I know that the bare reader monad merely consists of two functions:
const chain = g => f => x => f(g(x)) (x);
const of = x => _ => x;
But I don't have any intuition of how it works or how it is applied. Knowing that is is used to thread arguments implicitly throughout a composition doesn't help much.
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Views: 54
The reader monad is hard to grasp because the feature it utilizes is rather ordinary (function application) and its application is kind of non-inuitive. How can f => g => x => f(g(x)) (x)
be useful, when both arguments are initially the same? Let's start with a simple example:
const inc = x => x + 1; const sqr = x => x * x; const add = x => y => x + y;
Depending on the position of add
these functions cannot be composed out of the box due to deviating arity. In a more generalized sense you can state that add
needs an extra argument and inc
need to be aware of this circumstance.
The Reader Monad can be used to gain more flexibility in such scenarios. In an untyped setting the Reader value is just a function stored in a plain old JS object:
const Reader = f => ({
[Symbol.toStringTag]: "Reader",
run: e => f(e) // eta expanded for clarity
const incR = x => Reader(e => x + 1);
const sqrR = x => Reader(e => x * x);
const addR = x => Reader(e => x + e);
The functions from the initial example are now adjusted to the new Reader "type". e
is the decesive argument, called the environment. It is the implicit, extra argument handeled by the Reader Monad. e
can be a scalar value or a composite one to encode several extra arguments. As you can see e
is only used by addR
and ignored by the rest.
How can these functions be composed? Obviously, normal function composition doesn't work anymore. We need a construct that encodes how composition works with the Reader type. This is exactly what the monad structure gives us:
const Reader = f => ({
[Symbol.toStringTag]: "Reader",
run: e => f(e)
const id = x => x;
Reader.chain = mg => fm => Reader(e => fm(;
Reader.of = x => Reader(_ => x);
Reader.ask = Reader(id);
const r = Reader.chain(incR(2)) (x => // Reader {run: f}
Reader.chain(sqrR(x)) (y =>
Reader.chain(addR(y)) (z =>
Reader(e => [e, z]))));
I use Reader.chain
for composing and feed the value 2
into the composition. The result r
of the computation is Reader {run: f}
. This gives us the clue that the composition isn't evaluated yet. Something is missing. Right, the environment argument. Let's pass it: // [5, 14]
The composition yields the original environment argument e
and the calculated result. Here is the untangled calculation:
2 + 1 = 3
3 * 3 = 9
9 + 5 = 14
// ^env
builds up a nested function call stack, a description of a computation that is only evaluated when the environment argument is passed.
What if we want sqrK
to be based on e
as well? Just Reader.ask
the environment:
const r2 = Reader.chain(incR(2)) (x =>
Reader.chain(Reader.ask) (e2 =>
// ^^^^^^^^^^
Reader.chain(sqrR(e2 % 2 === 1 ? 1 : x)) (y =>
Reader.chain(addR(y)) (z =>
Reader(e => [e, z])))));; // [5, 6]; // [4, 13]
All that's necessary is an additional Reader.chain(Reader.ask)
call. e2
provides the environment to the subsequent continuation.
That's the gist of it. It's a lot of monadic boilerplate in return for implicitly threaded arguments. I'd say it is still useful if you need to pass a configuration around and are already composing using another monad. Monads of different type don't compose out of the box but you can use a monad transformer stack.
Here is a runnable example of the given example including an infix
operator for flat composition syntax:
const r_ = infix(
addR) (2);
Reader.chain(r_) (z => Reader(e => [e, z])).run(5);
Alternatively, you can use generator syntactic sugar to get a more imperative coding experience:
const Reader = f => ({
[Symbol.toStringTag]: "Reader",
run: e => f(e)
const id = x => x;
const log = x => console.log(x); = f => tg => Reader(e => f(;
Reader.ap = tf => tg => Reader(e => (
Reader.of = x => Reader(_ => x);
Reader.chain = mg => fm => Reader(e => fm(;
Reader.ask = Reader(id);
const incR = x => Reader(e => x + 1);
const sqrR = x => Reader(e => x * x);
const addR = x => Reader(e => x + e);
const komp = ({chain}) => fm => gm => x => chain(fm(x)) (gm);
const kompR = komp({chain: Reader.chain});
const makeInfix = nestFirst => (...args) => {
if (args.length === 0) throw new TypeError("no argument found");
let i = 1, x = args[0];
while (i < args.length) {
if (i === 1) x = args[i++] (x) (args[i++]);
else if (nestFirst) x = args[i++] (x) (args[i++]);
else x = args[i++] (args[i++]) (x);
return x;
const infix = makeInfix(true);
const r = Reader.chain(incR(2)) (x =>
Reader.chain(sqrR(x)) (y =>
Reader.chain(addR(y)) (z =>
Reader(e => [e, z]))));; // [5, 14]
const r2 = Reader.chain(incR(2)) (x =>
Reader.chain(Reader.ask) (e2 =>
Reader.chain(sqrR(e2 % 2 === 1 ? 1 : x)) (y =>
Reader.chain(addR(y)) (z =>
Reader(e => [e, z])))));; // [5, 6]; // [4, 13]
const r_ = infix(
addR) (2);
log(Reader.chain(r_) (z => Reader(e => [e, z])).run(5)); // [5, 14]
const r2_ = infix(
x => Reader(e => e % 2 === 1 ? 1 : x * x),
addR) (2);
log(Reader.chain(r2_) (z => Reader(e => [e, z])).run(5)); // [5, 6]
log(Reader.chain(r2_) (z => Reader(e => [e, z])).run(4)); // [4, 13]
Upvotes: 1