
Reputation: 11

How to cluster polygons with react-leaflet?

I'm looking for a way to cluster polygons using react-leaflet v4 and react-leaflet-markercluster. I have not found any up-to-date examples of how I can achieve this, so I'm hoping I might get some help here.

Any example code to get me started would be a great help!

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Views: 944

Answers (1)


Reputation: 1634

This will probably not solve your problem directly but hopefully show that using markercluster is rather simple. The only thing you need is to have a createMarkerCluster function.

clusterProps has a field for polygonOptions:

        * Options to pass when creating the L.Polygon(points, options) to show the bounds of a cluster.
        * Defaults to empty
        polygonOptions?: PolylineOptions | undefined;

Since you now use a plain leaflet plugin it opens up for mor information on the internet, these two might help how you should configure polygonOptions How to make MarkerClusterGroup cluster polygons

Below is my general code to make clustermarkers work with React:

import { createPathComponent } from "@react-leaflet/core";
import L, { LeafletMouseEventHandlerFn } from "leaflet";
import "leaflet.markercluster";
import { ReactElement, useMemo } from "react";
import { Building, BuildingStore, Circle } from "tabler-icons-react";
import { createLeafletIcon } from "./utils";
import styles from "./LeafletMarkerCluster.module.css";
import "leaflet.markercluster/dist/MarkerCluster.css";
type ClusterType = { [key in string]: any };

type ClusterEvents = {
  onClick?: LeafletMouseEventHandlerFn;
  onDblClick?: LeafletMouseEventHandlerFn;
  onMouseDown?: LeafletMouseEventHandlerFn;
  onMouseUp?: LeafletMouseEventHandlerFn;
  onMouseOver?: LeafletMouseEventHandlerFn;
  onMouseOut?: LeafletMouseEventHandlerFn;
  onContextMenu?: LeafletMouseEventHandlerFn;

// Leaflet is badly typed, if more props needed add them to the interface.
// Look in this file to see what is available.
// node_modules/@types/leaflet.markercluster/index.d.ts
// MarkerClusterGroupOptions
export interface LeafletMarkerClusterProps {
  spiderfyOnMaxZoom?: boolean;
  children: React.ReactNode;
  size?: number;
  icon?: ReactElement;
const createMarkerCluster = (
    children: _c,
    size = 30,
    icon = <Circle size={size} />,
  }: LeafletMarkerClusterProps,
  context: any
) => {
  const markerIcons = {
    default: <Circle size={size} />,
    property: <Building size={size} />,
    business: <BuildingStore size={size} />,
  } as { [key in string]: ReactElement };

  const clusterProps: ClusterType = {
    iconCreateFunction: (cluster: any) => {
      const markers = cluster.getAllChildMarkers();

      const types = markers.reduce(
          acc: { [x: string]: number },
          marker: {
            key: string;
            options: { icon: { options: { className: string } } };
        ) => {
          const key = marker?.key || "";
          const type =
            marker.options.icon.options.className || key.split("-")[0];
          const increment = (key.split("-")[1] as unknown as number) || 1;

          if (type in markerIcons) {
            return { ...acc, [type]: (acc[type] || 0) + increment };
          return { ...acc, default: (acc.default || 0) + increment };
      ) as { [key in string]: number };
      const typeIcons = Object.entries(types).map(([type, count], index) => {
        if (count > 0) {
          const typeIcon = markerIcons[type];
          return (
            <div key={`${type}-${count}`} style={{ display: "flex" }}>
              <span style={{ width: "max-content" }}>{count}</span>
      const iconWidth = typeIcons.length * size;

      return createLeafletIcon(
        <div style={{ display: "flex" }} className={"cluster-marker"}>
    showCoverageOnHover: false,
    animate: true,
    animateAddingMarkers: false,
    removeOutsideVisibleBounds: false,
  const clusterEvents: ClusterType = {};
  // Splitting props and events to different objects
  Object.entries(props).forEach(([propName, prop]) =>
      ? (clusterEvents[propName] = prop)
      : (clusterProps[propName] = prop)

  const instance = new (L as any).MarkerClusterGroup(clusterProps);

  instance.on("spiderfied", (e: any) => {
  instance.on("unspiderfied", (e: any) => {

  // This is not used at the moment, but could be used to add events to the cluster.
  // Initializing event listeners
  Object.entries(clusterEvents).forEach(([eventAsProp, callback]) => {
    const clusterEvent = `cluster${eventAsProp.substring(2).toLowerCase()}`;
    instance.on(clusterEvent, callback);
  return {
    context: {
      layerContainer: instance,
const updateMarkerCluster = (instance: any, props: any, prevProps: any) => {};
const LeafletMarkerCluster = createPathComponent(

const LeafletMarkerClusterWrapper: React.FC<LeafletMarkerClusterProps> = ({
}) => {
  const markerCluster = useMemo(() => {
    return <LeafletMarkerCluster>{children}</LeafletMarkerCluster>;
  }, [children]);
  return <>{markerCluster}</>;

export default LeafletMarkerClusterWrapper;

Below is my function to create a marker icon from react elements:

import { divIcon } from "leaflet";
import { ReactElement } from "react";
import { renderToString } from "react-dom/server";

export const createLeafletIcon = (
  icon: ReactElement,
  size: number,
  className?: string,
  width: number = size,
  height: number = size
) => {
  return divIcon({
    html: renderToString(icon),
    iconSize: [width, height],
    iconAnchor: [width / 2, height],
    popupAnchor: [0, -height],
    className: className ? className : "",

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