Reputation: 1868
I am having problems with the following:
sealed trait Expression[T] {
def doSomething: Either[String, T]
case class Literal(s: String) extends Expression[String] {
def soSomething = Right(s)
object Expression{
implicit def encoder[T: Encoder]: Encoder[Expression[T]]
implicit def decoder[T: Decoder]: Decoder[Expression[T]]
I see the several errors:
could not find lazy implicit value of type io.circe.generic.extras.decoding.ConfiguredDecoder[Expression[T]]
not enough arguments for method deriveDecoder: (implicit decode: shapeless.Lazy[ConfiguredDecoder[Expression[T]]])
Obviously I am missing an implicit but cant see what I have missed from the circe examples I have followed.
Could anyone help or point me at a better way of doing this?
The solution provided below worked great but I am extending the ADT to cover further cases - I cannot get the following to compile:
case class Equals[F[_] <: Expression[_], T](left: F[T], right: F[T]) extends Expression[Boolean]{
def doIt: Either[String, Boolean] = ???
object Equals {
implicit def encoder[F[_] <: Expression[_], T](implicit FT: encoder[F[T]]): Encoder[Equals[F, T]] = deriveEncoder
I suspect I am not picking up the implicit Encoder for Expression[_] I have tried importing this in the Equals object but that does not help. Any further advice would help including advice how to debug these issues.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1340
Reputation: 51683
The implicits
implicit def encoder[T: Encoder]: Encoder[Expression[T]]
implicit def decoder[T: Decoder]: Decoder[Expression[T]]
mean that in order to generate codecs Circe must know what representation Expression[T]
has for arbitrary T
(and then to generate codecs for Expression[T]
Circe can use codecs for children, codecs for T
etc.). And what should the representation be?
implicitly[Generic.Aux[Expression[T], ???]]
(for simplicity I write Generic
rather than LabelledGeneric
has a child Literal
, so
implicitly[Generic.Aux[Expression[String], Literal :+: CNil]]
But e.g. Expression[Int]
doesn't have children
implicitly[Generic[Expression[Int]]] // doesn't compile, although I guess it could be: Generic.Aux[Expression[Int], CNil]
You just know that
implicitly[Generic.Aux[Expression[_], Literal :+: CNil]]
So try unconditional implicits (and implicits for existential if you need)
object Literal {
implicit val encoder: Encoder[Literal] = deriveEncoder
implicit val decoder: Decoder[Literal] = deriveDecoder
// optional, you can remove this if you don't need decode[Expression[_]]("...")
trait LowPriorityExpression {
implicit def encoder1 : Encoder[Expression[_]] = deriveEncoder
implicit def decoder1: Decoder[Expression[_]] = deriveDecoder
object Expression extends LowPriorityExpression {
implicit def encoder: Encoder[Expression[String]] = deriveEncoder
implicit def decoder: Decoder[Expression[String]] = deriveDecoder
Literal("abc").asJson.noSpaces //{"s":"abc"}
(Literal("abc"): Expression[String]).asJson.noSpaces //{"Literal":{"s":"abc"}}
// (Literal("abc"): Expression[_]).asJson.noSpaces // doesn't compile without
decode[Literal]("""{"s":"abc"}""") // Right(Literal(abc))
decode[Expression[String]]("""{"Literal":{"s":"abc"}}""") // Right(Literal(abc))
decode[Expression[_]]("""{"Literal":{"s":"abc"}}""") // Right(Literal(abc))
// decode[Expression[Int]]("""{"Literal":{"s":"abc"}}""") // doesn't compile, expected
See also
How to use circe with generic case class that extends a sealed trait
I noticed that with auto
insted of semiauto
codecs for Expression[T]
are resolved a little better. So I looked with reify
how they are resolved and defined these codecs manually. So we are not using now auto
approach, we are using semiauto
approach and re-using some of auto
functionality explicitly in one place.
