Reputation: 35
I need to identify the new line chars if any using powershell or batch file and if present remove.
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Views: 173
Reputation: 440297
In a comment you state:
each record starts with
It sounds like the way to fix your file is to remove any newlines that aren't followed by verbatim DTL|
(the code handles both CRLF and LF-only newlines):
# Create sample file.
result of an unwanted
newline or two
'@ > test.txt
# Replace all newlines not directly followed by verbatim 'DTL|'
# with a space (remove `, ' '` if you simply want to remove the newlines).
# Pipe to Set-Content -NoNewLine in order to save to a file as needed.
(Get-Content -Raw test.txt) -replace '\r?\n(?!DTL\||\z)', ' '
DTL|foo2 result of an unwanted newline or two
For an explanation of the regex used with the -replace
operator above and the ability to experiment with it, see this page.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 67256
I am afraid I don't really understand what you want. You didn't posted any input file nor specified what is the output you want from such an input. Anyway, I hope this code can help:
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem Create a test file
set LF=^
%don't remove%
%these lines%
echo Line One: CR+LF
set /P "=Line Two: LF!LF!"
echo Line Three: CR+LF
) > test.txt < NUL
rem Read the file
set "acum=0"
(for /F "tokens=1* delims=:" %%a in ('findstr /O "^" test.txt') do (
if not defined line (
set "line=%%b"
) else (
set /A "len=%%a-acum-2, acum=%%a"
for %%n in (!len!) do if "!line:~%%n!" equ "" (
echo !line!
) else (
set /P "=!line!"
set "line=%%b"
)) < NUL
for %%a in (test.txt) do set /A "len=%%~Za-acum-2"
(for %%n in (!len!) do if "!line:~%%n!" equ "" (
echo !line!
) else (
set /P "=!line!"
)) < NUL
Line One: CR+LF
Line Two: LFLine Three: CR+LF
This example first create a file with three lines, but the second one is ended in LF instead of CR+LF. Then, the program identify how each line ends and remove the alone LF's
The method is based on findstr /O
switch that reports the offset of the first byte of each line starting from beginning of file
Upvotes: 0