Reputation: 295
from scipy import ndimage
height, width, colors = image.shape
transform = [[1, 0, 0],
[0.5, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 1]]
sheared_array = ndimage.affine_transform(image,
offset=(0, -height*0.7, 0),
output_shape=(height, width*2, colors))
My current code does this. My aim is to shear the image by any degree X.
I want to do the same thing with a naive approach. As in, without any pre-defined functions. Just python/numpy code from scratch.
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Views: 506
Given the image:
the following code should do what you want to achieve. It copies y-rows of pixels from the numpy array representing the source image to a new created wider image at appropriate x-offsets calculated from the given shear angle. The variable names in a following code are chosen in a way explaining what they are used for providing further details about what the code does:
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
shearAngleDegrees = 30
PILimg ='shearNumpyImageByAngle.jpg')
npImg = np.asarray(PILimg)
def shearNpImgByAngle(numpyImageArray, shearAngleDegrees, maxShearAngle=75):
import numpy as np
from math import tan, radians
assert -maxShearAngle <= shearAngleDegrees <= maxShearAngle
ccw = True if shearAngleDegrees > 0 else False # shear counter-clockwise?
imgH, imgW, imgRGBtplItems = npImg.shape
shearAngleRadians = radians(shearAngleDegrees)
imgWplus2imgH = abs(tan(shearAngleRadians)) # (plus in width)/(image height)
imgWplus = int((imgH-1)*imgWplus2imgH) # image width increase in pixels
npImgOut = np.zeros((imgH, imgW+imgWplus, imgRGBtplItems), dtype='uint8')
Wplus, Wplus2H = (0, -imgWplus2imgH) if ccw else (imgWplus,imgWplus2imgH)
for y in range(imgH):
shiftX = Wplus-int(y*Wplus2H)
npImgOut[y][shiftX:shiftX+imgW] = npImg[y]
return npImgOut
npImgOut = shearNpImgByAngle(npImg, shearAngleDegrees)
PILout = Image.fromarray(npImgOut)'shearNumpyImageByAngle_shearedBy30deg.jpg')
As a nice add-on to the above code an extension filling the black edges of the sheared image mirroring the source picture around its sides:
def filledShearNpImgByAngle(npImg, angleDeg, fill=True, maxAngle=75):
import numpy as np
from math import tan, radians
assert -maxAngle <= angleDeg <= maxAngle
ccw = True if angleDeg > 0 else False # shear counter-clockwise?
imgH, imgW, imgRGBtplItems = npImg.shape
angleRad = radians(angleDeg)
imgWplus2imgH = abs(tan(angleRad)) # (plus in width)/(image height)
imgWplus = int((imgH-1)*imgWplus2imgH) # image add. width in pixels
npImgOut = np.zeros((imgH, imgW+imgWplus, imgRGBtplItems),
dtype=npImg.dtype) # 'uint8')
Wplus, Wplus2H = (0, -imgWplus2imgH) if ccw else (imgWplus, imgWplus2imgH)
for y in range(imgH):
shiftXy = Wplus-int(y*Wplus2H)
npImgOut[y][shiftXy:shiftXy+imgW] = npImg[y]
if fill:
assert imgW > imgWplus
npImgOut[y][0:shiftXy] = np.flip(npImg[y][0:shiftXy], axis=0)
npImgOut[y][imgW+shiftXy:imgW+imgWplus] = np.flip(npImg[y][imgW-imgWplus-1+shiftXy:imgW-1], axis=0)
return npImgOut
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
PILimg ='shearNumpyImageByAngle.jpg')
npImg = np.asarray(PILimg)
shearAngleDegrees = 20
npImgOut = filledShearNpImgByAngle(npImg, shearAngleDegrees)#, fill=False)
shearAngleDegrees = 10
npImgOut = filledShearNpImgByAngle(npImgOut, shearAngleDegrees)#, fill=False)
PILout = Image.fromarray(npImgOut)'shearNumpyImageByAngle_filledshearBy30deg.jpg')
Upvotes: 4