import io.circe.generic.encoding.DerivedAsObjectEncoder
import io.circe.generic.semiauto
import io.circe.generic.decoding.DerivedDecoder
import io.circe.{Decoder, Encoder}
sealed trait Expression[T] {
def doSomething: Either[String, T]
case class Literal(s: String) extends Expression[String] {
override def doSomething: Either[String, String] = Right(s)
object Literal {
implicit val encoder: Encoder[Literal] = semiauto.deriveEncoder
implicit val decoder: Decoder[Literal] = semiauto.deriveDecoder
case class Literal1(i: Int) extends Expression[Int] {
override def doSomething: Either[String, Int] = Right(i)
object Literal1 {
implicit val encoder: Encoder[Literal1] = semiauto.deriveEncoder
implicit val decoder: Decoder[Literal1] = semiauto.deriveDecoder
case class Literal2[T](t: T) extends Expression[T] {
override def doSomething: Either[String, T] = Right(t)
object Literal2 {
implicit def encoder[T: Encoder]: Encoder[Literal2[T]] = semiauto.deriveEncoder
implicit def decoder[T: Decoder]: Decoder[Literal2[T]] = semiauto.deriveDecoder
case class Equals[F[_] <: Expression[_], T](left: F[T], right: F[T]) extends Expression[Boolean] {
override def doSomething: Either[String, Boolean] = ???
object Equals {
implicit def encoder[F[_] <: Expression[_], T](implicit
FT: Encoder[F[T]]
): Encoder[Equals[F, T]] = semiauto.deriveEncoder
implicit def decoder[F[_] <: Expression[_], T](implicit
FT: Decoder[F[T]]
): Decoder[Equals[F, T]] = semiauto.deriveDecoder
object Expression {
implicit def encoder[T](implicit
ev: DerivedAsObjectEncoder[Expression[T]]
): Encoder[Expression[T]] = Encoder.importedEncoder(auto.exportEncoder)
implicit def decoder[T](implicit
ev: DerivedDecoder[Expression[T]]
): Decoder[Expression[T]] = Decoder.importedDecoder(auto.exportDecoder)
// everything compiles
implicitly[Encoder[Equals[Expression, Int]]]
implicitly[Encoder[Equals[Expression, String]]]
implicitly[Decoder[Equals[Expression, Int]]]
implicitly[Decoder[Equals[Expression, String]]]
implicitly[Encoder[Equals[Literal2, Int]]]
implicitly[Encoder[Equals[Literal2, String]]]
implicitly[Decoder[Equals[Literal2, Int]]]
implicitly[Decoder[Equals[Literal2, String]]]
But implicitly[Decoder[Expression[Boolean]]]
and implicitly[Encoder[Expression[Boolean]]]
still don't compile even with auto
. I'm afraid we come here to the limits of Scala 2 type system (and Shapeless 2).
import shapeless.{Generic, :+:, CNil, Generic1, the}
implicitly[Generic.Aux[Expression[String], Literal :+: Literal2[String] :+: CNil]]
implicitly[Generic.Aux[Expression[Int], Literal1 :+: Literal2[Int] :+: CNil]]
//implicitly[Generic[Expression[Boolean]] // doesn't compile
//implicitly[Generic[Expression[_]]] // doesn't compile
//kinds of the type arguments (F[_],T) do not conform to the expected
//kinds of the type parameters (type F,type T) in class Equals.
//F[_]'s type parameters do not match type F's expected parameters:
//type F has 1 type parameter, but type F has 1
type T
implicitly[Generic.Aux[Expression[T], Literal2[T] :+: CNil]]
trait Always[F[_]]
object Always {
implicit def mkAlways[F[_]]: Always[F] = new Always[F] {}
val gen = the[Generic1[Expression, Always]]
implicitly[gen.R[T] =:= (Literal2[T] :+: CNil)]
What could the representation of Expression[Boolean]
implicitly[Generic.Aux[Expression[Boolean], ???]]
