Reputation: 43
I'm trying to calling 2 variables inside another procedure that should give me the min and max in a column like this:
create or replace procedure ClassEnrollmentReport
(p_CLASSNAME in class.classname%TYPE)
dbms_output.put_line('Max gpa:');
dbms_output.put_line('Min gpa:');
end ClassEnrollmentReport;
Which gives me an error message like this:
6/5 PL/SQL: Statement ignored
6/35 PLS-00225: subprogram or cursor 'MINMAXGPA' reference is out of scope
8/5 PL/SQL: Statement ignored
8/35 PLS-00225: subprogram or cursor 'MINMAXGPA' reference is out of scope
Here's how the minmaxgpa procedure look like:
create or replace procedure MinMaxGPA
p_CLASSNAME in class.classname%type,
p_maxStudentGPA OUT student.gpa%type,
p_minStudentGPA OUT student.gpa%type
maxStudentGPA student.gpa%type;
minStudentGPA student.gpa%type;
select max(gpa) into maxStudentGPA
from student
where classno = (select classno from class where upper(classname) = upper(p_CLASSNAME));
select min(gpa) into minStudentGPA
from student
where classno = (select classno from class where upper(classname) = upper(p_CLASSNAME));
p_maxStudentGPA := maxStudentGPA;
p_minStudentGPA := minStudentGPA;
end MinMaxGPA;
I know how to do this with a function, but having no idea how can I get this with procedure. Can you help me with this?
Upvotes: 0
Views: 115
Reputation: 142705
With really simple sample tables (just to make the procedure compile):
SQL> create table class as select 'abc' classname, 100 clasno from dual;
Table created.
SQL> create table student as select 1 gpa, 100 classno from dual;
Table created.
Procedure code (I didn't change it):
SQL> create or replace procedure MinMaxGPA
2 (
3 p_CLASSNAME in class.classname%type,
4 p_maxStudentGPA OUT student.gpa%type,
5 p_minStudentGPA OUT student.gpa%type
7 )
8 as
9 maxStudentGPA student.gpa%type;
10 minStudentGPA student.gpa%type;
11 begin
12 select max(gpa) into maxStudentGPA
13 from student
14 where classno = (select classno from class where upper(classname) = upper(p_CLASSNAME));
17 select min(gpa) into minStudentGPA
18 from student
19 where classno = (select classno from class where upper(classname) = upper(p_CLASSNAME));
21 p_maxStudentGPA := maxStudentGPA;
22 p_minStudentGPA := minStudentGPA;
23 end MinMaxGPA;
24 /
Procedure created.
Your "new" ClassEnrollmentReport
should then look like this: you have to follow the MinMaxGPA
procedure's description - it accepts 3 parameters (one in, two out):
SQL> create or replace procedure ClassEnrollmentReport
2 (p_CLASSNAME in class.classname%TYPE)
3 as
4 v_mingpa number;
5 v_maxgpa number;
6 begin
7 minmaxgpa(p_classname, v_mingpa, v_maxgpa);
8 dbms_output.put_line('Max gpa: ' || v_maxgpa);
9 dbms_output.put_line('Min gpa: ' || v_mingpa);
10 end ClassEnrollmentReport;
11 /
Procedure created.
If we test it:
SQL> set serveroutput on
SQL> exec classenrollmentreport('abc');
Max gpa: 1
Min gpa: 1
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Upvotes: 3