
Reputation: 143

Replacing the Timer Interrupt Handler in DOS With GNU (GCC and GAS)

As the title suggests, I'm trying to replace the existing handler for the Timer interrupt in DOS with one of my own. After searching far and wide for a variety of solutions, I found some Assembly code which does exactly that, and I have even managed to compile and test it, and saw that it works.

The problem now is that the code I found (see further down) is written for TASM, and I wish to use it with some C code that I'm writing, which I compile with GCC.

I've tried to convert the code into GAS (GNU Assembler) syntax, but I can't seem to get it to work (I mostly experienced crashes of one kind or another during my numerous attempts).

I would very much appreciate it if anyone could enlighten me with a solution (be it a working version of the assembly code that GAS can compile, a way to do the entire thing in C -- the "interrupt" keyword doesn't work, and neither does "attribute ((interrupt))" and the like -- or even a way to bridge between TASM and GCC).

I should also probably mention that the DOS system I'm using is actually an OracleVM VirtualBox Manager running a virtual machine with FreeDOS installed on it, and that the compiler I'm using for C is the GCC that is provided with the DJGPP development environment.

This is the working TASM code I have (taken from

_stack        SEGMENT    STACK
              db         32 DUP ('STACK   ')
_stack        ENDS

_code        SEGMENT PARA 'CODE'
             ASSUME  CS:_code,  SS:_stack


        JMP    Linstall

;| My New 1Ch INT
;| Print 'random' chars to the first video line

new_Int PROC   FAR

        DEC    BYTE PTR CS:Counter

        PUSH   AX

        MOV    AX, 0B800h
        MOV    ES,AX                   ; ES = b800h
        MOV    DI,000h                 ; DI = 0000h

        MOV    AH,CS:Counter           ; set foreground and background color
        MOV    AL,CS:Counter           ; set char

        MOV    CX,80
        REP    STOSW                   ; From AX to ES:DI

        POP    AX


new_Int ENDP

Counter DB     0Fh

;| Store old INT and Install the new one

Linstall    LABEL    NEAR

old_INT     DD       00000000h

        MOV    AL,01Ch                 ;+-
        MOV    AH,35h                  ;| Save old_INT
        INT    21h                     ;|
        MOV    WORD PTR [old_INT],BX
        MOV    WORD PTR [old_INT][2],ES

        CLI                            ;+-
        PUSH   CS                      ;| Install
        POP    DS                      ;|
        LEA    DX,new_INT
        MOV    AL,1Ch
        MOV    AH,25h
        INT    21h

        MOV    AH,0                    ;+- 
        INT    16H                     ;| Wait for a keypress

;| Disinstall and exit

        PUSH   DS
        LDS    DX,CS:[old_INT]         ;+- 
        MOV    AL,1Ch                  ;| Disinstall int
        MOV    AH,25h                  ;| 
        INT    21h                     ;| 
        POP    DS

        MOV    AL,0                    ;+-
        MOV    AH,4Ch                  ;| Exit 
        INT    21h                     ;| 

_code   ENDS
        END    Lstart

It fully works on my machine. I start the program and see the entire first line of the console replaced by colorful characters that change all the time.

And this is my attempt to convert the above code into GAS syntax:

.file   "ttv2.s"

# Define a variable for "randomizing" characters and colors
.globl _MyVar
        .section        .bss
        .space 1
        .section .text

# Define a variable for storing the address of the current ISR
.globl _OldInt
        .section        .bss
        .p2align 2
        .space 4
        .section .text

# Program entry point
.globl start
        jmp     _Install

# This is the new Interrupt Service Routine that is going to be installed
.globl _NewInt
        movb    _MyVar,  %al
        decb    %al            # Decrement our variable
        movb    %al,     _MyVar

        pushw   %ax

        movw    $0xB800, %ax
        movw    %ax,     %es    # ES = 0xB800
        movw    $0,      %di    # DI = 0

        movb    _MyVar,  %ah    # Set the foreground and background colors
        movb    _MyVar,  %al    # Set the charater to be displayed

        movw    $80,     %cx    # The screen is 80 characters wide
        rep     stosw           # Start copying from AX to AS:DI

        popw    %ax


.globl _Install
        # Save old ISR address
        movb    $0x1C,   %al  # Set the code for the Timer interrupt
        movb    $0x35,   %ah  # 0x35 is the code for getting the current ISR
        int     $0x21         # 0x21 is the interrupt fot s/getting ISRs
        movw    %es,     %dx     #
        shll    $16,     %edx    # Save the address of the
        movw    %bx,     %dx     #  old interrupt handler
        movl    %edx,    _OldInt #

        # Install the new ISR
        pushw   %cs
        popw    %ds
        lea     _NewInt, %dx  # Set the address of the ISR we're installing
        movb    $0x1C,   %al  # Set the code for the Timer interrupt
        movb    $0x25,   %ah  # 0x25 is the code for setting a new ISR
        int     $0x21         # 0x21 is the interrupt fot s/getting ISRs

        # Wait for a key press
        movl    $0,     %eax
        int     $0x16

.globl _Uninstall
        pushw   %ds
        lds     %cs:_OldInt,    %dx  # Install the address of the old ISR

        movb    $0x1C,   %al  # Set the code for the Timer interrupt
        movb    $0x25,   %ah  # 0x25 is the code for setting a new ISR
        int     $0x21         # 0x21 is the interrupt fot s/getting ISRs

        popw    %ds

.globl _End
        # Exit
        movb    $0,     %al
        movb    $0x4C,  %ah   # 0x4C is the code for program exit in DOS
        int     $0x21

        .ident  "GCC: (GNU) 4.5.2"

I compile my file (called "ttv2.s") with the following commands:

as -o ttv2.o ttv2.s
ld -o ttv2.exe ttv2.o

When I run the resulting EXE file (there are no warnings or errors during the assembly and linkage), the program crashes with the error "Exception 0D in ring 0" (and lots of register values). The TASM version, however, works without a hitch! So I'm guessing that there is something wrong either with the way I converted the code, or with the way I'm building the final EXE. Or both.

A bit of additional information, should it help in any way:

Thanks in advance for any and all assistance, and sorry for the lengthy post...

Upvotes: 1

Views: 2288

Answers (2)


Reputation: 32530

The fact that you're getting an error about rings means that you are for some reason not in 16-bit real mode (like DOS would be run), but rather are in some form of protected mode. So make sure that 1) you are compiling to 16-bit real mode for your assembly commands (i.e., the binary machine code is 16-bit opcodes, not 32-bit opcodes), and 2) that you are running in a 16-bit real mode setting when you attempt to run your EXE.

Secondly, note that in the TASM version, they have placed the Counter variable in the code segment, and are accessing the Counter via an offset from the current code-segment. You on the other-hand have placed your counter variable _MyVar in the BSS section. Depending on how the linker links your binary executable, that variable may not be accessible from your interrupt ... for instance, it may not be accessible within the 64Kb window of the current data segment when the interrupt is running. Therefore I would mirror what they did in the TASM version, and place your counter variable in the code-segment, and access it from the code-segment

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 32736

You probably need to specify .code16 so it builds the application for 16-bit real mode.

Upvotes: 1

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