Reputation: 21
I'm learning to write a boot loader for X86 machine using tool "as" and "ld", but I meet a question.
The makefile is as following:
${AS} -a $< -o $*.o >$*.map
all: final.img
final.img: bootsect
mv bootsect final.img
bootsect: bootsect.o
${LD} --oformat binary -N -e start -Ttext 0x7c00 -o bootsect $<
rm -rf *.o *.map *.img
When I make the file bootsect.s below to build final.img, there's no problem and yes "Hello world" shows on the screen
.globl start
jmp code
.string "Hello world!\x0"
movw $0xb800, %ax
movw %ax, %es #for display buffer address
movw $0, %ax
movw %ax, %ds
movw $msg, %si
movw $0, %di
movb $0x07, %al
cmp $0, (%si)
je 1f
movsb #DS:(E)SI to ES:(E)DI
stosb #AL to ES:(E)DI
jmp 1b
1: jmp 1b
.org 0x1fe, 0x90
.word 0xaa55
But if I have some little change of the bootsect.s above as following:
.globl start
.string "Hello world!\x0"
movw $0xb800, %ax
movw %ax, %es #for display buffer address
movw $0, %ax
movw %ax, %ds
movw $msg, %si
movw $0, %di
movb $0x07, %al
cmp $0, (%si)
je 1f
movsb #DS:(E)SI to ES:(E)DI
stosb #AL to ES:(E)DI
jmp 1b
1: jmp 1b
.org 0x1fe, 0x90
.word 0xaa55
There's nothing output from screen.
I'm confused why ? Could you help me ?
Upvotes: 2
Views: 318
Reputation: 39925
When you output a binary file, the entry point you specify makes no difference to the running of the program since there is no header to specify it in. The loader simply starts at a certain offset, which with bootloaders is the beginning of the file. When you put the string as the first thing in your assembly, it will also be the first thing in your output, which means the processor will treat it as code and try to execute it. If you're lucky, the string will generate an invalid opcode quickly, allowing you to determine what happened. If you're unlucky, the string will be valid code and the program will "run", but the results will not be what you expect.
Upvotes: 4