Reputation: 1190
On Oracle / PL/SQL, I understand that I can't do the following with LIKE and IN clause together:
select * from booking_details where tags LIKE ('%val1%', '%val2%', 'val3%',....);
To achieve the above, I can do this:
select * from booking_details where tags LIKE '%val1%' OR tags LIKE '%val2%' OR tags LIKE '%val3%' OR ... ;
I want to apply this method to one of procedures we have.
function search_bookings( pi_search_string in varchar2 , po_bookings out booking_tbl_typ)
return integer as
t_booking_table booking_tbl_typ := booking_tbl_typ();
v_search_string varchar2(120) := pi_search_string;
result number;
select booking_typ (
bulk collect
into t_booking_table
from booking_details bd
and (bd.tags like '%'|| lower(v_search_string)||'%')
order by booking_id, start_date;
po_bookings := t_booking_table;
return c_success;
when NO_DATA_FOUND then
return c_success;
when OTHERS then
v_excep_msg := sqlerrm;
return c_failure;
end search_bookings;
Users of application can basically enter anything for pi_search_string
but at the moment it only works for searching for one tag.
I am hoping to split pi_search_string
into keywords by whitespaces and search for multiple tags in the fashion of:
select * from booking_details where tags LIKE '%keyword1%' OR tags LIKE '%keyword2%' OR tags LIKE '%keyword3%' OR ... ;
Because the query changes depending on users' input, I am not sure if this is achievable.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 290
Reputation: 520948
You could use REGEXP_LIKE
with an alternation:
FROM booking_details
WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(tags, 'val1|val2|val3');
Inside your stored procedure you would only need to build the pipe separated string of keywords.
Upvotes: 1