public class Ledger {
public Payment head;
public int id;
public Ledger next;
* Default constructor
* You may modify this constructor if you need to (e.g.
* if you want to initialise extra attributes in the class)
public Ledger() {
head = null;
id = 0;
next = null;
// add initialisation of added attributes, if needed
// Assign an id to the current Ledger
public void setId(int id) { = id;
* @return the number of payments in the Ledger
public int size() {
Payment curr =head;
int count=0;
while(curr!=null) {;
return count;
public void addPayment(Payment payment) {
// if Payment is null, do nothing
Payment head=payment ;
Payment temp=head;
if(head!=null) {
while(!=null) {;
} new Payment();
Hi I just learnt Linkedlist recently and trying to figure out the size of the linkedlist, somehow it wouldn't pass the test case for some reason. Can anyone point out what I did wrong in the size() method?
I have put up the addPayment method as well. Is it maybe I need to edit the constructor? This is where I am getting confused at.
Please see below for the test case.
public void testLedgerSize() {
assertTimeoutPreemptively(Duration.ofMillis(1000), () -> {
String[] fromPerson = { "Eren", "Mikasa", "a", "c", "Armin", "Jean", "Levi", "Sakura", "Naruto", "Erwin",
"Sasuke", "Ichigo", "Luffy", "Scarlet"
String[] toPerson = { "Levi", "a", "Mikasa", "c", "Jean", "Armin", "Sakura", "Levi", "Sasuke", "Erwin", "Scarlet",
"Naruto", "Rukia", "Ichigo", "Thomas"
double[] payment = { 10.0, 100.1, 21.0, 55.5, 29.9, 99.9, 100.0, 29.99, 30.0, 24.95, 35.0, 34.49, 99.95, 50,
400 };
// String[] registeredPeople = {"Eren", "Levi", "Mikasa", "Armin", "Erwin",
// "Jean", "Annie", "Reiner", "Hanji", "Sasha"};
// Case 1: empty Ledger
Ledger empty = new Ledger();
assertEquals(0, empty.size());
// Case 2: Non empty Ledger size computed accurately
Ledger nonEmpty = new Ledger();
for (int i = 0; i < fromPerson.length; i++) {
nonEmpty.addPayment(new Payment(fromPerson[i], toPerson[i], payment[i], null));
assertEquals(toPerson.length, nonEmpty.size());
// Case 3: Ledger with one Payment only
Ledger singlePayment = new Ledger();
singlePayment.addPayment(new Payment("Eren", "Levi", 100, null));
assertEquals(1, singlePayment.size());
currentMethodName = new Throwable().getStackTrace()[0].getMethodName();
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You have the attributes part mixed up. In a LinkedList, you need a class for the LinkedList (called Ledger in your case), and this class has to contain a pointer of the node type (called Payment in your case). The required classes will look like this:
Ledger class (LinkedList):
public class Ledger {
public Payment head;
public int id;
* Default constructor
* <p>
* You may modify this constructor if you need to (e.g.
* if you want to initialise extra attributes in the class)
public Ledger() {
head = null;
id = 0;
// add initialisation of added attributes, if needed
// Assign an id to the current Ledger
public void setId(int id) { = id;
* @return the number of payments in the Ledger
public int size() {
Payment curr = head;
int count = 0;
while (curr != null) {
curr =;
return count;
Payment class (Node) (PS: I wrote this since you didn't include it in your post – but it should work well as a skeleton to yours):
public class Payment <T> {
private T data;
private Payment<T> next;
public Payment(T data) { = data;
public T getData() {
return data;
public void setData(T data) { = data;
public Payment<T> getNext() {
return next;
public void setNext(Payment<T> next) { = next;
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