Should it be (Equals[F, _] forSome {type F[_]}) :: Literal2[Boolean] :+: CNil
Or Equals[λ[T => Expression[_]], _] :: Literal2[Boolean] :+: CNil
aka Equals[({type λ[_] = Expression[_]})#λ, _] :: Literal2[Boolean] :+: CNil
In Scala 3 it's
(Literal, Literal1, Literal2[Boolean], Equals[[_] =>> Expression[?], Any])
aka Literal *: Literal1 *: Literal2[Boolean] *: Equals[[_] =>> Expression[?], Any] *: EmptyTuple
import scala.deriving.*
val exprStrMirror = summon[Mirror.SumOf[Expression[String]]]
summon[exprStrMirror.MirroredElemTypes =:= (Literal, Literal1, Literal2[String], Equals[[_] =>> Expression[?], Any])]
val exprIntMirror = summon[Mirror.SumOf[Expression[Int]]]
summon[exprIntMirror.MirroredElemTypes =:= (Literal, Literal1, Literal2[Int], Equals[[_] =>> Expression[?], Any])]
val exprBoolMirror = summon[Mirror.SumOf[Expression[Boolean]]]
summon[exprBoolMirror.MirroredElemTypes =:= (Literal, Literal1, Literal2[Boolean], Equals[[_] =>> Expression[?], Any])]
type SumOfK1[F[_]] = Mirror.Sum { type MirroredType[T] = F[T] }
val exprMirror = summon[SumOfK1[Expression]]
summon[exprMirror.MirroredElemTypes[T] =:= (Literal, Literal1, Literal2[T], Equals[[_] =>> Expression[?], Any])]
Actually, it's funny. If we have at least one generic case class (Literal2[T]
) then the original code compiles (probably my manual codecs stolen from auto
were incorrect in some cases and also Circe rely not completely on Shapeless represenations)
If we remove the generic case class the code doesn't compile
import io.circe.generic.semiauto
import io.circe.{Decoder, Encoder}
sealed trait Expression[T] {
def doSomething: Either[String, T]
case class Literal(s: String) extends Expression[String] {
override def doSomething: Either[String, String] = Right(s)
object Literal {
implicit val encoder: Encoder[Literal] = semiauto.deriveEncoder
implicit val decoder: Decoder[Literal] = semiauto.deriveDecoder
// !!!
case class Literal2[T](t: T) extends Expression[T] {
override def doSomething: Either[String, T] = Right(t)
object Literal2 {
implicit def encoder[T: Encoder]: Encoder[Literal2[T]] = semiauto.deriveEncoder
implicit def decoder[T: Decoder]: Decoder[Literal2[T]] = semiauto.deriveDecoder
case class Equals[F[_] <: Expression[_], T](left: F[T], right: F[T]) extends Expression[Boolean] {
override def doSomething: Either[String, Boolean] = ???
object Equals {
implicit def encoder[F[_] <: Expression[_], T](implicit FT: Encoder[F[T]]): Encoder[Equals[F, T]] = semiauto.deriveEncoder
implicit def decoder[F[_] <: Expression[_], T](implicit FT: Decoder[F[T]]): Decoder[Equals[F, T]] = semiauto.deriveDecoder
object Expression {
implicit def decoder[T: Decoder]: Decoder[Expression[T]] = semiauto.deriveDecoder
implicit def encoder[T: Encoder]: Encoder[Expression[T]] = semiauto.deriveEncoder
implicitly[Encoder[Equals[Expression, Int]]]
implicitly[Encoder[Equals[Expression, String]]]
implicitly[Decoder[Equals[Expression, Int]]]
implicitly[Decoder[Equals[Expression, String]]]
implicitly[Encoder[Equals[Literal2, Int]]]
implicitly[Encoder[Equals[Literal2, String]]]
implicitly[Decoder[Equals[Literal2, Int]]]
implicitly[Decoder[Equals[Literal2, String]]]
(Let's call this code (*) for the below purpose.)
