Reputation: 41
I'm trying to get a keras model I converted to tensorflowJS to work in react native but getting the error in predicting the image tensor.
I have trained a custom tensorflow keras model and converted the keras h5 model to JavaScript JSON model. In React Native project, I have used expo camera with tensorflow to capture the image to predict the damage on the captured image.
Here, I have included the versions use in my projects, commands used to convert and predict the model.
Versions used
React Native Project "expo": ">=45.0.0-0 <46.0.0", "expo-camera": "~12.2.0", "expo-gl": "~11.3.0", "expo-gl-cpp": "~11.3.0", "@tensorflow/tfjs": "^4.0.0", "@tensorflow/tfjs-react-native": "^0.8.0", "react-native-fs": "^2.20.0",
"tensorflow Version" : 2.10.0
Command used to convert Keras h5 to JS json :
tensorflowjs_converter --input_format=keras --weight_shard_size_bytes=419430400 --quantize_float16=* /path/to/model.h5 /path/to/output
Creating and using Layers model in RN
// Load layers model using model json and weights file
const models = await tf.loadLayersModel(bundleResourceIO(modelJSON, weights));
Logs of Capturing Image via expo camera and cameraWithTensors
LOG imageAsTensors: {"kept":false,"isDisposedInternal":false,"shape":[224,224,3],"dtype":"int32","size":150528,"strides":[672,3],"dataId":{"id":670},"id":980,"rankType":"3"}
LOG imageTensorReshaped: {"kept":false,"isDisposedInternal":false,"shape":[1,224,224,3],"dtype":"int32","size":150528,"strides":[150528,672,3],"dataId":{"id":670},"id":981,"rankType":"4","scopeId":408}
Predicting image tensor using model
try {
// predict against the model
const output = await models.predict(imageTensorReshaped, { batchSize: 1 });
return output.dataSync();
} catch (error) {
console.log('Error predicting from tensor image', error);
Receiving the below error in catch Error predicting from tensor image [TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'opHandler.clone')]
Expectations : Prediction result array
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Views: 516