
Reputation: 278

Why is thrust reduce_by_key almost 75x slower than for_each with atomicAdd()?

I was not satisfied with the performance of the below thrust::reduce_by_key, so I rewrote it in a variety of ways with little gained benefit (including removing the permutation iterator). However, it wasn't until after replacing it with a thrust::for_each() (see below) that capitalizes on atomicAdd(), that I gained almost a 75x speedup! The two versions produce the exact same results. What could be the biggest cause for the dramatic performance differences?

Complete code for comparison between the two approaches:

#include "cuda_runtime.h"
#include "device_launch_parameters.h"
#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>
#include <thrust/copy.h>
#include <thrust/device_vector.h>
#include <thrust/execution_policy.h>
#include <thrust/host_vector.h>
#include <thrust/iterator/discard_iterator.h>
#include <thrust/sort.h>

constexpr int NumberOfOscillators = 100;
int SeedRange = 500;

struct GetProduct
    template<typename Tuple>
    __host__ __device__
        int operator()(const Tuple & t)
        return  thrust::get<0>(t) * thrust::get<1>(t);

int main()
    using namespace std;
    using namespace thrust::placeholders;

    thrust::device_vector<int> dv_OscillatorsVelocity(NumberOfOscillators);
    thrust::device_vector<int> dv_outputCompare(NumberOfOscillators);
    thrust::device_vector<int> dv_Connections_Strength((NumberOfOscillators - 1) * NumberOfOscillators);
    thrust::device_vector<int> dv_Connections_Active((NumberOfOscillators - 1) * NumberOfOscillators);
    thrust::device_vector<int> dv_Connections_TerminalOscillatorID_Map(0);
    thrust::device_vector<int> dv_Permutation_Connections_To_TerminalOscillators((NumberOfOscillators - 1) * NumberOfOscillators);
    thrust::device_vector<int> dv_Connection_Keys((NumberOfOscillators - 1) * NumberOfOscillators);
    srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));

    thrust::fill(dv_OscillatorsVelocity.begin(), dv_OscillatorsVelocity.end(), 0);

    for (int c = 0; c < NumberOfOscillators * (NumberOfOscillators - 1); c++)
        dv_Connections_Strength[c] = (rand() % SeedRange) - (SeedRange / 2);

        dv_Connections_Active[c] = 0;

    int curOscillatorIndx = -1;
    for (int c = 0; c < NumberOfOscillators * NumberOfOscillators; c++)
        if (c % NumberOfOscillators == 0)

        if (c % NumberOfOscillators != curOscillatorIndx)
            dv_Connections_TerminalOscillatorID_Map.push_back(c % NumberOfOscillators);

    for (int n = 0; n < NumberOfOscillators; n++)
        for (int p = 0; p < NumberOfOscillators - 1; p++)
                thrust::make_counting_iterator<int>(dv_Connections_TerminalOscillatorID_Map.size()), // indices from 0 to N
                dv_Connections_TerminalOscillatorID_Map.begin(), // array data
                dv_Permutation_Connections_To_TerminalOscillators.begin() + (n * (NumberOfOscillators - 1)), // result will be written here
                _1 == n);

    for (int c = 0; c < NumberOfOscillators * (NumberOfOscillators - 1); c++)
        dv_Connection_Keys[c] = c / (NumberOfOscillators - 1);



    auto t = clock();

    for (int x = 0; x < 5000; ++x) //Set x maximum to a reasonable number while testing performance.
            //dv_Connection_Keys = 0,0,0,...1,1,1,...2,2,2,...3,3,3...
            dv_Connection_Keys.begin(), //keys_first    The beginning of the input key range.
            dv_Connection_Keys.end(), //keys_last   The end of the input key range.
            ), //values_first   The beginning of the input value range.
            thrust::make_discard_iterator(), //keys_output  The beginning of the output key range.
            dv_OscillatorsVelocity.begin() //values_output  The beginning of the output value range.