I removed temporarily all macros but one and with -Ymacro-debug-lite
, -Xlog-implicits
switched on it produces macro expansion has failed: Sealed trait Expression[T] has no case class subtypes
so obviously it's a Circe bug
import io.circe.generic.semiauto
import io.circe.{Decoder, Encoder}
sealed trait Expression[T] {
def doSomething: Either[String, T]
case class Literal(s: String) extends Expression[String] {
override def doSomething: Either[String, String] = Right(s)
object Literal {
implicit val encoder: Encoder[Literal] = Encoder.forProduct1("s")(_.s)
implicit val decoder: Decoder[Literal] = Decoder.forProduct1("s")(Literal.apply)
case class Equals[F[_] <: Expression[_], T](left: F[T], right: F[T]) extends Expression[Boolean] {
override def doSomething: Either[String, Boolean] = ???
object Equals {
implicit def encoder[F[_] <: Expression[_], T](implicit FT: Encoder[F[T]]): Encoder[Equals[F, T]] =
Encoder.forProduct2("left", "right")(e => (e.left, e.right))
implicit def decoder[F[_] <: Expression[_], T](implicit FT: Decoder[F[T]]): Decoder[Equals[F, T]] =
Decoder.forProduct2("left", "right")(Equals.apply _)
object Expression {
implicit def decoder[T: Decoder]: Decoder[Expression[T]] = semiauto.deriveDecoder[Expression[T]] /*!!!*/
// implicit def encoder[T: Encoder]: Encoder[Expression[T]] = semiauto.deriveEncoder
Actually, Sealed trait Expression[T] has no case class subtypes
comes from Shapeless
sealed trait Expression[T]
case class Literal(s: String) extends Expression[String]
// case class Literal2[T](t: T) extends Expression[T]
case class Equals[F[_] <: Expression[_], T](left: F[T], right: F[T]) extends Expression[Boolean]
type T
implicitly[Generic[Expression[T]]]//macro expansion has failed: Sealed trait Expression[T] has no case class subtypes
The reasons are the same
sealed trait Expression[T]
case class Literal(s: String) extends Expression[String]
case class Literal2[T](t: T) extends Expression[T]
case class Equals[F[_] <: Expression[_], T](left: F[T], right: F[T]) extends Expression[Boolean]
implicitly[Generic.Aux[Expression[String], Literal :+: Literal2[String] :+: CNil]]
// implicitly[Generic[Expression[Boolean]]] // doesn't compile, kinds of the type arguments (F[_],T) do not conform to the expected kinds of the type parameters (type F,type T) in class Equals. F[_]'s type parameters do not match type F's expected parameters: type F has 1 type parameter, but type F has 1
type T
implicitly[Generic.Aux[Expression[T], Literal2[T] :+: CNil]]
Shapeless thinks that representation of Expression[T]
is Literal2[T] :+: CNil
(and doesn't include Literal
and Equals
) and without Literal2
the representation is empty.
Actually, it's not so good that Shapeless doesn't include Literal
and Equals
into the representation of Expression[T]
. Although the code (*) above compiles, it fails at runtime (throws exception MatchError
or produces Left
Equals[Literal2, Boolean](Literal2(true), Literal2(false)).asJson.noSpaces
//(Literal("a"): Expression[String]).asJson.noSpaces//MatchError
(Literal2[Int](1): Expression[Int]).asJson.noSpaces
//(Equals[Literal2, Boolean](Literal2(true), Literal2(false)): Expression[Boolean]).asJson.noSpaces//MatchError
decode[Equals[Literal2, Boolean]]("""{"left":{"t":true},"right":{"t":false}}""")
decode[Expression[String]]("""{"Literal":{"s":"a"}}""")//Left, CNil should never happen
decode[Expression[Boolean]]("""{"Equals":{"left":{"Literal2":{"t":true}},"right":{"Literal2":{"t":false}}}}""")//Left, CNil should never happen
A workaround is to define codecs for Expression[T]
