Reputation: 294
I am having trouble using agora rtc engine. Every time I start the project I get this error message
I don't know what the problem is since the error message is not very clear to me. In the code I also posted the channel name app Id and token that I am using which I also generated
Here is the code as well
import 'package:agora_rtc_engine/agora_rtc_engine.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:permission_handler/permission_handler.dart';
class LiveStreaming extends StatefulWidget {
const LiveStreaming({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
_LiveStreamingState createState() => _LiveStreamingState();
class _LiveStreamingState extends State<LiveStreaming> {
String appId = '4235f9d46dd349e0b9df3ad2ea011b7d';
String channelName = "ajanba";
String token = "007eJxTYHCe9kzt0Gtu0ZfqVv99H1YoVC06Yltmoth98HnQfaFEEX4FBhMjY9M0yxQTs5QUYxPLVIMky5Q048QUo9REA0PDJPOUtXmJyQ2BjAxxB+cyMzJAIIjPxpCYlZiXlMjAAABaqB+p";
int uid = 0; // uid of the local user
int? _remoteUid; // uid of the remote user
bool _isJoined = false; // Indicates if the local user has joined the channel
bool _isHost =
true; // Indicates whether the user has joined as a host or audience
late RtcEngine agoraEngine; // Agora engine instance
final GlobalKey<ScaffoldMessengerState> scaffoldMessengerKey =
GlobalKey<ScaffoldMessengerState>(); // Global key to access the scaffold
showMessage(String message) {
content: Text(message),
void initState() {
// Set up an instance of Agora engine
Future<void> setupVideoSDKEngine() async {
// retrieve or request camera and microphone permissions
await [Permission.microphone,].request();
//create an instance of the Agora engine
agoraEngine = createAgoraRtcEngine();
await agoraEngine.initialize(RtcEngineContext(appId: appId));
await agoraEngine.enableVideo();
// Register the event handler
onJoinChannelSuccess: (RtcConnection connection, int elapsed) {
"Local user uid:${connection.localUid} joined the channel");
setState(() {
_isJoined = true;
onUserJoined: (RtcConnection connection, int remoteUid, int elapsed) {
showMessage("Remote user uid:$remoteUid joined the channel");
setState(() {
_remoteUid = remoteUid;
onUserOffline: (RtcConnection connection, int remoteUid,
UserOfflineReasonType reason) {
showMessage("Remote user uid:$remoteUid left the channel");
setState(() {
_remoteUid = null;
void join() async {
// Set channel options
ChannelMediaOptions options;
// Set channel profile and client role
if (_isHost) {
options = const ChannelMediaOptions(
clientRoleType: ClientRoleType.clientRoleBroadcaster,
channelProfile: ChannelProfileType.channelProfileLiveBroadcasting,
await agoraEngine.startPreview();
} else {
options = const ChannelMediaOptions(
clientRoleType: ClientRoleType.clientRoleAudience,
channelProfile: ChannelProfileType.channelProfileLiveBroadcasting,
await agoraEngine.joinChannel(
token: token,
channelId: channelName,
options: options,
uid: uid,
void dispose() async {
await agoraEngine.leaveChannel();
void leave() {
setState(() {
_isJoined = false;
_remoteUid = null;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
scaffoldMessengerKey: scaffoldMessengerKey,
home: Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: const Text('Get started with Interactive Live Streaming'),
body: ListView(
padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16, vertical: 4),
children: [
// Container for the local video
height: 240,
decoration: BoxDecoration(border: Border.all()),
child: Center(child: _videoPanel()),
// Radio Buttons
Row(children: <Widget>[
value: true,
groupValue: _isHost,
onChanged: (value) => _handleRadioValueChange(value),
const Text('Host'),
value: false,
groupValue: _isHost,
onChanged: (value) => _handleRadioValueChange(value),
const Text('Audience'),
// Button Row
children: <Widget>[
child: ElevatedButton(
child: const Text("Join"),
onPressed: () => {join()},
const SizedBox(width: 10),
child: ElevatedButton(
child: const Text("Leave"),
onPressed: () => {leave()},
// Button Row ends
Widget _videoPanel() {
if (!_isJoined) {
return const Text(
'Join a channel',
} else if (_isHost) {
// Local user joined as a host
return AgoraVideoView(
controller: VideoViewController(
rtcEngine: agoraEngine,
canvas: VideoCanvas(uid: uid),
} else {
// Local user joined as audience
if (_remoteUid != null) {
return AgoraVideoView(
controller: VideoViewController.remote(
rtcEngine: agoraEngine,
canvas: VideoCanvas(uid: _remoteUid),
connection: RtcConnection(channelId: channelName),
} else {
return const Text(
'Waiting for a host to join',
// Set the client role when a radio button is selected
void _handleRadioValueChange(bool? value) async {
setState(() {
_isHost = (value == true);
if (_isJoined) leave();
Upvotes: 1
Views: 2514
Reputation: 259
I just finished my project with agora so maybe i can help you but the error message link you pasted with question above is not working, Please update it asap for quick solution
Upvotes: 1