    std::cout << "iterations    time for original: " << (clock() - t) * (1000.0 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC) << "ms\n" << endl << endl;

    thrust::copy(dv_OscillatorsVelocity.begin(), dv_OscillatorsVelocity.end(), dv_outputCompare.begin());

    t = clock();

    for (int x = 0; x < 5000; ++x) //Set x maximum to a reasonable number while testing performance.
            thrust::make_counting_iterator(0) + dv_Connections_Active.size(),
                s = dv_OscillatorsVelocity.size() - 1,
                dv_b = thrust::raw_pointer_cast(,
                dv_c = thrust::raw_pointer_cast(, //3,6,9,0,7,10,1,4,11,2,5,8
                dv_ppa = thrust::raw_pointer_cast(,
                dv_pps = thrust::raw_pointer_cast(
            ] __device__(int i) {
                const int readIndex = i / s;
                    dv_b + readIndex,
                    (dv_ppa[dv_c[i]] * dv_pps[dv_c[i]])

    std::cout << "iterations    time for new: " << (clock() - t) * (1000.0 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC) << "ms\n" << endl << endl;

    std::cout << "***" << (dv_OscillatorsVelocity == dv_outputCompare ? "success" : "fail") << "***\n";


    return 0;

Extra info.:

My results are using a single GTX 980 TI.

There are 100 * (100 - 1) = 9,900 elements in all of the "Connection" vectors.

Each of the 100 unique keys found in dv_Connection_Keys has 99 elements each.

Use this compiler option: --expt-extended-lambda

Upvotes: 1

Views: 556

Answers (2)


Reputation: 3095

The following answer tries to explain or at least motivate the remaining difference in performance after going from a debug build to a release build as explained in Robert Crovella's answer.


As the accesses in both kernels are not coalesced due to the permutation_iterator/indirection through dv_c, going by the the plain number of accesses will overestimate the performance in this case. thrust::reduce_by_key (or pretty much all Thrust algorithms) is not and can not be optimized for general permutations of the input as the performance of these bandwidth-bound kernels depends strongly on coalesced memory access. Naturally the algorithms are written such that accesses are coalesced for normal continuous input. So if you need to access the permuted state order of the data more than once (which might happen in a single reduction algorithm), it could be faster to actually permute the data in memory using thrust::gather or thrust::scatter once so at least all following accesses are efficient. I would not expect the for_each solution to beat reduce_by_key without that permutation.


Newer versions of nvcc will try to use automatically use warp-aggregated-atomics to reduce the number of actual atomic instructions on the same address. As neighboring threads (same warp) tend to atomically write to the same address, this optimization is crucial for the performance of your custom reduction. Another important detail is that s = NumberOfOscillators is relatively small (100) in your code compared to typical thread-block sizes (256, 512, 1024; locality of atomic writes) and the amount of parallelism in the for_each (~NumberOfOscillators^2). So for smaller NumberOfOscillators I expect your custom reduction to get worse than reduce_by_key due to the vanishing amount of parallelism, while for bigger NumberOfOscillators you get both much more parallelism and more thread blocks/warps writing to the same location, so it is not quite clear which one will win without benchmarking it for given hardware and compiler.

Upvotes: 2

Robert Crovella
Robert Crovella

Reputation: 152164

What could be the biggest cause for the dramatic performance differences?

You are evidently building a debug project, that is your compilation settings include the -G switch. Although you were asked for your compilation settings in the comments, you didn't mention this.

It's important.

CUDA device code can have dramatically different performance characteristics when compiled with -G.

Don't evaluate performance of a debug project, or code compiled with -G.

When I compile and run your code without -G, I get:

iterations    time for original: 210ms

iterations    time for new: 70ms


When I compile your code with the debug switch -G, and run, I get:

iterations    time for original: 12330ms

iterations    time for new: 320ms


returning to your question, that accounts for the biggest factor of the difference.

Upvotes: 3

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