Reputation: 11
I'm trying to interpolate my dataset using spatio-temporal kriging approach from gstat and spacetime packages. For the plotting of the results, I use STplot function. I want to use the mode 'xt' which produce the space/time plots. But when I read about this from the STplot documentation, it states that:
" Beware: when the x-coordinate is plotted, and for each (x,t) [x-coordinate and time - author] element multiple y-coordinates are sent to the plot, it is not clear which (x,y,t) value becomes the plotted value, so slicing single y values is adviced -- no checking is done. "
So how do I do the slicing? It is very much appreciated if anyone can show some examples. Thanks.
my data:
structure(list(LAT = c(-27.6516, -28.125, -28.0402, -30.7834,
-30.3186, -26.799, -29.1691, -27.8048, -32.0287, -30.7785, -26.8046,
-28.4746, -33.7363, -27.8916, -27.1171, -28.5705, -31.5168, -26.2128,
-29.4817, -30.6332, -27.502, -30.0559, -29.9606, -28.3372, -29.8045,
-30.5696, -28.0601, -32.124, -27.901, -27.1366), LONG = c(122.3147,
123.9281, 120.8122, 122.4, 119.0079, 117.9917, 117.6532, 120.7011,
119.9546, 121.8267, 120.268, 117.8563, 117.2423, 121.2715, 119.2709,
119.0009, 120.4255, 120.3706, 119.7581, 119.3093, 121.1075, 119.3646,
119.4459, 121.1211, 119.8226, 121.4668, 119.5071, 119.024, 121.1539,
118.2815), AGE_MA = c(2719L, 2717L, 2712L, 2711L, 2711L, 2711L,
2710L, 2709L, 2708L, 2705L, 2704L, 2704L, 2702L, 2702L, 2701L,
2701L, 2701L, 2700L, 2699L, 2699L, 2699L, 2698L, 2697L, 2695L,
2693L, 2692L, 2691L, 2691L, 2690L, 2689L), EHFI_new = c(1.015,
0.945, 1.02, -3.165, -2.565, -0.865, -0.65, 0.065, -4.52, -0.375,
-2.76, 1.44, -2.03, 2.07, -7.915, -5.215, -2.115, 1.575, -8.785,
-3.185, 2.015, -5.87, -7.855, 2.575, -8.095, 1.42, -6.665, -3.965,
2.45, 0.665)), row.names = c(NA, 30L), class = "data.frame")
Preparing the session
#setting the working directory and load the data
mydata <- read.csv("2627.csv")
df <- data.frame(mydata)
values <- df[, c('EHFI_new')]
time <- df[, c('AGE_MA')]
#Assigning the coordinates and projection
coordinates(df) <- c("LONG","LAT")
proj4string(df) <- CRS("+init=epsg:4326")
#Transform the projection
sp.df <- spTransform(df,CRSobj = "+proj=utm +zone=51 +south
+units=m +no_defs")
Creating object STIDF format
#STIDF consist of dataframe (spatialpoint, temporal, data)
#spatialPoint 0bject
sp_sp <- SpatialPoints(sp.df@coords, CRS("+proj=utm +zone=51 +south
+datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"))
#temporal Object
t <- as.POSIXct(time*60*60*24, origin = "1970-01-01")
#data values
data <- data.frame(values=df$EHFI_new)
#'Merging' the objects into the STIDF format
#Creating the STIDF Object - spatial and temporal object, values
stidf <- STIDF(sp_sp, t, data = data)
Making the prediction grid - space and time grid
#space grid
x.range_1 <- as.numeric(c(-608380.858, 860489.815))
y.range_1 <- as.numeric(c(6080795, 7383164))
grd <- expand.grid(x = seq(from = x.range_1[1], to = x.range_1[2], by
= 10000), y = seq(from = y.range_1[1], to = y.range_1[2], by =
coordinates(grd) <- ~x + y
grd <- SpatialPixels(grd, proj4string = "+proj=utm +zone=51 +south
+datum=WGS84 +units=m
#time grid
n <- 5
tgrd <- xts(1:n, seq(min(t)-10, max(t)+100, length = n))
#space-time grid
pred.grd <- STF(grd, tgrd)
Variogram model
vs1 <- variogramST(values~1, stidf, tunit="days",
tlags=seq(0,100, length = 7),
assumeRegular = F,
na.omit = T,
cores = 4)
#fitting Variogram modell
ssm <- vgmST("simpleSumMetric",
space = vgm(9,"Gau", 136417, 1.6),
time = vgm(3,"Gau", 18, 7.5),
joint = vgm(3,"Gau", 500, 2),
nugget=1.6, stAni= 18677.26)
ssm_vgm <- fit.StVariogram(vs1, ssm, fit.method = 7,
method = "L-BFGS-B")
STKriging interpolation
EHFI_krg <- krigeST(values~1, data=stidf, newdata=pred.grd,
modelList=ssm_vgm, nmax = 30, stAni = 18677.26,
bufferNmax=3, progress=TRUE)
Space/time plot using STplot
STmap <- stplot(EHFI_krg, mode = "xt", as.table = T, scaleX = 1)
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Views: 88