Reputation: 41
I'm trying to use gitlab-ci along with hashicorp vault to provide secrets to ci jobs via jwt auth. I seem to have everything working except the policy.
So I first enabled the jwt auth method:
vault auth enable jwt
Then created a relevant policy:
vault policy write k8s-gcp-env - <<EOF
path "gitlab/k8s-gcp-env/*" {
capabilities = [ "read", "list" ]
And a role:
vault write auth/jwt/role/k8s-gcp-env - <<EOF
"role_type": "jwt",
"policies": ["k8s-gcp-env"],
"token_explicit_max_ttl": 60,
"bound_claims_type": "glob",
"bound_claims": {
"project_id": "28"
Then configured the jwt auth method (with a custom CA):
vault write auth/jwt/config \
jwks_url="https://git.__REDACTED__/-/jwks" \
bound_issuer="git.__REDACTED__" \
This all worked fine, but my pipeline fails to read secrets:
$ export VAULT_ADDR=https://vault.__REDACTED__
$ export VAULT_TOKEN="$(vault write -field=token auth/jwt/login role=$CI_PROJECT_NAME jwt=$CI_JOB_JWT)"
$ vault token lookup
Key Value
--- -----
accessor __REDACTED__
creation_time 1666877529
creation_ttl 1m
display_name __REDACTED__
entity_id 23938616-4ca5-fd51-b607-9a029476ab6d
expire_time 2022-10-27T13:33:09.410411192Z
explicit_max_ttl 1m
issue_time 2022-10-27T13:32:09.410419432Z
meta map[role:k8s-gcp-env]
num_uses 0
orphan true
path auth/jwt/login
policies [default k8s-gcp-env]
renewable true
ttl 59s
type service
$ export SERVICE_ACCOUNT="$(vault kv get -field=service_account gitlab/k8s-gcp-env/gcp)"
Error reading gitlab/data/k8s-gcp-env/gcp: Error making API request.
URL: GET https://vault.__REDACTED__/v1/gitlab/data/k8s-gcp-env/gcp
Code: 403. Errors:
* 1 error occurred:
* permission denied
So I decided to debug it outside the pipline with an ad-hoc token with the same policy:
❯ vault token create -policy=k8s-gcp-env
Key Value
--- -----
token __REDACTED__
token_accessor __REDACTED__
token_duration 768h
token_renewable true
token_policies ["default" "k8s-gcp-env"]
identity_policies []
policies ["default" "k8s-gcp-env"]
❯ VAULT_TOKEN="__REDACTED__" vault token lookup
Key Value
--- -----
accessor __REDACTED__
creation_time 1666898416
creation_ttl 768h
display_name token
entity_id n/a
expire_time 2022-11-28T19:20:16.462740878Z
explicit_max_ttl 0s
issue_time 2022-10-27T19:20:16.462747868Z
meta <nil>
num_uses 0
orphan false
path auth/token/create
policies [default k8s-gcp-env]
renewable true
ttl 767h58m30s
type service
vault token capabilities __REDACTED__ gitlab/k8s-gcp-env/gcp
list, read
(however despite having the capabilities, this fails)
VAULT_TOKEN="__REDACTED__" vault kv get -field=service_account gitlab/k8s-gcp-env/gcp
Error reading gitlab/data/k8s-gcp-env/gcp: Error making API request.
URL: GET https://vault.__REDACTED__/v1/gitlab/data/k8s-gcp-env/gcp
Code: 403. Errors:
* 1 error occurred:
* permission denied
The secret path is definitely correct as when I do this with a root token, it works:
❯ vault kv get -field=service_account gitlab/k8s-gcp-env/gcp
"type": "service_account",
"project_id": "__REDACTED__",
"private_key_id": "__REDACTED__",
"private_key": "__REDACTED__",
"client_email": "__REDACTED__",
"client_id": "__REDACTED__",
"auth_uri": "",
"token_uri": "",
"auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
"client_x509_cert_url": ""
What am I missing? This is driving me mad.
This is the page I've been following:
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1001
Reputation: 41
Answer was to grant the policy capabilities to gitlab/data/k8s-gcp-env:
vault policy write k8s-gcp-env - <<EOF
path "gitlab/data/k8s-gcp-env/*" {
capabilities = [ "read", "list" ]
I'm not really sure of the "why" here, but it works.
Upvotes: 0