Reputation: 51
I have a CSV that I want to put into a google sheet into sheet3 of many. I was hoping someone can help me complete this code. I am using Google API. So far I have gotten the csv to upload to the google drive. Now I would like to change the code to update a specific google sheet in sheet3 instead of creating a new sheet. Bellow you will find the code that I am using to create a new sheet with the CSV data.
# Import Csv to Google Drive
import os
import glob
from pydrive.auth import GoogleAuth
from import GoogleDrive
gauth = GoogleAuth()
drive = GoogleDrive(gauth)
# line used to change the directory
os.chdir(r'DIRECTORY OF CSV')
list_of_files = glob.glob('DIRECTORY OF CSV\*') # * means all if need specific format then *.csv
latest_file = max(list_of_files, key=os.path.getctime)
upload_file_list = [latest_file]
for upload_file in upload_file_list:
gfile = drive.CreateFile({'parents': [{'id': 'THE GOOGLE ID'}]})
# Read file and set it as the content of this instance.
gfile.Upload() # Upload the file.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 7927
Reputation: 201643
I believe your goal is as follows.
In this case, how about the following sample script?
When googleapis for python is used, how about the following sample script?
service = build("sheets", "v4", credentials=creds) # Please use your script for authorization.
spreadsheet_id = "###" # Please put your Spreadsheet ID.
sheet_name = "Sheet3" # Please put the sheet ID of the sheet you want to use.
csv_file = "###" # Please put the file path of the CSV file you want to use.
f = open(csv_file, "r")
values = [r for r in csv.reader(f)]
request = service.spreadsheets().values().update(spreadsheetId=spreadsheet_id, range=sheet_name, valueInputOption="USER_ENTERED", body={"values": values}).execute()
When gspread for python is used, how about the following sample script?
import gspread
import csv
client = gspread.oauth(###) # Please use your script for authorization.
spreadsheet_id = "###" # Please put your Spreadsheet ID.
sheet_name = "Sheet3" # Please put the sheet ID of the sheet you want to use.
csv_file = "###" # Please put the file path of the CSV file you want to use.
spreadsheet = client.open_by_key(spreadsheet_id)
worksheet = spreadsheet.worksheet(sheet_name)
f = open(csv_file, "r")
values = [r for r in csv.reader(f)]
Upvotes: 6