Reputation: 3
I have got a DataGridView
with datasource from MsAccess file which i quickly filter thru the many TextBox
If add one more TextBox filtering for a one more column, then filtering is not working properly, for example is showing only 5 results where it should be showing 160 reusults
Working properly: IMG
Private Sub MPR_Filtrowanie(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles FMPR_data.TextChanged, FMPR_kod.TextChanged, FMPR_opis.TextChanged,
FMPR_regal.TextChanged, FMPR_uwagi.TextChanged, FMPR_lotto.TextChanged, FMPR_akcja.TextChanged, FMPR_lotto_prod.TextChanged
MPruchyBindingSource.Filter = String.Format("Convert(data,'System.String') like '%{0}' and Convert(KodMP,'System.String') like '%{1}'
and Convert(opis_gal,'System.String') like '%{2}%' and Convert(regal,'System.String') like '%{3}' and Convert(uwagi,'System.String') like '%{4}%'
and Convert(lotto,'System.String') like '%{5}%' and Convert(akcja,'System.String') like '%{6}%'",
_FMPR_data.Text.ToString, FMPR_kod.Text.ToString, FMPR_opis.Text.ToString, FMPR_regal.Text.ToString,
_FMPR_uwagi.Text.ToString, FMPR_lotto.Text.ToString, FMPR_akcja.Text.ToString)
MPRdgv.DataSource = MPruchyBindingSource
End sub
Not working properly (just one more column): IMG
Private Sub MPR_Filtrowanie(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles FMPR_data.TextChanged, FMPR_kod.TextChanged, FMPR_opis.TextChanged,
FMPR_regal.TextChanged, FMPR_uwagi.TextChanged, FMPR_lotto.TextChanged, FMPR_akcja.TextChanged, FMPR_lotto_prod.TextChanged
MPruchyBindingSource.Filter = String.Format("Convert(data,'System.String') like '%{0}' and Convert(KodMP,'System.String') like '%{1}'
and Convert(opis_gal,'System.String') like '%{2}%' and Convert(regal,'System.String') like '%{3}' and Convert(uwagi,'System.String') like '%{4}%'
and Convert(lotto,'System.String') like '%{5}%' and Convert(akcja,'System.String') like '%{6}%' and Convert(lotto_prod,'System.String') like '%{7}%'",
_FMPR_data.Text.ToString, FMPR_kod.Text.ToString, FMPR_opis.Text.ToString, FMPR_regal.Text.ToString,
_FMPR_uwagi.Text.ToString, FMPR_lotto.Text.ToString, FMPR_akcja.Text.ToString, FMPR_lotto_prod.Text.ToString)
MPRdgv.DataSource = MPruchyBindingSource
End sub
Upvotes: 0
Views: 195
Reputation: 54417
I'm fairly confident that the issue is that your filter will match only string values and not nulls so your filter is excluding rows where that column is null. In that case, you can change this:
Convert(lotto_prod,'System.String') like '%{7}%'
to this:
CONVERT(ISNULL(lotto_prod, ''),'System.String') LIKE '%{7}%'
and I think it should work. You may need to do similarly for other columns that could contain nulls.
Upvotes: 1