
Reputation: 31

Study Error: Bar index value of the 'left' argument (-1.0000) in is too far from the current bar index. Try using 'time' instead

This code generates the very rare error mentioned above, in some charts only - seems more prevalent in charts with many bars. I cannot find any references or documentation that points to a possible issue. I've tried setting the left value of manually to various values, but nothing seems to solve it.

Any ideas would be highly appreciated?

indicator("Horizontal Support and Resistance zones", overlay=true, max_bars_back=75)

// Make floating-point array
var float[] all_ohlc =   array.new_float()
var float[] all_perc =   array.new_float()
var float[] box_array =   array.new_float()
var float[] allvalues =   array.new_float()

deviation_allowed_perc = input.float(5, "Percentage Deviation Allowed", 0.0, 100.0, 0.1)
//min_count =, "Minimum touchpoints", 1, 50, 1)
min_count_perc = input.float(5, "Minimum touchpoints  as % of total bars", 1, 10, 0.1)
max_lookback =, "Maximum bars lookback", 1, 1000, 1)
ignore_hl = input.bool(true, "Ignore High & Lows")
debug = input.bool(true, "Debug")
zone_col = input.color(,0), 'Colors',inline='col')
trans  =,title="",inline='col',minval=0,maxval=100)

// Make one label to show the chart's bar count
var barsLabel =, y=na, style=label.style_label_left,
     color=color.teal, textcolor=color.white, size=size.large)
var loopcount1 = 0
var loopcount2 = 0
var loopcount3 = 0
var loopcount4 = 0
var boxcount = 0
var boxindex = last_bar_index

var min_barindex = math.max(0, last_bar_index-max_lookback)
var min_count = (last_bar_index-min_barindex) * min_count_perc / 100

// Add the opens, highs, lows and closes to the array
if barstate.isconfirmed and bar_index >= min_barindex
    array.push(id=all_ohlc, value=open)
    array.push(id=all_ohlc, value=close)
    if not ignore_hl
        array.push(id=all_ohlc, value=high)
        array.push(id=all_ohlc, value=low)
var thearray = str.tostring(all_ohlc)

if barstate.islast
    // Sort the Array from highest to lowest values
    array.sort(all_ohlc, order.descending)
    // Get first value - possible boxtop
    var highvalue = array.shift(all_ohlc)
    boxtop = 0.0
    boxbottom = 0.0

    var count = 0
    for i = 0 to array.size(all_ohlc) - 1
        loopcount1 := loopcount1 + 1
        curr_value = array.shift(all_ohlc)
        array.push(id=allvalues, value=curr_value)
        if highvalue / curr_value <= (1+deviation_allowed_perc/100) //Check whether the two values are close to each other
            count := count + 1
            loopcount2 := loopcount2 + 1
            if count == 1
                boxtop := highvalue
                boxindex := math.min(array.indexof(all_ohlc, highvalue), boxindex)
            if count >= 1
                boxbottom := curr_value
                boxindex := math.min(array.indexof(all_ohlc, curr_value), boxindex)

        else //This executes when the two values are not close to each other
            loopcount3 := loopcount3 + 1
            if count >= min_count // draw a box
                loopcount4 := loopcount4 + 1
                boxcount := boxcount + 1
                if bar_index - 50 > boxindex
                    boxindex ==  bar_index - 50
                if boxindex < 1
                    boxindex ==  1
                array.push(id=box_array, value=boxtop)
                array.push(id=box_array, value=boxbottom)
      , boxtop, bar_index, boxbottom, xloc=xloc.bar_index,, trans),, trans), extend=extend.right)

            // Reset parameters to start over
            count := 0
            highvalue := curr_value


    labelText = "This " + syminfo.ticker + " chart has\n"
         + "Price bars: " + str.tostring(bar_index + 1, "##,###") + "\n"
         + "Min Bar Index: " + str.tostring(min_barindex) + "\n"
         + "Min Count: " + str.tostring(min_count) + "\n"
         + "Array size: " + str.tostring(array.size(all_ohlc)) + "\n"
         + "Loop1: " + str.tostring(loopcount1) + "\n"
         + "Loop2: " + str.tostring(loopcount2) + "\n"
         + "Loop3: " + str.tostring(loopcount3) + "\n"
         + "Loop4: " + str.tostring(loopcount4) + "\n"
         + "Boxcount: " + str.tostring(boxcount) + "\n"
         + "Array: " + str.tostring(str.substring(thearray, 0, 50)) +"\n"
         + "All Values: " + str.tostring(array.slice(allvalues, 0, 50)) + "\n"
         + "All Perc: " + str.tostring(str.substring(str.tostring(all_perc), 0, 50)) + "\n"
         + "Box Values: " + str.tostring(str.substring(str.tostring(box_array), 0, 50)) + "\n"
    label.set_text(id=barsLabel, text=labelText)
    if debug
        label.set_xy(id=barsLabel, x=bar_index + 2, y=close*2)

Upvotes: 2

Views: 1456

Answers (1)

Starr Lucky
Starr Lucky

Reputation: 1961

error lying somewhere here:

            if count >= 1
                boxbottom := curr_value
                boxindex := math.min(array.indexof(all_ohlc, curr_value), boxindex)


The function returns the index of the first occurrence of the value, or -1 if the value is not found.

Upvotes: 0

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