
Reputation: 1743

Why is my REINFORCE algorithm not learning?

I am training a REINFORCE algorithm on the CartPole environment. Due to the simple nature of the environment, I expect it to learn quickly. However, that doesn't happen.

Here is the main portion of the algorithm -

for i in range(episodes):
    print("i = ", i)
    state = env.reset()
    done = False
    transitions = []

    tot_rewards = 0
    while not done:

        act_proba = model(torch.from_numpy(state))
        action = np.random.choice(np.array([0,1]), p =
        next_state, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
        tot_rewards += 1
        transitions.append((state, action, tot_rewards))
        state = next_state

    if i%50==0:
        print("i = ", i, ",reward = ", tot_rewards)
    reward_batch = torch.Tensor([r for (s,a,r) in transitions])
    disc_rewards = discount_rewards(reward_batch)
    nrml_disc_rewards = normalize_rewards(disc_rewards)
    state_batch = torch.Tensor([s for (s,a,r) in transitions])
    action_batch = torch.Tensor([a for (s,a,r) in transitions])
    pred_batch = model(state_batch)
    prob_batch = pred_batch.gather(dim=1, index=action_batch.long().view(-1, 1)).squeeze()
    loss = -(torch.sum(torch.log(prob_batch)*nrml_disc_rewards))

Here is the entire algorithm -

#I referred to this when writing the code -

import numpy as np
import gym
import torch
from torch import nn
env = gym.make('CartPole-v0')
learning_rate = 0.0001
episodes = 10000

def discount_rewards(reward, gamma = 0.99):
    return torch.pow(gamma, torch.arange(len(reward)))*reward
def normalize_rewards(disc_reward):
    return disc_reward/(disc_reward.max())

class NeuralNetwork(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, state_size, action_size):
        super(NeuralNetwork, self).__init__()
        self.state_size = state_size
        self.action_size = action_size
        self.linear_relu_stack = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(state_size, 300),
            nn.Linear(300, 128),
            nn.Linear(128, 128),
            nn.Linear(128, action_size),

    def forward(self,x):
        x = self.linear_relu_stack(x)
        return x

model = NeuralNetwork(env.observation_space.shape[0], env.action_space.n)
opt = torch.optim.Adam(params = model.parameters(), lr = learning_rate)
score = []
for i in range(episodes):
    print("i = ", i)
    state = env.reset()
    done = False
    transitions = []

    tot_rewards = 0
    while not done:

        act_proba = model(torch.from_numpy(state))
        action = np.random.choice(np.array([0,1]), p =
        next_state, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
        tot_rewards += 1
        transitions.append((state, action, tot_rewards))
        state = next_state

    if i%50==0:
        print("i = ", i, ",reward = ", tot_rewards)
    reward_batch = torch.Tensor([r for (s,a,r) in transitions])
    disc_rewards = discount_rewards(reward_batch)
    nrml_disc_rewards = normalize_rewards(disc_rewards)
    state_batch = torch.Tensor([s for (s,a,r) in transitions])
    action_batch = torch.Tensor([a for (s,a,r) in transitions])
    pred_batch = model(state_batch)
    prob_batch = pred_batch.gather(dim=1, index=action_batch.long().view(-1, 1)).squeeze()
    loss = -(torch.sum(torch.log(prob_batch)*nrml_disc_rewards))

Upvotes: 1

Views: 1017

Answers (1)


Reputation: 305

Your computation for discounting the reward is where your mistake is.

In REINFORCE (and many other algorithms) you need to compute the sum of future discounted rewards for every step onward.

This means that the sum of discounted rewards for the first step should be:

G_1 = r_1 + gamma * r_2 + (gamma ** 2) * r_3 + ... + (gamma ** (T-1)) * r_T

G_2 = r_2 + gamma * r_3 + (gamma ** 2) * r_4 + ... + (gamma ** (T-1)) * r_T

And so on...

This gives you an array containing all the sum of future rewards for every step (i.e. [G_1, G_2, G_3, ... , G_T])

However, what you compute currently is only applying a discount on the current step's reward:

G_1 = r_1

G_2 = gamma * r_2

G_3 = (gamma ** 2) * r_3

And so on...

Here is the Python code fixing your problem. We compute from the back of the list of reward to the front to be more computationally efficient.

def discount_rewards(reward, gamma=0.99):
    R = 0
    returns = []
    reward = reward.tolist()
    for r in reward[::-1]:
        R = r + gamma * R

    returns = torch.tensor(returns[::-1])
    return returns

Here is a figure showing the progression of the algorithm's score over the first 5000 steps.

Plot showing progression of the score for the first 5000 steps of learning

Upvotes: 3

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