Reputation: 1152
I want to plot the utilization distributions of two animals on a spatial map background and calculate area overlap. However, for some reason, although both layers have the same projection, one is off (plotted too far to the east). Consequently, any overlap I calculate then is incorrect.
So my question is what causes this issue and how can I fix this?
Below are my two rasters, transformed to SpatialPolygons
so that I could use gIntersection()
to calculate overlap. Note that while p1
plots just fine, p2
does not.
p1 <- class : SpatialPolygons
features : 549
extent : 667950.6, 672950.6, 2840181, 2853981 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
coord. ref. : +proj=utm +zone=17 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs
p2 <- class : SpatialPolygons
features : 257
extent : 670158.7, 673958.7, 2839623, 2851623 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
coord. ref. : +proj=utm +zone=17 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs
Below pic shows how the polygons are currently plotted. p1 is depicted in green, and p2 is in red.
Desired plotting location for p2 should look like this (this plot is created in ggplot2
from the same raster file):
I thought maybe it was because the extents are so different. So I extended the areas of both rasters to the same extent, after which I converted them to polygons and plotted. But this does not solve anything.
EDIT: rasters r1
and r2
that can be converted to SpatialPolygons
using as(x, 'SpatialPolygons')
can be downloaded here and here.
EDIT 2: The crs for both rasters should be:
"+proj=utm +zone=17 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"
EDIT 3: If it helps, the two rasters in question were generated by combining 2 sub-region rasters (central and north) after first extending the spatial extents of each raster to the spatial extent shared by both rasters and then rescaling to range from 0 to 1. However, some other rasters (not included here) are made up from 3 sub-region rasters. I don't know why this could matter, as the projections of the rasters are the same, so therefore should lead to correct spatial plots?
EDIT 4: Region rasters that were used to create r1 can be downloaded here and here. Similarly, region rasters for r2 are here and here.
EDIT 5: Below the code that i used to generate the output. Sorry for not introducing this earlier. r1
and r2
provided in the links are identical to r1.recl
and r2.recl
where the 0's have been replaced by NA.
library(magrittr) <- "+proj=aeqd +lat_0=25.6871 +lon_0=-79.29336 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs" #aeqd is original CRS
UTMstring <- "+proj=utm +zone=17 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs" # crs of study site shapefile
r1 = raster("r1")
proj4string(r1) <- CRS(
r1 %<>% raster::setMinMax()
r1 <- projectRaster(r1, crs = UTMstring)
r1[] <- 0
r1 <- r1 / max(r1@data@values)
recl <- matrix(data = c(0, 0.05, 0,
0.05, 1, 1), ncol = 3, byrow = T)
r1.recl <- reclassify(r1, recl)
r1.recl[r1.recl == 0] <- NA
r2 = raster("r2")
proj4string(r2) <- CRS(
r2 %<>% raster::setMinMax()
r2 <- projectRaster(r2, crs = UTMstring)
r2[] <- 0
r2 <- r2 / max(r2@data@values)
r2.recl <- reclassify(r2, recl)
r2.recl[r2.recl == 0] <- NA
# convert rasters to spatial polygons; vector shapes give access to spatial tools in the {rgeos} package
p1 <- as(r1.recl, 'SpatialPolygons')
p2 <- as(r2.recl, 'SpatialPolygons')
overlap <- gIntersection(p1, p2) # Creates raster
# Calculate common area
plot(p1, col = "green")
plot(p2, col = "red", add = TRUE)
plot(overlap, col = "orange", add = TRUE)
# calculate area of overlap (in m2)
common.area <- gArea(overlap) / (1000^2)
[1] 92716.54
Upvotes: 0
Views: 187
Reputation: 47071
Here are two approaches to compute overlap with your data.
Your data
prj <- "+proj=utm +zone=17 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"
r1 <- rast("r1.asc")
crs(r1) <- prj
r2 <- rast("r2.asc")
crs(r2) <- prj
The "raster" approach
e <- union(ext(r1), ext(r2))
x1 <- extend(r1, e)
x2 <- resample(r2, x1) + 1
y <- sum(c(x1, x2), na.rm=TRUE)
a <- cellSize(y)
zonal(a, y, "sum")
# sum area
#1 1 21881870.89
#2 2 10200711.13
#3 3 80006.73
Where "1" is the area covered by species r1
, "2" by r2
and "3" by both.
You can also assume a fixed nominal resolution. In this case that is only a little less precise (but that is not always the case)
f <- freq(y)
f$area <- f$count * prod(res(y))
# value count area
#1 1 547 21880000
#2 2 255 10200000
#3 3 2 80000
The "vector" approach
p1 <- as.polygons(r1)
p2 <- as.polygons(r2)
p <- union(p1, p2)
p$area <- expanse(p)
# r1 r2 area
#1 1 1 92724.32
#2 1 NA 21869156.44
#3 NA 1 10187993.21
You could also do
intersect(p1, p2) |> expanse()
#[1] 92724.32
The results are similar for the raster and vector approach, but not the same. This is because the raster data are not aligned, which suggests that you could improve how these were created.
Plotting the two species shows the same pattern you have
p1$sp <- "1"
p2$sp <- "2"
p <- rbind(p1, p2)
plot(p, "sp")
And I can more-or-less reproduce r1
and r2
(but I need to guess things, in the future please describe your procedures with code, not with natural language) :
bn = rast("bull_North.asc")
bs = rast("bull_South.asc")
rn = rast("reef_North.asc")
rs = rast("reef_South.asc")
b2 = bn + bs
r2 = rn + rs
e <- intersect(ext(b2), ext(r2))
b <- crop(b2, e)
r <- crop(r2, e)
b <- ifel(b>0.05, 1, NA)
r <- ifel(r>0.05, 1, NA)
plot(b, col="blue")
plot(r, col="red", add=TRUE)
So, clearly the problem is already present in the original data.
Upvotes: 1