Reputation: 9965
Github workflows on Windows VM offers PostgreSQL, but it does not include PostGIS. I would like to install it, but it seems it is missing as an installable package. Is there an easy way to get it installed and used as part of my CI?
Windows Hosts do not allow docker, nor do they allow github workflow services.
P.S. If you know of something similar for the Mac VMs, please comment too! :)
Upvotes: 0
Views: 141
Reputation: 9965
My own solution - it parses Postgis windows download page, downloads and caches Postgis files, installs them into Windows PostgreSQL, starts the service and registers postgis.
runs-on: windows-latest
- name: Checkout sources
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Decide Postgis version
# Download the list of available Postgis versions, and decide which one to use
id: postgis-ver
run: |
$PG_VERSION = Split-Path $env:PGROOT -Leaf
$postgis_page = "$PG_VERSION"
echo "Detecting PostGIS version from $postgis_page for PostgreSQL $PG_VERSION"
$pgis_bundle = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $postgis_page -ErrorAction Stop).Links.Where({$_.href -match "^postgis.*zip$"}).href
if (!$pgis_bundle) {
Write-Error "Could not find latest PostGIS version in $postgis_page that would match ^postgis.*zip$ pattern"
exit 1
$pgis_bundle = [IO.Path]::ChangeExtension($pgis_bundle, [NullString]::Value)
$pgis_bundle_url = "$postgis_page/$"
Add-Content $env:GITHUB_OUTPUT "pgis_bundle=$pgis_bundle"
Add-Content $env:GITHUB_OUTPUT "pgis_bundle_url=$pgis_bundle_url"
- uses: actions/cache@v3
id: cache-downloads
path: ${{ env.CACHED_DOWNLOADS }}
key: ${{ runner.os }}-${{ steps.postgis-ver.outputs.pgis_bundle_url }}
- name: Download Postgis
if: steps.postgis-ver.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
# Download Postgis bundle if not in cache
PGIS_BUNDLE: ${{ steps.postgis-ver.outputs.pgis_bundle }}
PGIS_BUNDLE_URL: ${{ steps.postgis-ver.outputs.pgis_bundle_url }}
run: |
echo "Downloading $env:PGIS_BUNDLE from $env:PGIS_BUNDLE_URL"
$postgis_zip = ""
Invoke-WebRequest $env:PGIS_BUNDLE_URL -OutFile $postgis_zip -ErrorAction Stop
echo "Extracting $env:CACHED_DOWNLOADS\$env:PGIS_BUNDLE\*"
Remove-Item $env:CACHED_DOWNLOADS -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
echo "Expanded $((Expand-Archive $postgis_zip -DestinationPath $env:CACHED_DOWNLOADS -PassThru).count) files from $postgis_zip"
echo "Moved $((Move-Item -Path "$env:CACHED_DOWNLOADS\$env:PGIS_BUNDLE\*" -Destination $env:CACHED_DOWNLOADS -Force -PassThru).count) files to $env:CACHED_DOWNLOADS"
Remove-Item $postgis_zip
if (!(Test-Path "$env:CACHED_DOWNLOADS\*")) {
Write-Error "Could not find PostGIS files in $env:CACHED_DOWNLOADS"
exit 1
- name: Install Postgis
run: |
if (!(Test-Path "$env:CACHED_DOWNLOADS\*")) {
Write-Error "Could not find PostGIS files in $env:CACHED_DOWNLOADS"
exit 1
echo "Copied $((Copy-Item -Path "$env:CACHED_DOWNLOADS\*" -Destination $env:PGROOT -Force -Recurse -PassThru).count) PostGIS files to $env:PGROOT"
echo "Starting PostgreSQL and adding postgis extension"
$env:Path = "$env:PGBIN;" + $env:Path
& pg_ctl restart -D "$env:PGDATA"
& pg_isready
& psql -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 -c "select version();"
& psql -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;"
Upvotes: 0