Reputation: 2233
I just started working on a .NET project again that I hadn't touched in about a month, and suddenly in my localhost environment I'm getting ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID errors when I try starting my application. I used dotnet dev-certs commands to regenerate the localhost certificate, but what's weird is it looks like Chrome is sourcing this localhost certificate from elsewhere. In the Developer Tools pane, I see this (notice the Validity Period):
I don't know why it shows that invalid Validity Period because I just generated a new localhost cert tonight, and I've blown away Chrome's SSL cache numerous times tonight. The following certificate appears in both the Personal > Certificates and Trusted Root Certification Authorities sections of certmgr.
Could someone please help me understand why Chrome thinks my localhost cert is from an invalid authority and how I can correct this issue? The last valid version came from the exact same place (although I think something else might have generated it because I don't recall using dotnet dev-certs CLI commands to create the original cert).
Upvotes: 30
Views: 52536
Reputation: 11
I just spent about six hours over the past 2 days with this same issue affecting only one application hosted on localhost. None of the suggestions here or from ChatGPT worked for me. I was trying to debug an application that was using an ASP.NET Core backend with a React front-end. I was using VITE to build and debug the application.
In my vite.config file on the react app, I had the following lines:
const baseFolder =
env.APPDATA !== undefined && env.APPDATA !== ''
? `${env.APPDATA}/ASP.NET/https`
: `${env.HOME}/.aspnet/https`;
const certificateName = "myappname";
const certFilePath = path.join(baseFolder, `${certificateName}.pem`);
const keyFilePath = path.join(baseFolder, `${certificateName}.key`);
This led me to look in my "%AppData%\ASP.NET\https" folder, and sure enough, there was a certificate and key in there called "myappname.key" and "myappname.pem." I removed these files, then cleaned and rebuilt the application and ran the debugger. Visual Studio regenerated the files and now they are trusted by the browser.
I can't believe I just wasted so much time on this, but at least it's working now!
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 2674
I had a similar issue using IIS to serve my ASP.NET Core site. The binding in IIS didn't match the cert generated by .NET. I cobbled together this PowerShell script to synchronize them:
# Remove the .NET core localhost development certificate, re-create it, and trust it:
dotnet dev-certs https --clean
dotnet dev-certs https --trust
# Export the cert from dotnet:
$sPassword = "!Password^"
$ssPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $sPassword -Force -AsPlainText
dotnet dev-certs https -ep localhost.pfx --trust --format PFX -p $sPassword
# Import the cert into the local machine store:
$oX509Cert = Import-PfxCertificate -CertStoreLocation "Cert:\LocalMachine\My" -FilePath "localhost.pfx" -Exportable -Password $ssPassword
# Also import the certificate as a trusted root (since it is self-signed):
Import-PfxCertificate -CertStoreLocation "Cert:\LocalMachine\Root" -FilePath "localhost.pfx" -Exportable -Password $ssPassword
# IIS reset just in case
# Load in the admin scripts for doing stuff with IIS:
Import-Module Webadministration
# Fetch the Default Web Site in IIS and get the first HTTPS (port 443) binding:
$oIISWebSite = Get-ChildItem -Path "IIS:\Sites" | where {( $_.Name -eq "Default Web Site" )}
$oIISBinding = $oIISWebSite.Bindings.Collection | where {( $_.protocol -eq 'https' -and $_.bindingInformation -eq '*:443:')}
# Add the cert to the HTTPS binding in IIS:
# Note: the poorly-documented AddSsslCertificate() method replaces the existing cert binding. (Thank you
$oIISBinding.AddSslCertificate($oX509Cert.Thumbprint, "my")
# IIS reset just in case
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 191
I just had this one today, and it didn't go away when I cleaned out my dev certificates and trusted a new one, per David Aleu's answer.
Then I tried my localhost site in Edge and there was no problem.
Turned out Chrome needed an update. When I clicked the button to get the latest Chrome things started working normally again.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 5677
This is what I did and it worked for me. At Powershell for VS 2022 command prompt run:
>dotnet dev-certs https --clean
>dotnet dev-certs https --trust
Then click Yes to the prompt.
Upvotes: 21
Reputation: 14282
For me the certificate issue was happening ONLY for one project
. After different permutation and combination, I found the issue was due to one value in project secret. The following value was found additionally inserted in the project secret.json
"Kestrel:Certificates:Development:Password": "d24802d4-8528-4599-8086-9895359360f8"
Issue is not in the password value rather the entry itself is the culprit
. Hope this save someone's day.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 351
After I have spent lot of times of searching the solutions, finally I am able to solve it by following the steps below. Hopefully, this will save your days.
by copy this in the browser url box.Privacy and security
in the side menu > Security
> Advanced
> Managed Certificates
Upvotes: 33
Reputation: 2233
Well this is incredibly stupid. After wasting hours last night and an hour or two tonight of trying fixes I found in blogs and whatnot, an answer on a similar StackOverflow question stated I should attempt repairing my Visual Studio install. Sure enough, doing that resolved the issue.
After I repaired my Visual Studio install and loading up my project I was having HTTPS issues with, I got a dialog box from VS2022 like the one below (snipped from since I dismissed my dialog while trying to fix this) and I selected "Yes".
This added a new certificate but strangely it only added it to the Trusted Root Certification Authorities in certmgr and not to Personal, whereas the one I generated from dotnet dev-certs CLI commands created two; one in Trusted Root Certification Authorities and the other in Personal. The below screenshot shows both certificates; "IIS Express Development Certificate" is the one that resolved the issue and the one that was created by repairing VS2022.
I don't know why VS2022 didn't prompt me to renew the certificate after it was expired. On the bright side, assuming this never gets addressed in a future iteration of Visual Studio, after going through this experience I'm sure that by 10/3/2027 that I'll remember everything that transpired here today and that I must repair my installation of VS20XX if I want to avoid wasting hours of my time due to a localhost SSL certificate expiration.
Upvotes: 9