Reputation: 1663
Hello I am trying to learn VHDL in xilinx ISE enviroment and I can not get this code to work and i do not know why. I have tried single quotes using/not using ands, but nothing works. Could someone please help me?
library IEEE;
---- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating
---- any Xilinx primitives in this code.
--library UNISIM;
--use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
entity teh_3 is
Port ( thermo_input : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
too_hot : out STD_LOGIC;
too_cold : out STD_LOGIC;
just_right : out STD_LOGIC);
end teh_3;
architecture Behavioral of teh_3 is
IF thermo_input < "1000" THEN
too_cold <='1' and
too_hot <='0' and
just_right <='0';
ELSIF thermo_input > "1011" THEN
too_hot <='1' and
too_cold <='0' and
just_right <='0';
ELSIF thermo_input > "0111" THEN
just_right <='1' and
too_hot <='0' and
too_cold <='0';
just_right <='0' and
too_hot <='0' and
too_cold <='0';
end Behavioral;
ERROR:HDLParsers:164 - "/home/student/kokeilu/kokeil.vhd" Line 40. parse error, unexpected IF
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Views: 10350
Reputation: 1247
You should also be careful with thermo_input > "0111"
Make sure you think twice about what "0111" represents. Is it a signed or unsigned 4 bit integer? I recommend to make this explicit. Library 'numeric_std' contains a lot of helpful methods.
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Reputation: 16792
Fundamentally, you can't use if outside of a process.
Also, don't use std_logic_arith
, use numeric_std
To fix, make a process, or use the proper combinatorial syntax as suggested by patrick.
The way you have it currently it will have to be a combinatorial process, so be careful to get all your inputs in the sensitivity list or use the new VHDL-2008 process(all)
syntax. Depends on which version of ISE you are using as to whether that is supported.
Or make it a synchronous process - this is how most code for FPGAs is written.
Add a clk
input to your entity and then put your if/elsif/else
code inside a synchronous process:
process (clk)
if thermo_input < "1000" then
.... etc
end process;
Finally, you don't use AND
to make several things happen at once:
IF thermo_input < "1000" THEN
too_cold <='1'; -- semicolons here, not ANDs!
too_hot <='0';
just_right <='0';
is the right way!
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 1292
An if
can only be used inside a process. You can use a WHEN instead or you have to create a process. I Should go for the when statement, which looks like this.
too_cold <= '1' WHEN (thermo_input < "1000") ELSE '0';
too_hot <= '1' WHEN (thermo_input > "1011") ELSE '0';
just_right <= '1' WHEN (thermo_input > "0111" AND thermo_input < "1011") ELSE '0';
I didn't test it, but this is to give you an idea.
Upvotes: 2