Reputation: 446
I'm looking for a command in Windows (either cmd or powershell) which will allow me to get which exact type of bus interface my storage device have, not only the type, but also the revision (SATA3, SATA4, NVME2.0 and so on).
For example:
> wmic diskdrive get InterfaceRevision
Upvotes: 0
Views: 989
Reputation: 3168
This will get you the bus but not the version.
Function Get-MaxLength {
Finds the length of the longest item in collection.
Use this Function to get the length of the longest item in a
collection for use in format strings or other places where
The qualified object to be tested. See example!
.Parameter MinLen
The minimum length of the item (if using for formatting) which
should be the Label (title) length. Note if the object item
being tested does not have a Length property you MUST specify
the label length!
Returns a numerical value
$NameLen = Get-MaxLength -TestObj $DotNet.PSChildName
$VerLen = Get-MaxLength -TestObj $DotNet.Version
$RNLen = Get-MaxLength -TestObj $DotNet.Release -MinLen 11
#--- .Net Information ---
$fmtDotNet =
@{Expression={$_.PSChildName};Label=".Net Type";Width=$NameLen},
@{Expression={$_.Version};Label="Version No:";Width=$VerLen},
@{Expression={$_.Release};Label="Release No:";Width=$RNLen}
$Dotnet | Format-Table $fmtDotNet
[object] $TestObj,
[int] $MinLen = 0,
[int] $MaxLen = 0
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
foreach ($x in $TestObj) {
If ($x.Trim().length -gt $MinLen) {
$MinLen = $x.Trim().length
If ($MaxLen -ne 0) {
If ($MinLen -gt $MaxLen) {
$MinLen = $MaxLen
$ErrorActionPreference = "Continue"
Return ,$MinLen
} #End Function ----------- Get-MaxLength -------------------
Function PhysicalDiskTab {
#Physical Drive Info
$PhyDiskInfo = Get-Disk | Where-Object {$_.size -gt 0 } |
Sort-Object -Property DiskNumber
$SSD = $False
$AMArgs = @{Type = 'NoteProperty'
Name = 'SSD'
Value = 'No'}
$PhyDiskInfo | Add-Member @AMArgs
$AMArgs = @{Type = 'NoteProperty'
Name = 'Speed'
Value = '0'}
$PhyDiskInfo | Add-Member @AMArgs
$GCIArgs = @{
NameSpace = "root\Microsoft\Windows\Storage"
Class = "MSFT_PhysicalDisk"
ErrorAction = "SilentlyContinue"
$RotateSpeed = Get-CimInstance @GCIArgs |
Select-Object -Property DeviceID,@{Name="Speed/RPMs";
Expression={(&{If($_.MediaType -eq 0) {[Int]0}
Else {$_.SpindleSpeed/600000 -f "#,###"}})}} |
Sort-Object DeviceID
ForEach ($x in $phydiskinfo) {
ForEach ($Device in $RotateSpeed) {
If ($x.number -eq $Device.DeviceID) {
If ($Device.'Speed/RPMs' -eq 0) {
$SSD = $True
$x.SSD = "Yes"
} #End If
Else {
$x.Speed = $([Int]$Device.'SPeed/RPMs') -f "#,###"
} #End If ($x.number...
} #End ForEach ($Device
} #End ForEach $x
$DNLen =
Get-MaxLength -TestObj $PhyDiskInfo.Model -MinLen 4
$SNLen =
Get-MaxLength -TestObj $PhyDiskInfo.SerialNumber -MinLen 13
$fmtPhyDisk1 =
@{Expression={ '{0:N0}' -f $_.Number};
Label="Drive`n No.";Width=5;Align='Center'},
@{Expression={ '{0:#,000.00}' -f ($_.Size/1gb)};
Label="Disk Size`n / GB";Width=9;align='right'},
@{Expression={(&{If ($_.IsBoot) {"Yes"} else {""}})};
@{Expression={(&{If ($_.BusType.GetType().Name -eq 'UInt16'){
(& {Switch ($_.BusType) {
0 {"Unknown"}
1 {"SCSI"}
2 {"ATAPI"}
3 {"ATA"}
4 {"1394"}
5 {"SSA"}
6 {"Fibre Channel"}
7 {"USB"}
8 {"RAID"}
9 {"iSCSI"}
10 {"SAS"}
11 {"SATA"}
12 {"SD"}
13 {"MMC"}
14 {"MAX"}
15 {"File Backed Virtual"}
16 {"Storage Spaces"}
17 {"NVMe"}
18 {"MS Reserved"}
Default {"Unknown"}}})}
Else{$_.BusType}})};Label="`nData Bus";Width=20}
$fmtPhyDisk2 =
@{Expression={ '{0:N0}' -f $_.Number};
Label="Drive`n No.";Width=5;Align='Center'},
Label="`nSerial Number";Width=$SNLen;Align='left'},
(&{If ($_.HealthStatus.GetType().Name -eq 'UInt16'){
(& {Switch ($_.HealthStatus) {
0 {"Healthy"}
1 {"Warning"}
2 {"Unhealthy"}
Default {"Unknown"}}})}
Label="Rotation`n RPMs ";Width=8;Align='Right'}
$PhyDiskInfo1 = $PhyDiskInfo |
Format-Table -Property $fmtPhyDisk1 -Wrap |
Out-String -Width $OStrWidth
$PhyDiskInfo2 = $PhyDiskInfo |
Format-Table -Property $fmtPhyDisk2 -Wrap |
Out-String -Width $OStrWidth
$PhyDiskTitle = "Physical Disk Information:" | Out-String
Return ,$($PhyDiskTitle + $PhyDiskInfo1 + $PhyDiskInfo2)
} #End Function ---------------- PhysicalDiskTab --------------
$OStrWidth = 79
Physical Disk Information:
Drive Disk Size Parti GPT
No. Name SSD / GB tions MBR Boot Data Bus
----- ----- --- --------- ----- --- ----- ---------
0 Samsung SSD 960 Yes 232.89 4 GPT Yes NVMe
1 Samsung SSD 850 PRO 256GB Yes 238.47 2 GPT SATA
2 Samsung SSD 850 PRO 256GB Yes 238.47 1 GPT SATA
Drive Rotation
No. Name Serial Number Status RPMs
----- ----- -------------- ------- --------
0 Samsung SSD 960 0025_3853_81B0_B2EB. Healthy 0
1 Samsung SSD 850 PRO 256GB S39KNX0J687882W Healthy 0
2 Samsung SSD 850 PRO 256GB S39KNX0J688151N Healthy 0
This code was pulled from my CMsLocalPCInfoW10 program which can be downloaded from my shared OneDrive library.
Upvotes: 2