Reputation: 31
Not sure if there's a function i'm missing, but i'm having trouble filtering / checking if point geometries fall between two polygons (concentric circles).
Can you create a mask between two concentric polygons, and then use this to filter out the point geometries that contain the feature data of interest?
I tried subsetting between two polygons using the sf_filter package in R. This did not work.
reproducible code below:
#Create fake data <- data.frame(replicate(2,sample(-88: -14,100,rep=TRUE))) # Point data
d <- cbind(seq(-180,180,length.out=360),rep(-88,360))
e <- cbind(seq(-180,180,length.out=360),rep(-30,360))
#Project fake data
d = SpatialPoints(cbind(d[,1], d[,2]), proj4string=CRS("+proj=longlat"))
d <- spTransform(d, CRS("+init=epsg:3976"))
e = SpatialPoints(cbind(e[,1], e[,2]), proj4string=CRS("+proj=longlat"))
e <- spTransform(e, CRS("+init=epsg:3976")) = SpatialPoints(cbind([,1],[,2]), proj4string=CRS("+proj=longlat")) <- spTransform(, CRS("+init=epsg:3976"))
d <- sf::st_as_sf(d, coords = c("X1", "X2"),
remove = FALSE,
crs = st_crs("epsg:3976"))
e <- sf::st_as_sf(e, coords = c("X1", "X2"),
remove = FALSE,
crs = st_crs("epsg:3976")) <- sf::st_as_sf(, coords = c("X1", "X2"),
remove = FALSE,
crs = st_crs("epsg:3976"))
# Create linestrings from circle
d <- d %>%
summarise(do_union = FALSE) %>%
e <- e %>%
summarise(do_union = FALSE) %>%
#Join geometries
nst <- rbind(d,e)
#Create polygon
nst <- nst %>%
#Filtering between polygons doesn't return anything
PFz <- st_filter(,nst)
Upvotes: 3
Views: 977
Reputation: 8699
Consider this approach; it builds on three semi random cities in North Carolina (because I love the nc.shp that ships with {sf}
What it does is that it builds two buffers as sf objects, and then constructs two logical vectors - sf::st_contains()
for the big circle, and small circle.
Then it is a simple logical operation of checking for points that:
Should you want to get more fancy you could run sf::st_difference()
on the two buffer objects, and get the mask directly & check for sf::st_contains()
only once for the "rim" object.
# 3 semi rancom cities in NC (because I *deeply love* the nc.shp file)
cities <- data.frame(name = c("Raleigh", "Greensboro", "Wilmington"),
x = c(-78.633333, -79.819444, -77.912222),
y = c(35.766667, 36.08, 34.223333)) %>%
st_as_sf(coords = c("x", "y"), crs = 4326)
# small buffer - Greensboro will be in; Wilmington not
small_buffer <- cities %>%
filter(name == "Raleigh") %>%
st_geometry() %>%
st_buffer(units::as_units(100, "mile"))
# big buffer - both Greensboro & Wilmington are in
big_buffer <- cities %>%
filter(name == "Raleigh") %>%
st_geometry() %>%
st_buffer(units::as_units(150, "mile"))
# a visual overview
mapview::mapview(list(big_buffer, small_buffer, cities))
# vector of cities in big buffer
in_big_buffer <- st_contains(big_buffer,
sparse = F) %>%
# vector of cities in small buffer
in_small_buffer <- st_contains(small_buffer,
sparse = F) %>%
# cities in concentric circle = in big, and not in small
in_concentric_circle <- in_big_buffer & !in_small_buffer
# check - subset of cities by logical vector
cities %>%
# Simple feature collection with 1 feature and 1 field
# Geometry type: POINT
# Dimension: XY
# Bounding box: xmin: -77.91222 ymin: 34.22333 xmax: -77.91222 ymax: 34.22333
# Geodetic CRS: WGS 84
# name geometry
# 1 Wilmington POINT (-77.91222 34.22333)
Upvotes: 3