
Reputation: 27

Moving files into subfolders according to partial filename with VBA

I have been trying to move over 300+ pdf files to subfolders, which partially match filenames. The file names format is as follow:

Definition, PN 123456, SN unique
Definition(may change), PN 657634(may change), SN unique(always different)

Their pattern is two commas followed by PN and SN: ..., PN ..., SN ...

The folder names are: PN 123456 SN unique.

The example:


VALVE AFT SAFETY, PN 81155B010101, SN 00515
AIR CYCLE MACHINE, PN 820906-3, SN 2010010011
AIR CYCLE MACHINE, PN 820906-3, SN 2010010014

folder names

PN 81155B010101 SN 00515
PN 92147A020103 SN 00501
PN 820906-3 SN 2010010011
PN 820906-3 SN 2010010014
PN 820907-2 SN 0414

The folders are subdirectories, second level.

I tried the information that, was kindly provided by @BNR bnr.455560 here:

My original post:

The below code run as Macro - does nothing.

Public Function Return_SubDirectory_Name(FileName As String) As String
    'define a string array
    Dim Splitter() As String
    ' check if we have a filename with a length > 0  - i.e. no empty filenames
    If Len(FileName) > 0 Then
        ' let's assume the filename is "Definition, PN 123456, SN unique.pdf"
        ' Split creates a string array with the ", " as the break point - notice the space before and after the "-" character
        ' element 0 in the array will hold "Definition"
        ' element 2 in the array will hold "SN inique.pdf
        Splitter = Split(FileName, ", ", 2)
        ' test to make sure the array has JUST two elements
        ' 1st element of ANY array starts with zero
        ' logic would need to be adjusted if file name was something like "02 - 12345 - 123.pdf" - as plsit function would create more elements
        If UBound(Splitter) = 1 Then
            ' now splitter (1) holds the value "PN 123456, SN unique.pdf"
            ' split out the ".pdf" or whatever file extention

            Splitter = Split(Splitter(1), ".")
            ' element (0) now just holds "PN 123456, SN unique" - this *SHOULD* be the sub directory or deal #
'Remove comma "," by replace it to ""
            Splitter = Replace(Splitter(0), ",", "")
            Return_SubDirectory_Name = CStr(Splitter(0))
            ' now exit the function
            Exit Function
        End If
        ' if above logic didn't work (maybe weird file name or whatever) - then drop out here with vbnullstring (empty) filename
        Return_SubDirectory_Name = vbNullString
    End If
End Function

Public Sub Check_Files(Search_Path As String)

    Dim File_Name As String
    Dim File_Type As String
    Dim strFileName As String
    Dim Deal_Name As String
    Dim Archive_Path As String
    Dim Target_Path As String
    Dim File_Count As Integer
    ' setup where the archive directory is - maybe a network location?
    ' I'll assume it is the same directory path as the work book - change the following path as required
    ' path should be in a format like "C:\Desktop\MyFiles" or something
    Archive_Path = ThisWorkbook.Path
    ' the search_path is handed into the function as an argument
    ' checks the Search path - this path is where the file currently are - maybe different than where you want to archive them
    Confirm_Directory Search_Path
    ' changes excel's default directory path to the one you want to search
    ChDir Search_Path

    ' assumes .msg files, but could be .pdf files - make changes as needed
    File_Type = Search_Path & "*.pdf"

    ' identifies file name within the target directory
    strFileName = Dir(File_Type)
    ' cycles through each file within the search directory - will continue until the length of the strFileName = 0 (i.e. no files)
    Do While Len(strFileName) > 0
        ' get the sub directory or #deal name
        Deal_Name = Return_SubDirectory_Name(strFileName)
        ' test if we have a valid deal name (not a vbnullstring)
        If Len(Deal_Name) > 0 Then
            ' update the target_path - the target path will change as the different #deal name subdirectories within the archive path change
            Target_Path = Archive_Path & "\" & Deal_Name
            ' checks if THAT target archive path exists - makes one if it doesn't
            Confirm_Directory Target_Path
            ' copy required file to the target archive directory
            FileCopy Search_Path & "\" & strFileName, Target_Path & "\" & strFileName

            ' delete original copy from search directory
            Kill Search_Path & "\" & strFileName
            File_Count = File_Count + 1
        End If
        ' aquires the next filename in the search directory
        strFileName = Dir

