Reputation: 125
I have problems with the Excel appand the program I tryin' to put together sends me a message that a document is been used.
In a form on Visual Foxpro 8, I collect some info from the tables of a db and then I assemble a worksheet with this elements. Lately i've been testin' this part of the program but it shows me the message after it's done assemble the worksheet that the document is still been used, and on the task manager I see that the app is still running even that in the procedure there's a line telling that the Excel sheet is released.
with thisform
lcDir = "C:\Documents\PRGT\test.xls"
ExcelSheet.APPLICATION.activesheet.cells(1,1).value = "info1"
ExcelSheet.APPLICATION.activesheet.cells(1,2).value = "info2"
ExcelSheet.APPLICATION.activesheet.cells(1,3).value = "info3"
ExcelSheet.APPLICATION.activesheet.cells(1,4).value = "info4"
local lnRow
store 0 to lnRow
select cursorName
go top
do while !eof()
ExcelSheet.Selection.value = cursorName.a
ExcelSheet.Selection.value = cursorName.b
ExcelSheet.Selection.value = cursorName.c
ExcelSheet.Selection.value = cursorName.d
lnRow = lnRow+1
selelect cursorName
ExcelSheet.APPLICATION.visible = .f.
release ExcelSheet
* some instruction to close the app
Well, i found in a Visual forum that the next instruction work ExcelSheet.quit(.f.)
and I tried that line and when I was testing the program it couldn't do the procedure of assemble the excel and savin' it.
Any ideas I can try will be welcome and also it would help me to learn better about this
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Views: 501
Reputation: 146
At first no need to put your code in with thisform
and endwith
block as here you are not specifying properties of a form object.
The Excel file name extension prefered to be "xlsx" not "xls" if you are using a new version of Excel.
It's better to define lcDir
as local as you did with the lnRow
so you need to add local lcDir
before store 0 to lnRow
Regarding the loop through records it's better and easier to replace :
select cursorName
go top
do while !eof()
select cursorName
select cursorName
To export the records data to the Excel workbook rows, use the same method you used to export the header of the columns but change the row number for each record using the lnRow variable you already defined, but initiate it's value by 2 at first rather than 0 by replacing store 0 to lnRow
by store 2 to lnRow
And replace :
ExcelSheet.Selection.value = cursorName.a
ExcelSheet.Selection.value = cursorName.b
ExcelSheet.Selection.value = cursorName.c
ExcelSheet.Selection.value = cursorName.d
By :
ExcelSheet.APPLICATION.activesheet.cells(lnRow ,1).value = cursorName.a
ExcelSheet.APPLICATION.activesheet.cells(lnRow ,2).value = cursorName.b
ExcelSheet.APPLICATION.activesheet.cells(lnRow ,3).value = cursorName.c
ExcelSheet.APPLICATION.activesheet.cells(lnRow ,4).value = cursorName.d
After saving the workbook you need only to quit the Excel as you stated by using ExcelSheet.quit
and no need to make the Excel hidden, so no need for ExcelSheet.APPLICATION.visible = .f.
So the complete code will look like:
local lcDir
lcDir = "C:\Documents\PRGT\test.xlsx"
ExcelSheet.APPLICATION.activesheet.cells(1,1).value = "info1"
ExcelSheet.APPLICATION.activesheet.cells(1,2).value = "info2"
ExcelSheet.APPLICATION.activesheet.cells(1,3).value = "info3"
ExcelSheet.APPLICATION.activesheet.cells(1,4).value = "info4"
local lnRow
store 2 to lnRow
select cursorName
ExcelSheet.APPLICATION.activesheet.cells(lnRow ,1).value = cursorName.a
ExcelSheet.APPLICATION.activesheet.cells(lnRow ,2).value = cursorName.b
ExcelSheet.APPLICATION.activesheet.cells(lnRow ,3).value = cursorName.c
ExcelSheet.APPLICATION.activesheet.cells(lnRow ,4).value = cursorName.d
lnRow = lnRow+1
release ExcelSheet
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Reputation: 23837
I couldn't understand some parts of your code, like:
lnRow = lnRow + 1 && not used at all
and selecting the Columns("A"). Why would you select the column? Wouldn't it be a Cell?
Though the way you are doing it is not suggested at all, to make it work correctly you could write as:
#Define xlWorkbookNormal -4143
lcDir = "C:\Documents\PRGT\test.xls"
Local excelsheet
With excelsheet
.DisplayAlerts = .F.
With .ActiveWorkBook.ActiveSheet
.cells(1,1).Value = "info1"
.cells(1,2).Value = "info2"
.cells(1,3).Value = "info3"
.cells(1,4).Value = "info4"
Select cursorName
.cells(Recno()+1,1).Value = cursorName.a
.cells(Recno()+1,2).Value = cursorName.b
.cells(Recno()+1,3).Value = cursorName.c
.cells(Recno()+1,4).Value = cursorName.d
.ActiveWorkBook.Saved = .T.
In your code, you were setting excelSheet (which is the same as excelSheet.Application) .Visible to .F. and releasing ExcelSheet.
Setting it to Visible = .F. and releasing only the variable doesn't help, Excel instance would be left behind hidden with a lock on the document you created. You shouldn't set it to Visible=.F. but simply call Quit() method. Then also using your ExcelSheet variable local would release it by default, going out of scope.
