"))

Any thoughts??

Thanks in advance!

Additional info: I have 20 rows/obs in the original "data". Each is called: VarA_VVV_Cond1, which means that I have 2 variables: (A and B), 5 tests (VVV, WWW, XXX, YYY, ZZZ) and 2 conditions (Cond1, Cond2).

Given that, I also have the tests Mean (SD) and Median (IQR). That's the idea.

Obs: I've seen many posts here concerning pivoting, but none seems to account for this (like this, for example...I'd really appreciate some help!

Upvotes: 4

Views: 342

Answers (3)

Lucca Nielsen
Lucca Nielsen

Reputation: 1894

This works too:

df[c('Var', 'Group', 'Cond')] <- str_split_fixed(df$variable, "_", n = Inf)

df %>%
  pivot_wider(id_cols = c(Var, Cond), 
              values_from = c(`Mean (SD)`, `Median (IQR)`), 
              names_from = Group)

Var   Cond  `Mean (SD)_VVV` `Mean (SD)_WWW` `Mean (SD)_XXX` `Mean (SD)_YYY` `Mean (SD)_ZZZ` `Median (IQR)_VVV`
  <chr> <chr> <glue>          <glue>          <glue>          <glue>          <glue>          <glue>            
1 VarA  Cond1 268.59 (80.6)   149.07 (39.79)  147.71 (39.65)  18.85 (10.76)   20.98 (11.34)   276 (86)          
2 VarA  Cond2 228.49 (83.77)  113.66 (35.91)  112.64 (35.75)  24.07 (15.79)   26.36 (16.51)   241 (116)         
3 VarB  Cond1 250.72 (61.53)  140.71 (30.52)  138.93 (30.37)  21.02 (10.46)   22.72 (11.05)   259 (60)          
4 VarB  Cond2 225.98 (81.32)  112.43 (36.09)  111.1 (36.41)   24.71 (16.77)   26.59 (17.49)   244.5 (93.5) 

Upvotes: 3


Reputation: 887851

We may need to separate the column 'variable' before we do the pivoting to 'wide'

data %>%
   mutate(variable = str_replace(variable, "^(\\w+)_(\\w+)_(\\w+)",
        "\\1_\\3,\\2")) %>% 
   separate(variable, into = c("variable", "newcol"), sep = ",") %>% 
   pivot_wider(names_from = newcol, values_from = c(`Mean (SD)`,
      `Median (IQR)`), names_glue = "{newcol}({.value})")%>% 
    rename_with(~ str_remove(str_replace(.x, "\\s+\\(", "/"), "\\)"), -variable)


# A tibble: 4 × 11
  variable   `VVV(Mean/SD)` `WWW(Mean/SD)` `XXX(Mean/SD)` `YYY(Mean/SD)` `ZZZ(Mean/SD)` `VVV(Median/IQR)` `WWW(Median/IQR)` `XXX(Median/IQR)` `YYY(Median/IQR)`
  <chr>      <glue>         <glue>         <glue>         <glue>         <glue>         <glue>            <glue>            <glue>            <glue>           
1 VarA_Cond1 268.59 (80.6)  149.07 (39.79) 147.71 (39.65) 18.85 (10.76)  20.98 (11.34)  276 (86)          155 (40.5)        155 (41)          18 (15.5)        
2 VarA_Cond2 228.49 (83.77) 113.66 (35.91) 112.64 (35.75) 24.07 (15.79)  26.36 (16.51)  241 (116)         116 (51)          116 (48)          23 (21.5)        
3 VarB_Cond1 250.72 (61.53) 140.71 (30.52) 138.93 (30.37) 21.02 (10.46)  22.72 (11.05)  259 (60)          142 (36)          142 (34)          21 (15)          
4 VarB_Cond2 225.98 (81.32) 112.43 (36.09) 111.1 (36.41)  24.71 (16.77)  26.59 (17.49)  244.5 (93.5)      107.5 (51.5)      107 (50.75)       24 (20.75)       
# … with 1 more variable: `ZZZ(Median/IQR)` <glue>

Upvotes: 4


Reputation: 79204

Something like this:


df %>% 
  separate(variable, into = c("Var", "XXX", "Cond"), sep = "_") %>% 
  pivot_wider(names_from = XXX,
              values_from = c(`Mean (SD)`,`Median (IQR)`)) %>% 
  mutate(x = paste(Var, Cond, sep = "_"), .keep="unused", .before=1) %>% 
    Mean (SD)_VVV  Mean (SD)_WWW  Mean (SD)_XXX Mean (SD)_YYY Mean (SD)_ZZZ Median (IQR)_VVV Median (IQR)_WWW Median (IQR)_XXX Median (IQR)_YYY Median (IQR)_ZZZ
VarA_Cond1  268.59 (80.6) 149.07 (39.79) 147.71 (39.65) 18.85 (10.76) 20.98 (11.34)         276 (86)       155 (40.5)         155 (41)        18 (15.5)          20 (14)
VarA_Cond2 228.49 (83.77) 113.66 (35.91) 112.64 (35.75) 24.07 (15.79) 26.36 (16.51)        241 (116)         116 (51)         116 (48)        23 (21.5)        24 (22.5)
VarB_Cond1 250.72 (61.53) 140.71 (30.52) 138.93 (30.37) 21.02 (10.46) 22.72 (11.05)         259 (60)         142 (36)         142 (34)          21 (15)          21 (15)
VarB_Cond2 225.98 (81.32) 112.43 (36.09)  111.1 (36.41) 24.71 (16.77) 26.59 (17.49)     244.5 (93.5)     107.5 (51.5)      107 (50.75)       24 (20.75)     24.5 (21.75)

Upvotes: 4

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