Reputation: 171
I am writing a word search puzzle and I am wondering what will be the best approach for diagonally and anti-diagonally positioned catchphrases - as it is now I've implemented horizontal and vertical ones (each "type" of catchphrase is derived from a parent abstract catchphrase) and this is code searching for starting indexes of a word that will be placed vertically - if you have any hints about this implementation please give me your feedback as well :)
public List<Coordinate> findPossiblePositionsForWord(Character[][] grid) {
List<Coordinate> result = new ArrayList<>();
int consecutiveEmptyFields;
final int wordLength = getWord().length();
for (int column = 0; column < grid[0].length; column++) {
consecutiveEmptyFields = 0;
for (int row = grid.length - 1; row >= 0; row--) {
if (grid[row][column] == null) {
if (consecutiveEmptyFields >= wordLength) {
result.add(new Coordinate(row, column));
} else {
consecutiveEmptyFields = 0;
return result;
The easiest way that I can think of is using two for loops: from 0 to x <= word.length and from 1 to y <= word.length - but maybe there is a better way: particularly using Java.
For further clarification: for catchphrases like this: "HOKUSPOKUS", "THIS", "GOOGLE", "STRESS", "TEST", "LENGTHY", "PARTLY" I will get result like (for example - it is random) this:
Catchprase successfully added!
Catchprase successfully added!
Catchprase successfully added!
Catchprase successfully added!
Catchprase successfully added!
Catchprase successfully added!
Catchprase successfully added!
G O O G L E _ _ _ H
_ _ _ _ _ _ T _ _ O
_ _ _ _ _ _ H _ _ K
_ _ _ _ _ _ I _ P U
_ _ _ _ _ _ S _ A S
L E N G T H Y _ R P
S T R E S S _ _ T O
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L K
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Y U
T E S T _ _ _ _ _ S
Process finished with exit code 0
Now I want to add catchphrases also diagonally
Upvotes: 1
Views: 180
Reputation: 46497
I would suggest that instead of special casing each direction, you return a direction+start. Here is the basic idea that handles forwards, backwards, up, down, and both diagonals in either direction.
public List<Pair<Coordinate, Coordinate>> findPossiblePositionsForWord(Character[][] grid) {
List<Pair<Coordinate, Coordinate>> result = new ArrayList<>();
final int wordLength = getWord().length();
for (int dirColumn : {-1, 0, 1}) {
for (int dirRow : {-1, 0, 1}) {
if (dirColumn == 0 && dirRow == 0) {
for (
int column = max(0, -dirColumn * wordLength);
column < min(grid.length, grid.length + dirColumn*wordLength);
) {
for (
int row = max(0, -dirRow * wordLength);
row < min(grid.length, grid.length + dirRow*wordLength);
) {
// Test for whether the word can go here...
if (wordCanGoHere) {
new Pair(
new Coordinate(row, column),
new Coordinate(dirRow, dirColumn)
return result;
Upvotes: 1