After having said that, proper way of copying data to excel is not like this and this would be the slowest way to do that (don't try with lots of rows and columns data).
Instead you could send the data to excel using OLEDB and just use CopyFromRecordset method (using one of the variations of VFP2Excel routine that I have posted many times to many forums). ie: This sample sends 2 cursors to excel, to apply it to yourself all you need is to create your cursor(s) and set the laInfo[] accordingly to pass to "SaveCursorsToExcel":
* Our sample cursor(s)
Select Cust_Id, Company, Contact, Country From (_samples + 'data\Customer') Into Cursor crsCustomers nofilter
Select Order_Id, Cust_Id, Order_Date, Shipped_on From (_samples + 'data\Orders') Into Cursor crsOrders nofilter
Local Array laInfo[2, 3]
laInfo[1,1] = 'crsCustomers'
laInfo[1,2] = 'Customer Id,Company,Contact Name,Country' && Headers
laInfo[1,3] = 'Customers' && Sheet name
laInfo[2,1] = 'crsOrders'
laInfo[2,2] = 'Order Id, Customer Id, Order Date, Shipped On'
laInfo[2,3] = 'Orders'
Local lcSaveFilename
lcSaveFilename = "c:\temp\SampleExcelFile.xlsx"
SaveCursorsToExcel(@laInfo, m.lcSaveFilename)
Procedure SaveCursorsToExcel(taInfo, tcSaveAs)
External Array taInfo
*** We need real tables on disk to get them via VFPOLEDB
*** Assuming that there may be LFN in cursor data we create a temp DBC too
Local lcDbc, ix
lcDbc = Forcepath( Forceext( Sys(2015), 'dbc'), Sys(2023))
** Create the temp dbc
Create Database (m.lcDbc)
** and set it as the default database
Set Database To (m.lcDbc)
** and create tables from cursors as part of this new dbc
*** We could send many cursors to Excel at one go.
*** taInfo passes the information of cursornames to send and their headers
Local Array laTableNames[ALEN(taInfo,1)]
For ix = 1 To Alen(laTableNames)
laTableNames[m.ix] = Forcepath( Forceext(Sys(2015), 'dbf'), Sys(2023))
Select * From (taInfo[m.ix,1]) Into Table (m.laTableNames[m.ix]) Database (m.lcDbc)
Use In (Select(Juststem(m.laTableNames[m.ix])))
Close Database
** Ready for sending the data to excel
** We also assume that the Excel on this machine could be a 64 bit version
** thus we don't do a direct VFPOLEDB transfer but wrap it in a ADODB.Stream
** We could as well use an ADODB.RecordSet
Local Array laStream[ALEN(taInfo,1)]
Local ix
For ix = 1 To Alen(taInfo,1)
laStream[m.ix] = GetDataAsAdoStream("Provider=VFPOLEDB;Data Source="+m.lcDbc, Textmerge("select * from ('<< m.laTableNames[m.ix] >>')"))
*** Now that we have the data in streams, we can get rid of the temp database and tables
Local lcSafety
lcSafety = Set("Safety")
Set Safety Off
Delete Database (m.lcDbc) Deletetables
Set Safety &lcSafety
*** Main Excel automation part now
oExcel = Createobject("Excel.Application")
With oExcel
.DisplayAlerts = .F.
* .Visible = .T.
With .ActiveWorkBook
For ix = 1 To Alen(taInfo,1)
If .sheets.Count < m.ix
.sheets.Add(,.sheets(.sheets.Count)) && Add new sheet
.WorkSheets(m.ix).Name = taInfo[m.ix,3]
* Send the data - copy to replacement
VFP2ExcelVariation(m.laStream[m.ix], .WorkSheets[m.ix].Range("A1"), taInfo[m.ix,2])
.ActiveWorkBook.Saved = .T.
Function VFP2ExcelVariation(toStream, toRange, tcHeaders)
Local loRS As AdoDb.Recordset,ix
loRS = Createobject('Adodb.Recordset')
m.loRS.Open( m.toStream )
* Use first row for headers
Local Array aHeader[1]
m.toRange.Offset(1,0).CopyFromRecordSet( m.loRS ) && Copy data starting from headerrow + 1
For ix=1 To Iif( !Empty(m.tcHeaders), ;
ALINES(aHeader, m.tcHeaders,1,','), ;
m.loRS.Fields.Count )
m.toRange.Offset(0,m.ix-1).Value = ;
Iif( !Empty(m.tcHeaders), ;
aHeader[m.ix], ;
Proper(m.loRS.Fields(m.ix-1).Name) )
m.toRange.Offset(0,m.ix-1).Font.Bold = .T.
Procedure GetDataAsAdoStream(tcConnection, tcSQL)
Local loStream As 'AdoDb.Stream', ;
loConn As 'AdoDb.Connection', ;
loRS As 'AdoDb.Recordset'
loStream = Createobject('AdoDb.Stream')
loConn = Createobject("Adodb.connection")
loConn.ConnectionString = m.tcConnection
loRS = loConn.Execute(m.tcSQL)
m.loRS.Save( loStream )
Return m.loStream
Upvotes: 1