implicit def decoder[T: Decoder]: Decoder[Expression[T]] = Decoder.instance {
def readExpr(c: HCursor): Result[Expression[T]] =
c.get[Literal2[T]]("Literal2").orElse {
def readEquals(fieldName: String): Result[Expression[T]] =
.toRight(DecodingFailure(Reason.CustomReason(s"can't read Equals.$fieldName"), c))
for {
l <- readEquals("left")
r <- readEquals("right")
} yield new Equals(l, r).asInstanceOf[Expression[T]]
implicit def encoder[T: Encoder]: Encoder[Expression[T]] = Encoder.instance {
case expr@Literal(_) => Json.obj("Literal" -> expr.asJson)
case expr@Literal2(_) => Json.obj("Literal2" -> expr.asJson)
case Equals(l, r) => Json.obj("Equals" ->
"left" -> l.asInstanceOf[Expression[T]].asJson,
"right" -> r.asInstanceOf[Expression[T]].asJson
I understood how to fix issues with failing at runtime (throwing MatchError
or producing Left
). We should replace
object Expression {
implicit def decoder[T: Decoder]: Decoder[Expression[T]] = semiauto.deriveDecoder
implicit def encoder[T: Encoder]: Encoder[Expression[T]] = semiauto.deriveEncoder
object Expression {
implicit def decoder[T](implicit
ev: DerivedDecoder[Expression[T]]
): Decoder[Expression[T]] = semiauto.deriveDecoder /*ev*/
implicit def encoder[T](implicit
ev: DerivedAsObjectEncoder[Expression[T]]
): Encoder[Expression[T]] = semiauto.deriveEncoder /*ev*/
I just added the implicit parameters DerivedDecoder[Expression[T]]
/ DerivedAsObjectEncoder[Expression[T]]
of semiauto.deriveDecoder
to def decoder[T]
/def encoder[T]
Formerly these implicit parameters were resolved here, at the definition site of def decoder[T]
, def encoder[T]
i.e. for generic T
the representation of Expression[T]
was Literal2[T] :+: CNil
and this failed for Literal
. Now these implicit parameters will be resolved at the call site of def decoder[T]
, def encoder[T]
i.e. for T=String
the representation of Expression[String]
will be Literal :+: Literal2[String] :+: CNil
. (This is similar to the difference implicitly[X]
vs. (implicit x: X)
(I guess it would be better if in Circe semiauto.deriveDecoder
were macros making a user add the implicit parameters to the method when necessary.)
The question remains with type F has 1 type parameter, but type F has 1
i.e. Boolean
I suspect that Shapeless calculates Generic
for Expression[Boolean]
incorrectly so that there are invalid Equals[_[_] <: Expression[_], _]
in the represenation Equals[_[_] <: Expression[_], _] :+: Literal2[Boolean] :+: CNil
and Generic
// Generic.instance[Expression[Boolean], Equals[_[_] <: Expression[_], _] :+: Literal2[Boolean] :+: CNil](((p: Expression[Boolean]) => Coproduct.unsafeMkCoproduct(p: @_root_.scala.unchecked match {
// case (_: Equals[_[_] <: Expression[_], _]) => 0
// case (_: Literal2[Boolean]) => 1
// }, p).asInstanceOf[Equals[_[_] <: Expression[_], _] :+: Literal2[Boolean] :+: CNil]), ((x1) => Coproduct.unsafeGet(x1).asInstanceOf[Expression[Boolean]]))
But even if we fix Generic
so that it will produce for example Equals2 :+: Literal2[Boolean] :+: CNil
type Equals2 = Equals[F, _] forSome {type F[_] <: Expression[_]}
// type Equals2 = Equals[Const[Expression[_]]#λ, _]
implicit val boolExprGeneric: Generic.Aux[Expression[Boolean], Equals2 :+: Literal2[Boolean] :+: CNil] =
Generic.instance[Expression[Boolean], Equals2 :+: Literal2[Boolean] :+: CNil](
(p: Expression[Boolean]) => Coproduct.unsafeMkCoproduct(
(p: @unchecked) match {
case _: Equals2 => 0
case _: Literal2[Boolean] => 1
).asInstanceOf[Equals2 :+: Literal2[Boolean] :+: CNil],
x => Coproduct.unsafeGet(x).asInstanceOf[Expression[Boolean]]
how will we define instances of Encoder
for existential Equals2
Upvotes: 2