Reputation: 667
I'm trying to understand why OPEN CURSOR FOR
will allow SELECT
For example:
create table users( name varchar2(100) );
cur sys_refcursor;
open cur for 'insert into users values (''Sean'')';
dbms_sql.return_result( cur );
target of OPEN must be a query
== Edit: more info
I tried to create a proc that will handle inline SQL, I was hoping it would be able to handle SELECT and INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE, but it sounds like I need to have it switch to EXEC IMMEDIATE for the non-SELECTs. Or maybe I can append the INSERT with a SELECT 1 ? Off topic but finding a way to dynamically allow any number of arguments would be great too.
The proc:
create or replace procedure exec_sql_text (
session_id int
,sql_text varchar2
,param_ar_text varchar2 -- default '[]'
,cur out sys_refcursor
) as
param_ar_text_default varchar2(16384) := case when param_ar_text is null then '[]' else param_ar_text end;
param_json_ar json_array_t := json_array_t ( param_ar_text_default );
len int := param_json_ar.get_size();
type string_varray is varray(5) of varchar2(4096); -- not null;
ar string_varray := string_varray();
enforce_session( session_id );
-- convert json_array_t to varray
for i in 0 .. param_json_ar.get_size - 1 loop
ar.extend; ar(i + 1) := param_json_ar.get_String(i);
end loop;
if len = 0 then open cur for sql_text;
elsif len = 1 then open cur for sql_text using ar(1);
elsif len = 2 then open cur for sql_text using ar(1), ar(2);
elsif len = 3 then open cur for sql_text using ar(1), ar(2), ar(3);
else Raise_Application_Error( -20001, 'exec_sql_text: param-array length out of range, length: ' || len );
end if;
end exec_sql_text;
== Edit 2:
I'm guessing the best option is to dynamically generate the OPEN FOR and EXECUTE IMMEDIATE with the params, then run it inside another OPEN/EXEC. It feels a little crazy but it'll make switching between OPEN and EXEC a lot easier.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 289
Reputation: 18695
Well... I googled "oracle sql what is a cursor" and this came back:
In Oracle, a cursor is a mechanism by which you can assign a name to a SELECT statement and manipulate the information within that SQL statement.
A cursor is a pointer that points to a result of a query
Cursors are only about selects. They have nothing to do with update/delete/insert statements.
Upvotes: 2