Reputation: 3
--- Summary of the Question ---
I have an Entity in Core Data containing the Properties:
name: String
owned: Boolean
price: UInt16
How do I do a Fetch Request in one go (without post processing), to obtain a result collection (Dictionary, as Core Data returns with Aggregate functions), which meets the following description (example of one item in the returned array dictionary):
name = <>;
count = <how many identical I have>
ownednb = <how many of the identical have the entity.owned property set>
expensivenb = <how many of the identical have price > 20 >
From above I solved almost everything, except the "expensivenb" part, see below:
--- What I did, how I did, and what is already working ---
I want to implement the equivalent of the following SQL SELECT with Core Data Fetch Request (in Swift preferably). Most of the parts of it I have solved, only the part below the code I am still missing, and have no idea how to combine NSPredicates / NSExpressions to achieve that, or if it is even possible.
I have an Entity in Core Data containing the Properties (as shown in the "play" SQL):
name: String
owned: Boolean
price: UInt16
Intention is to aggregate the Fetch Request to Core Data, based on certain Rules on the Properties.
I did a sample of an SQL script to see if this I can do this with normal queries in SQL, and to visualize the Result (running and working, the example can be executed in or any other online SQL simulator, to see the intended Result):
-- create a table -- this part is handled by the Core Data Entity
owned bool NOT NULL,
-- insert some values -- this part is handled by the UI (User Input)
INSERT INTO cards VALUES (1, 'Liliana', 1, 24);
INSERT INTO cards VALUES (2, 'Jace', 0, 23);
INSERT INTO cards VALUES (3, 'Liliana', 0, 18);
INSERT INTO cards VALUES (4, 'Jace', 1, 16);
INSERT INTO cards VALUES (5, 'Liliana', 0, 25);
INSERT INTO cards VALUES (6, 'Liliana', 1, 29);
-- fetch some values - this is the Fetch Request to the Core Data
SELECT name, COUNT(name) as totalnb, SUM(owned > 0) as ownednb, SUM(CASE WHEN price > 20 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as expensivenb FROM cards GROUP BY name
The problematic part is: SUM(CASE WHEN price > 20 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) to translate to the Fetch Request as an Aggregate Function with a Condition inside. I do not want to add the Condition as NSPredicate (WHERE) of the Fetch Request - as that would limit the Results; I just want to aggregate by the "transformed" Property.
The code in Swift for the Fetch Request (SELECT of the SQL Query) I also have working (except the missing part):
The Fetch Request:
let request = NSFetchRequest<NSFetchRequestResult>(entityName: "CardData")
Aggregation for COUNT(name) as totalnb:
let keyPathCardName = NSExpression(forKeyPath: "name")
let cardCountExpression = NSExpression(forFunction: "count:", arguments: [keyPathCardName])
let cardCountDescriptor = NSExpressionDescription()
cardCountDescriptor.expression = cardCountExpression = "totalnb"
cardCountDescriptor.expressionResultType = .integer64AttributeType
Aggregation for SUM(owned > 0) as ownednb:
let keyPathOwned = NSExpression(forKeyPath: "owned")
let cardOwnedCountExpression = NSExpression(forFunction: "sum:", arguments: [keyPathOwned])
let cardOwnedCountDescriptor = NSExpressionDescription()
cardOwnedCountDescriptor.expression = cardOwnedCountExpression = "ownednb"
cardOwnedCountDescriptor.expressionResultType = .integer64AttributeType
Aggregation for SUM(CASE WHEN price > 20 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as expensivenb:
// >> This is the part I am missing, but I expect it should be something like the chunk above for the SUM(owned > 0) as ownednb, but with a Condition somehow added inside. <<
And the remaining part of the Fetch Request:
request.propertiesToFetch = ["name", cardCountDescriptor, cardOwnedCountDescriptor]
request.propertiesToGroupBy = ["name"]
request.resultType = .dictionaryResultType
do {
let result = try context.fetch(request)
} catch {
print("Error: Failed fetching all Card Data from Context \(error)")
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks, Andrei
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Views: 116