    Debug.Print "Moved " & File_Count & " file(s)"

End Sub

Public Sub Confirm_Directory(This_Path As String)
    ' used to test for directory locations
    ' will make sub directories if required
    Dim Splitter() As String
    Dim Test_Path As String
    If Dir(This_Path, vbDirectory) <> vbNullString Then
        Splitter = Split(This_Path, "\")
        For I = LBound(Splitter) To UBound(Splitter)
            If I = 0 Then
                Test_Path = Splitter(0)
                Test_Path = Test_Path & "\" & Splitter(I)
            End If
            If Dir(Test_Path, vbDirectory) = vbNullString Then
                'Debug.Print "'" & Test_Path & "' does not exist"
                MkDir Test_Path
                'Debug.Print "Making ' " & Test_Path & "'"
                GoTo ReTest
                'Debug.Print "'" & Test_Path & "' exists"
            End If
        Next I
    End If

End Sub

Sub Sort_files_2_folders_()

End Sub

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Views: 556

Answers (1)

Tim Williams
Tim Williams

Reputation: 166755

Try this out (adjust file paths as needed)

Sub RelocateFiles()
     Dim allFiles As Collection    'of File objects
     Dim allFolders As Collection  'of Folder objects
     Dim f As Object, fld As Object, sn As String, bMoved As Boolean
     'find all files (include subfolders)
     Set allFiles = GetFiles("C:\Temp\TestFiles\", "*.pdf", True)
     'find all destination folders
     Set allFolders = GetFolders("C:\Temp\TestFiles\", True)
     For Each f In allFiles   'loop over files
        sn = GetSN(f.Name)    'get SN part of name
        bMoved = False        'reset flag
        If Len(sn) > 0 Then   'has "sn" part ?
            For Each fld In allFolders        'loop over folders
                If GetSN(fld.Name) = sn Then  'check folder name
                    Debug.Print "Moving '" & f.Name & _
                            "' to '" & fld.Path & "'"
                    f.Move fld.Path & "\"     'move the files
                    bMoved = True             'flag moved
                    Exit For                  'stop checking
                End If
            Next fld
        End If
        If Not bMoved Then Debug.Print "## Not moved: " & f.Name
     Next f
End Sub

'Return the "sn" part for a folder or file name
Function GetSN(txt As String) As String
    Dim arr, sn, pos As Long
    arr = Split(txt, " SN ")
    If UBound(arr) > 0 Then
        sn = arr(UBound(arr))
        pos = InStr(sn, ".") 'any extension? (if a filename)
        If pos > 0 Then sn = Left(sn, pos - 1) 'remove extension
        GetSN = sn
    End If
End Function

'Find all folders under `startFolder`
'  Returns a collection of Folder objects
Function GetFolders(startFolder As String, _
                    Optional subFolders As Boolean = True) As Object
    Dim fso, fldr, f, subFldr, fpath
    Dim colFolders As New Collection
    Dim colSub As New Collection
    Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    colSub.Add startFolder
    Do While colSub.Count > 0
        Set fldr = fso.getfolder(colSub(1))
        colSub.Remove 1
        For Each subFldr In fldr.subFolders
            If subFolders Then colSub.Add subFldr.Path
            colFolders.Add fso.getfolder(subFldr.Path)
        Next subFldr
    Set GetFolders = colFolders
End Function

'Return a collection of file objects given a starting folder and a file pattern
'  e.g. "*.txt"
'Pass False for last parameter if don't want to check subfolders
Function GetFiles(startFolder As String, filePattern As String, _
                    Optional subFolders As Boolean = True) As Collection

    Dim fso, fldr, f, subFldr, fpath
    Dim colFiles As New Collection
    Dim colSub As New Collection
    Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    colSub.Add startFolder
    Do While colSub.Count > 0
        Set fldr = fso.getfolder(colSub(1))
        colSub.Remove 1
        If subFolders Then
            For Each subFldr In fldr.subFolders
                colSub.Add subFldr.Path
            Next subFldr
        End If
        fpath = fldr.Path
        If Right(fpath, 1) <> "\" Then fpath = fpath & "\"
        f = Dir(fpath & filePattern) 'Dir is faster...
        Do While Len(f) > 0
            colFiles.Add fso.getfile(fpath & f)
            f = Dir()
    Set GetFiles = colFiles
End Function

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